Health Recovery Protocol
What to do to attempt to make yourself healthy if you are suffering from :
Dr. Glidden’s Health Recovery Protocol For Those Suffering With Addictions
MD Cause: Mental instability – cause unknown.
MD Rx: None
ND Cause: Same as Obesity – Chronic Nutrient deficiencies.
Discussion: Pica is a curious condition that happens in some children and some pregnant women. It is the uncontrollable urge to eat strange things like dirt or chalk or sand. I believe that this condition is rooted in chronic nutrient deficiencies and is generated by the same mechanism which causes obesity. Please reference the discussion section under obesity. When the body is chronically under-nutrified it craves things. Most of the time it craves calories. Sometimes the signals get crossed (somehow) and instead of calories the person will crave indigestible things, or alcohol, or nicotine, or street drugs, or whatever. The first consideration when treating somebody with Pica or addictions is to nutrify their bodies completely for 90 days and see what happens.
By the way - this same condition is seen in animals. Cows, or sheep, or horses will, on occasion, eat dirt, rocks, or the wood of their stalls. We believe that the main nutrients missing here are minerals.
My Rx – In addition to the 90 EN and the elimination of the 12 Bad Foods:
Plant Derived Minerals: 1 bottle per 100 pounds per month. 1 ounce per bottle per day in divided doses. It is OK to mix this with any of the other liquids. Conversely, you can take the Ultimate Mineral caps instead. This product will cost less to ship – especially overseas. Get 1 bottle per 200 pounds per month. Take 1 cap per 100 pounds per day between meals.