*Personal results may vary.* If you follow the advice outlined in my health recovery videos, books and DVDs, your results may be better or worse than those outlined below. Recovery is not guaranteed, as there are always lots of variables at play. The people below are certainly glad that they followed my advice - but your results may not be as remarkable. Additionally - it is always a good idea to secure the services of a local, licensed and regulated wholistic health care practitioner to help you objectively gauge your response to whatever health recovery strategy you are employing. - Dr. Glidden


For a number of years, at least 10 yrs, I have had difficulty with my feet. I went to shoe stores and bought and tried wearing shoes that should have alleviated my painful condition. They didn't. About 3 yrs ago I bought the Good Feet inserts--3 different sets--nearly $1000!  But they made a huge difference---I could walk pain free. However, I couldn't walk pain free without wearing the inserts in my shoes. I never did get the problem diagnosed---perhaps fallen arches--I don't know. Then about 2 yrs ago I was introduced to Youngevity's "90 for Life" . I didn't get totally serious about taking the products at my weight until last June.  So when I bought a new pair of work boots a few months ago I decided to try them without the inserts and guess what? No pain---and also no pain walking barefoot!! Wow! This is huge! Just doing the program made the difference. I think it's a real game changer when you take everything based on your weight.

I had a very noticeable age spot on my jaw line---it is fading away. YAY! 

I used to have a lots of trouble with constipation. It has been a problem for more than 30 yrs. But since I stopped eating the 12 bad foods and nutrifying my body that problem too, has been corrected.

For several years I have not been able to clench my fists---they weren't painful, I could do what I needed to do, but I couldn't make a fist. But I can now. All of these improvements have come about thru the program "90 for Life" and eliminating the 12 bad foods. I wish everyone was on the program.

There is a basal cell cancer growth next to my right nostril. Been there for 10+ years, I had 1 removed prior to that and it grew back. I decided I was done with doctors helping with that. Just recently I have been spraying my face, multiple times a day, with Argentyn 23 it is slowing receding, but it is receding.

I agree that doctors are useful in certain situations but when it comes to treating issues like I mentioned above---no way! I had been searching for alternative treatments that would have lasting effects and I feel like I have the last piece to the puzzle. I'm very grateful.

Kathy Kirsch (Stayton, OR, USA)

 Imagine waking up every morning and feeling like you hadn’t slept in week after sleeping 10 hours every day.  That was me for almost 10 years.  I had major brain fog & some days I could barely make it up a flight of stairs.  I was constantly sick with the flu, cold or symptoms of such every 2 to 3 weeks.  I had chronic thrush accompanied with fever, extreme fatigue along with what I later discovered was degenerative disks in my spine resulting in frequent bouts of sciatica.  I also had hypothyroidism, was pre-diabetic and had major digestive problems along with a host of others health issues.   

Initially my MD prescribed an array of prescriptions which only made me worse & after seeing an endless list of so called specialists, I hit a wall.  I finally gave up on seeing any MD’s as they seemed to give up on me.  They’d say things like, “perhaps you’re depressed” or “it’s your genetics” and “you’ll need to stay on these drugs for the rest of your life”.  Being an accountable and driven individual, I felt that these comments were all excuses & didn’t resonate with me as the truth.  I didn’t buy it.   

That’s when I started to visit a local ND.  I changed my diet & started on a lengthy supplement regimen thinking “this was it”.  It wasn’t.  It helped but after several years and thousands invested, I started to lose hope.  This emotional rollercoaster of visiting all kinds of wholistic Dr’s and specialists claiming to have my answer were starting to wear me thin.  The most frustrating part was that I looked fine.  I had to pretend I was well as everyone around me felt that surely my condition was all I my head if the MD’s couldn’t help.  One can only imagine my emotional state towards the end but I somehow kept on fighting if only for my young daughter.  

I can say with conviction that I spent well over $200,000 on treatments & supplements during this time of sheer frustration.  Feeling like I was an experiment and incredibly frustrated, I can’t stress how utterly disheartening it was to spend this kind of money with no recognition, compassion or understanding from my home land of Canada offering free healthcare.  Free it was but not what I’d call healthcare by my physical & emotional state.  This “care” was limited to drugs, emotionally belittling advice & myopic in perspective which left me nearly broke & sick.  

Fast forward a few years & by this time, I had modestly improved but still had to spend hours each day napping & taking a massive round of expensive supplements just to get by.  In the summer of 2015 a good friend encouraged me to give Dr. Wallach’s program a try.  I brushed her off as by that point I thought I had heard it all.  She periodically mentioned him & eventually while walking into a local health store, I saw a poster promoting Dr. Wallach & that he’d be coming to Toronto to give a lecture.  I thought, maybe I should at least go and listen to him as I had nothing to lose.  I went.  Sitting in the front row, I intently focused on his every word hoping this man could help me.  That night I went home with knowledge I had not heard from anyone.  I knew I had to give it a try.  That was November 2015.  

Fast forward to April 2017 and I’m still on his regimen.  Needless to say, my health has improved by leaps and bounds & I can’t even begin to tell you the difference it has made in my life.  I’ll tell you it wasn’t a quick fix & in my case it took almost a year but what kept me going was the continual positive changes that kept occurring.  Things like my sleep, appearance of my skin & hair started to improve along with mental clarity I had never experienced before.  I’m still seeing improvements after all this time & I’m told that I should continue to see more for as long as I’m consuming all 90 essential nutrients.  That’s the platform that Dr. Wallach stands on.  His premise is that your body has the ability to heal by itself.  If we stop & think for a moment that we all grew from a single cell to whom we are, how did that happen?  Why then did we get sick?  Could it all be caused by genetics?  I beg to differ.  

By consuming all 90 nutrients which are deemed essential in one’s diet, the body’s able to function at its peak.  Interestingly, my diet consisted of mainly organic whole foods.  I thought I was getting all the nutrition I needed but it wasn’t until I started on Youngevity that the tides changed.  Not only did Dr. Wallach’s philosophy resonate with me but it was true.  If you Google “soil mineral depletion”, you can see so for yourself.  The facts are readily available.  

As you can see, my story is not straightforward & wanted to convey it through my eyes in hopes you won’t have to experience the same hardship as myself.  From the tips of my toes to the crown of my head, I now know with certainty that every single person needs to take the 90 nutrients.  Healing is not complicated as I was led to believe.  Just like getting an education, one of the most profound things I learned along the way is that health is a journey and not a destination.  

If you need a little more reassurance about the efficacy of Youngevity and Dr. Wallach’s philosophy, I would be more than happy to talk to you.    

Sincerely, Christine Crockett 

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