A rising tide lifts all boats.

Dr. Glidden’s Affiliate Program

Pays a 40% Commission on Subscription Sales Purchased By Your Leads

Already An Affiliate?

Login to your Affiliate account to check its activity with the link below.

Affiliate Sign Up Process

Our Affiliate Program is managed by a company called “Rewardful.”

It pays you a 40% commission on Membership Subscriptions that a referral of yours purchases at this website.

Commissions are paid via PayPal by the 10th of the month.

Becoming an Affiliate is a simple 2-step process.

  1. Get a PayPal account (this is how you are paid your commissions).

  2. Once you have your Paypal account login details, click the Affiliate Sign-Up link below and follow the instructions.

  3. If you do not want to get a PayPal account, then another option is to get a Zelle account from your bank. It is Free.

Dr. Glidden’s company is called “2ND Opinion Health Solutions Inc.” That is the name that will appear in the Rewardful Affiliate Sign-Up Process.


  • Once you have created a Rewardful account, you will be given a line of computer code called a “Link Token.” It will look something like this: https://leavebigpharmabehind.com?via=jane
  • You will use your Link Token to refer people to this website and start capturing your commissions. But before you do that you have to EDIT THE LINK TOKEN so that it sends your prospects to a page on Dr. Glidden's website that gives them 24 hours of FREE ACCESS to all of his content. Once your prospect has 24 hours of Free Access to Dr. Glidden's content, the chances are HIGH that they will become a subscriber - AND YOU GET PAID.
  • To do this, just add /sharepass to your Link Token after the .com and before the ?
  • Your edited link token will now look something like this: https://leavebigpharmabehind.com/sharepass?via=jane
  • Now you advertise your Link Token to your prospects however you want. You can embed it into graphics on a website; send it in an email - whatever floats your boat - which will be rising on the Affiliate Tide…

    If you have any questions, just give us a call (855-347-3696).

How to Advertise for the November 30th Live Q&A Marathon With Your Affiliate Token

You need to add “/red-pill” to your token. Here’s what that looks like:


  • If this is your current token: https://leavebigpharmabehind.com?via=your name

  • Modify it to this: https://leavebigpharmabehind.com/red-pill?via=your name

Take screenshots of this graphic, embed you modified token into them, then post them on social media, put them on your website, or email them to your list.