Live & Archived Q&A
Most Tuesdays From 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm Central Time USA
Most Thursdays From 11:00 am to 12:00 pm Central Time USA
Check Calendar of Events Below for Exact Dates & Times
Come for the content. Stay for the community.
You are not to confuse this event as a”Doctor-Patient” relationship. It is not. Furthermore, there are no guarantees that Dr. Glidden’s recommendations will be 100% effective for you. You are the one who is ultimately responsible for your health outcome. If you wish to secure the services of a local naturopathic physician for a private appointment click HERE to see if there is one near you. If you wish to consult with Dr. Glidden, call this number 855-347-3696 to set it up.
Live Q&A Calendar of Events
The calendar is for reference only. The Live feed is lower on this page.
All times are Central Time USA, click on calendar for specific USA time zones.
Live Q&A Rules of Engagement
1. Questions are answered in order of their appearance. In LARGE groups, not all questions can be answered. If you pay attention, someone else may ask a question similar to yours. So pay attention please - and close your question box if someone else asks a question similar to yours and Dr. Glidden answers it.
2. Please keep your questions SHORT. Dr. Glidden will not answer lengthy questions which include an exhaustive Health History.
3. If your question has been addressed in a past presentation, the moderator will inform you of such and tell you where to go to find the answer.
4. This is NOT the appropriate place to ask questions regarding your use of Pharmaceutical Drugs, as this area of medicine is not in Dr. Glidden’s knowledge-base.
**Ask him a question by clicking the green "Ask Dr. G" button in the lower left-hand corner of the screen.**
The button is on a timer and will come on when the event starts, and will dissapear 15 minutes before the end of the event. If you are on a moblie device, the green button will say "Chat."
If you are using the Mozilla Firefox Browser you may NOT be able to see the "Ask Dr. G" pop-up button. Make sure your browser is up to date or switch to Safari or Chrome.
Watch The Live Q&A Here
8:00 PM Most Tuesdays; 11:00 AM Most Thursdays
Central Time USA