This book by Dr. Glidden will profoundly alter the way you look at medicine, and will empower you with the knowledge necessary to get yourself into the game of healing once and for all.
Available Monday February 24, 2025 in Paperback, Hardcover, and e-Book formats.
The 90 Essential Nutrients are the foundation of all of Dr. Glidden’s health recovery protocols.
They are manufactured in the USA by a company called Youngevity.
The products are sold by thousands of independent distributors.
To purchase them, get in touch with the person who told you about Dr. Glidden. Most likely they are a distributor and will tell you how to get the products at the best price possible.
If you heard about Dr. Glidden on your own, through one of his social medial platforms, or one of his online or radio ads, then go to Eiffel Health to purchase.
The 90 Essential Nutrients - explained in less than 3 minutes.
Fullscript is an online dispensary with thousands of supplements that you can shop for at will.
Undoubtedly from time to time you will hear about a health-recovery supplement from someone other than Dr. Glidden that you want to try.
Purchase it at Fullscript instead of Amazon and receive a 10% discount over retail.
Hands-On-Healing Techniques
Click on the image below to be taken to the website of Dr. Monzo to purchase this e-book, his more detailed textbook concerning how to practice effective hands-on-healing,
10 Week Stop Smoking Protocol
Brain Health Recovery for people diagnosed with Schizophrenia
Heavy Metal Analysis & Detox Program
Everything You Should Have Been Told About Fluoride
Homeopathic Remedies for Influenza
PLUS - A Resource for purchasing homeopathic remedies in kits of
25, 50 & 100 units.