Self-Help Health Recovery Protocols
Based on 34 Years of Dr. Glidden’s Clinical Work as a Licensed Naturopathic Physician.
“Different results require different methods…” - Anon.
Read This Now Please
In order to keep the FTC & the FDA happy I have to tell you the following:
Naturopathic physicians do not treat disease. We treat people. There is a BIG difference. In point of fact, there is no such thing as “asthma'“ or “psoriasis” or ANY OTHER disease. Don’t believe me? OK - please bring me 10 pounds of asthma and a baker’s dozen of psoriasis… What’s that you say? You can’t do it? I rest my case… Diseases are simply names given by doctors to pathological conditions that occur in living human beings. Conventional medical logic would have you believe that a disease is like a parrot sitting on your shoulder, and it is the doctor's job to deliver a treatment that kills it. This is a juvenile and incorrect understanding of how the human body works. The pathological condition is the result of a physiological breakdown in the individual person's body. It is the physiology, not the pathology that must be addressed. By focusing exclusively on pathology, medical doctors have thrown the baby out with the bath-water. This is why, under their care, few things are cured - and their patients get sicker and weaker, and more dependant on pharmaceuticals and surgery over time.
Medical doctors treat disease and manage pathology. Naturopathic doctors treat people attempting to optimize their physiology. This is why we succeed where the MDs fail.
The Health Recovery Protocols Outlined On This Website Are Therefore Not Treatments For Disease.
The ailments below are listed in “Disease-Shorthand” for search-convenience only. Do not get confused by this. Furthermore - if you have been diagnosed by an MD with one of the ailments listed below, it is entirely possible that it was a mis-diagnosis. If you apply my health-recovery protocol and your illness goes away, then the MD diagnosis was incorrect - because as far as the FDA is concerned - the ONLY thing that can treat a disease is a drug. Ergo - if you recover from asthma or any other diagnostic condition without the use of drugs, then you never had the problem to begin with - it was a mis-diagnosis by the MD.
Health Recovery Protocols
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