Health Recovery Protocol
What to do to attempt to make yourself healthy if you have been diagnosed with:
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Dr. Glidden’s Health Recovery Protocol For Those Diagnosed With Obesity.
MD Cause: Bad genes, weak willpower, a stomach that is too big.
MD Rx: Amphetamines: Lap-Band surgery; Gastric Bypass surgery; Stitching the stomach walls together via a robotic device inserted into the stomach through the throat.
ND Cause: Chronic Nutrient Deficiencies: High Fructose Corn Syrup; a medical system that has no training, no respect, no appreciation and no experience with Medical Nutrition.
Discussion: While the medical doctors have been in exclusive control over the development and the delivery of medicine for the last 100 years of obesity has skyrocketed. One third of adults and one third of children in the United States are obese. It’s not getting better it’s getting worse. Being overweight is the new normal. Television shows are being produced which paint morbidly obese people as normal. We have lost our way and it is the fault of the MDs. It happened on their watch. Because the medical doctors are in capable of self-criticism to explain the cause of the obesity epidemic instead of reevaluating their own methods, they blame the patient. People are fat because they have bad genes, because they have weak willpower, or simply because they have stomachs. All of these notions are ridiculous, juvenile, and quite frankly dangerous. The root cause of obesity lies with medical nutrition and the MDs are incapable of helping anyone suffering from this condition to cure it.
There was nobody in the death camps of World War II who was overweight. It did not matter what their race, height, age, or pre-existing medical conditions were. If you starve someone, they lose weight. The first thing to consider when somebody is overweight or obese is that they are eating too many calories. People eat too many calories not because they are psychologically self-destructive, or because they have weak willpower, or because their stomachs are too large. People lead to many calories because their bodies are nutritionally starved. Remember the wisdom of the body? Your body knows how many essential nutrients it needs, it knows how many it has, and it knows that if the essential nutrient stores become too low something is going to break. When your body is deficient in any of the essential nutrients it forces you to eat more food. It is attempting to fill up its depleted nutritional tank. But the food that you have access to does not contain all of the nutrients that your body needs. So – you go to Olive Garden eat 2000 calories in 30 minutes because you are starved and three hours later you are hungry again. This is not happening because you are depressed or because you have a self-destructive psychological tendency. It is happening because of the wisdom of your body. When people do weight loss programs like Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers, they can will themselves into a restricted calorie diet for 23 or four months – maybe. When they restrict their calories, they lose weight. But the underlying cause of the problem is not addressed with these programs. it is only a matter of time until mother nature comes a knocking. You cannot fight mother nature. Eventually the people on the restricted calorie diets will throw in the towel follow their bodies lead and start eating again like their lives depended on it. They not only regain the weight that they lost but usually an extra five or 10 pounds. Because people don’t know any better and because nobody is talking about this aspect of weight gain it is easy for someone to think that they really do have a bad gene or maybe they do have a psychological problem because they did their very best with the weight loss program and failed. This is unfortunate.
The first things to do when we are helping people gain and maintain normal healthy weight is to give them all of the 90 essential nutrients that their bodies need and to counsel them to stop eating foods which are creating inflammation. One of the results of a chronic inflammatory process in the body is the production of body fat. This is why when people take prednisone they swell up like an inflated balloon. To give the body a fighting chance to regain its normal weight we have to eliminate the 12 bad foods and give it all 90 Essential Nutrients. When the body is nutritionally satisfied the appetite disappears. It’s that simple. For the first three months of this program I do not want you to count calories. I just want you to eliminate the 12 bad foods and take all 90 essential nutrients every day. If after three months of doing this, you wish to accelerate your weight loss then at that time you should dial in a 1000 calorie a day diet. do this until you hit your weight goal and then just follow your appetite. Please review the chapter on environmental toxicity in this book. If you lose weight too quickly or too aggressively without the proper medical nutrition, you could hurt yourself.
High fructose corn syrup has been proven to suppress the part of the brain that knows when you are full. It is called the Satiety Center of the brain. Normally we stop eating because the body knows when enough is enough.[1]This is regulated by the satiety center in the brain. High fructose corn syrup interferes with the signaling there, basically turning this part of the brain off - so you no longer feel full. The consequence of this is that you eat and eat and eat – and then you eat a little more - not because you need to, but because the part of the brain that knows when you are full has been turned off. So - if you are attempting to lose weight, then the complete utter and total elimination of high fructose corn syrup is mandatory. This can be a daunting task because high fructose corn syrup is in soooo many things.
There are a handful of people who follow this advice and still can’t lose weight. They are rare, but it happens. In my opinion, if you apply this advice and just cannot lose weight than I would suggest that there is a psychological underpinning to your need to eat and you should seek the counsel of a psychotherapist to attempt to sort this out.
My Rx:
Plant Derived Minerals: 1 bottle per 100 pounds per month. 1 ounce per bottle per day in divided doses. It is OK to mix this with any of the other liquids. Conversely, you can take the Ultimate Mineral caps instead. This product will cost less to ship – especially overseas. Get 1 bottle per 200 pounds per month. Take 1 cap per 100 pounds per day between meals.
[1] Even in an under-nutrified body the brain will tell someone when it is time to stop eating – but this bar is raised a great deal in the under-nutrified body.