
Share Dr. Glidden’s Content - Help Us Build A Coalition of the Informed.

Your guests get 24 HOURS of FREE ACCESS to ALL of Dr. Glidden’s content.

How To Use The Sharepass Feature

For Non-Affiliates

1) Copy this link:

2) Email it to your guest.

3) The link will bring them to a Sign-In page that will prompt them to create a Free Account which will give them 24 hours of viewing ability.

4) In your email, tell them which video you want them to watch, as they will be given access to all of the content on this website for 24 hours.

For Affiliates

You need to edit your Link Token by adding /sharepass to it after the .com and before the ? in your link. This will send your prospects to a page where they can sign up for 24 hours of Free access without needing to input their credit card info.

Here is an example of what the edited link will look like:

Now you advertise the edited 24-Hour-Free-Access link to your prospects however you want. You can embed it into graphics on a website; send it in an email - whatever floats your boat - which will be rising on the Affiliate Tide…

If you have any questions, just give us a call (855-347-

Here’s an example of an email that you can use to promote this information. Feel free to copy and paste it into your email server.

Dear __________ ,

I strongly encourage you to watch Dr. Glidden’s video concerning _________. It outlines a very interesting perspective on this condition that is not talked about in the mainstream medical marketplace. Normally, it is only possible to access this video if you pay for it, but I have a link that will give you FREE access to it (plus a whole-lot more) for 24 hours. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired then it is exactly the right time to hear what Dr. Glidden has to say.

What have you got to lose? It’s FREE.

Copy and paste the link below into your browser. It will take you to a website where you create a Free Account (with your name and email) which will enable you to watch the video. By the way - in addition to this particular video, after creating your Free Account, you will have 24 hours of access to 100+ other videos that Dr. Glidden has produced, PLUS access to his Live-Chat sessions which happen every Tuesday & Thursday. It’s an amazing opportunity to learn about science-based, clinically verified Naturopathic Health-Recovery Strategies that are not talked about in the mainstream. You are going to love Dr. Glidden!

Yours, in health,




  • If you are an Affiliate, then instead of the link above, paste in here your edited Affiliate Token