Members’ Home Page

How To Access Your Membership Content

1) Once you are logged in, in the lower right-hand corner of every page on this website (and in the bottom of the screen of a mobile device) you will find a “Member Content Menu” button. Click it to access the links to all of the Membership Content specific to your subscription(s). This is also where you go to access your Subscription Account details.

2) You can also access your Membership Content by clicking any of the items in the menu bar at the top of every page - or behind the hashtags on a mobile device.

3) Click on an icon in the Membership Content Gallery on this page..

Scroll To The Bottom of This Page To See The Most Recently Added Content.

Membership Content Gallery


If You Do Not Have a Diagnosis and Want to Learn How to Make Yourself Healthy.

1) Read the How To Access Your Membership Content“ info above.

2) Navigate to the “Medical Insight” page.

3) Watch the videos that interest you..

4) Come to the Q&A sessions - even if you don’t have a question, you will learn a lot just by watching Dr. Glidden answer questions.

5) Purchase and start taking the 90 EN.

6) Eliminate the 12 Bad foods (find the list and a video that explains why you should avoid them in the “Medical Insight “ section.

7) Start taking the supplements.

8) Purchase or watch (if already part of your subscription) the Health Courses.


If You Have Been Diagnosed With Something and Are Looking for a Solution.

1) Read the “How To Access Your Membership Content“ info above.

2) Navigate to the “Health Recovery Protocols” page.

3) Click on the ailment that you have ben diagnosed with.

4) Watch the videos on that page (if any), and read the content.

5) Purchase the products.

6) Eliminate the 12 Bad foods (find the list and a video that explains why you should avoid them in the “Medical Insight “ section.

7) Start taking the supplements.

8) Come to the Q&A sessions - even if you don’t have a question, you will learn a lot just by watching Dr. Glidden answer questions.


Anything New* that Dr. Glidden Produces Will Be Posted Below for 30 Days - then it will be archived in the appropriate Membership Content area.

*The Most Recent Live and Archived Q&A Sessions Will Always Be Posted In The Q&A Area, not on this page.


  • 1 Pint Goat’s Milk

  • 2 TBS Maple Syrup

  • 100mg Taurine

  • 1 TBS Plant Derived Minerals

  • 1 TBS Beyond Osteo Fx liquid