Health Recovery Protocol

What to do to attempt to make yourself healthy if you have been diagnosed with:

Lazy Eye

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Dr. Glidden’s Health Recovery Protocol For Those Diagnosed With Lazy Eye.

MD Cause:  Unknown – probably genetic ;-)

MD Rx:  Specialized glasses and/or eye-patch use to “re-train” the eye muscles.[1]

ND Cause:  Poor circulation to the eye caused by nutrient deficiencies and chronic consumption of the 12 Bad Foods. Additionally, osteoporosis of the skull is a strong possibility. 

Discussion: Believe it or not you have holes in your head – in your skull bone specifically. Most of the nerves that are found in the body have their origins in the spinal cord itself. These nerves are protected by your backbones and exit the spinal cord in different parts of your neck and back on their way to their target organs. But there are 12 nerves that come directly off of the brain. These nerves are called The Cranial Nerves. They very service the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and throat. To get to the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and throat they have to go through the skull bone. The body has created tunnels in the skull bone for the nerves to travel through. There are 24 holes of them - two for each of the 12 cranial nerves.[2]

When your body is healthy, your skull bone is healthy. When your body runs out of skull bone nutrients, the skull starts to become unhealthy, and the little tunnels in the skull begin to lose their structural integrity. Remember – the body has wisdom. When the body senses that the tunnel walls in the skull are getting weak, to save you from going deaf dumb or blind, (etc.) the body fills the tunnels with connective tissue to shore them up. In a healthy tunnel there is nothing but the nerve. In an unhealthy tunnel there is the nerve plus connective tissue. When this connective tissue rubs up against the nerve, which it invariably will do, it creates symptoms. The symptoms created are dependent on which nerve is involved. If it is the nerve that goes to your eardrum the symptom created is ringing in the ears. If it is the nerve that goes to your inner ear (the part of your body which regulates your equilibrium), you develop vertigo. If it's the nerve that goes to your facial muscles, you get a condition called Bell's palsy – which is a paralysis of the muscles in your face. Your face is also enervated by sensory nerves. When these become irritated you get a very painful condition called “Tic-Douloureux.” If it is the nerve that goes to your vocal cords, you get chronic laryngitis, hoarseness, or a lost voice.  If it is the nerve that goes to your tongue you get the loss of taste and/or start to have funny tastes in your mouth in the absence of food. Finally - if it is the nerve that goes to the muscles in your eye you get lazy-eye or vision problems – nearsightedness or farsightedness. Therefore, the main treatment for any of these conditions is bone and joint support. We basically view this problem as a manifestation of osteoporosis of the skull.

In the late 1800s, and early 1900s a medical doctor named William Horatio Bates developed a method of eye exercises which he used to help his patients recover their vision without the need for glasses. The anatomy of the eye is fascinating. Each eyeball is surrounded by a number of very small muscles. These muscles move the eyes and focus the eyes. If these muscles get weak, then they are not able to focus the eyes the way that nature intended them to. Dr. Bates developed eye exercises, the intention of which was to strengthen these muscles. Do a Google-Search for the “Bates Method” and try the recommended eye exercises for 90 days to see if your vision improves.

The MDs’ recommendations for this condition are juvenile at best. Specialized glasses and eyepatch use pale in comparison to science-based clinically verified, sophisticated medical nutrition. In light of these recommendations (and so many others) it makes me wonder aloud why we have given the MDs as much social sway and political power as we have…

My Rx: In addition to the 90 EN:

  • Beyond Osteo Fx Powder: 1 bottle per month if under 200 pounds. 2 bottles per month if over 200 pounds.

  • Good Herbs Circulation Support: Acute dose, as outlined in chapter 10, for three months only. Then the maintenance dose for 3 more months. You can also rub this around your eyes a few times each day (look out for the alcohol – if it gets into the eye it’s going to hurt).

  • Plant Derived Minerals: 1 bottle per 100 pounds per month. 1 ounce per bottle per day in divided doses. It is OK to mix this with any of the other liquids. Conversely, you can take the Ultimate Mineral caps instead. This product will cost less to ship – especially overseas. Get 1 bottle per 200 pounds per month. Take 1 cap per 100 pounds per day between meals.

  • Good Herbs Bone & Tissue Support: 2 bottles per 75 pounds per month. 1/2 teaspoon per bottle per day for 3 months.

Choose one of these 4 products. You can switch them up each month if you want to, to see which one works best for you.

  • Gluco-Gel caps: 1 cap per 10 pounds per day. 

  • Gluco-Gel liquid: 1 bottle per 50 pounds per month. Take 1 ounce per bottle per day.

  • Biometics Flexi-Care Plus: 1 bottle per 50 pounds per month. Take 1 tablespoon per bottle per day.

  • Sta-Restored: 1 bottle per 75 pounds per month. 3 caps per bottle per day.


[1] I am in the process of treating a patient who lost his vision due to a detached retina which was the direct result of his wearing the specialized glasses that his MD recommended he wear for his lazy-eye. The MD recommendation caused his retina to detach. He went blind. Nobody went to jail.

[2] One set for the right side and one set for the left side.