Health Recovery Protocol
What to do to attempt to make yourself healthy if you have been diagnosed with:
MD Cause: Unknown. Perhaps related to: Infections by the “Epstein-Barr” virus; Lyme disease; Chlamydia; Anemia; Chronic dehydration.
MD Rx: Management of symptoms with Behavioral Therapy, Exercise Therapy, Calorie-Pacing, Diet, Anti-depressant drugs.
ND Cause: Chronic nutrient deficiencies with an emphasis on selenium; Consistent consumption of pro-inflammatory foods; too much Zinc, Vitamin C or Vitamin D intake.
Discussion: One of the sad ramifications of COVID-19 was the preponderance of cataracts which occurred after the fact. The cataracts were not a side effect of the illness itself, but of the fractionated nutrition use of high doses of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc, all of which drive the mineral Selenium out of the body, giving rise to cataract formation.
ND Rx: In addition to the 90 EN and the elimination of the 12 Bad Foods:
This is an experimental protocol that I developed. Try it for 2 months. If it is helping then keep taking it until the cataracts are gone. If after 2 months there is no change then stop.
What you need for 2 months:
1 bottle of Argentyn 23 @ 16 oz by Natural Immunogenics. Purchase online or via the Fullscript tab in the Store page of my website.
2 bottles of Selenium Solution @ 8 oz - by Allergy Research. Purchase online or via the Fullscript tab in the Store page of my website.
Cayenne pepper - get organic from the grocery store.
1 Glass Eye cup (Online).
Twice a day do the following:
Put ½ teaspoon of Argentyn 23 into the eyecup.
Put ½ teaspoon Selenium Solution into the eyecup.
Put a few grains of cayenne pepper - no more than 5 - into the eyecup. This is not easy to do. Pour a little cayenne into a small plate and use the tip of an eyedropper or get a Q-tip, break it in half and use the end without the cotton on it to pick up the cayenne grains and deliver them to the eyecup solution.
Put the eyecup against the eye and get a good seal, then tilt your head up towards the ceiling and open and close your eye about ten times. Repeat with the other eye. Use the same eyecup solution for both eyes, you do not need to refresh the solution.
If the eye burns a little from the procedure, that’s OK. It’s a therapeutic action of the cayenne. If it burns a lot, then you used too much cayenne.
After both eyes have been washed, discard the solution, rinse out the eyecup, and let it dry.