Health Recovery Protocol
What to do to attempt to make yourself healthy if you have been diagnosed with:
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Dr. Glidden’s Health Recovery Protocol For Those Diagnosed With Asthma
MD Cause: Unknown (must be genetic…)
MD Rx: Drugs that dilate the airways in the lungs (Bronchodilators).
ND Cause: A deficiency in EFAs and a substance in the body called "prostaglandin." Prostaglandins act like hormones in the human body orchestrating all kinds of biological activity. When prostaglandin levels are low the airways in the lungs cannot dilate properly. One of the major causes of prostaglandin deficiencies our deficiencies in omega-3 essential fatty acids. Elimination of the 12 bad foods is mandatory here, as it is with all other illnesses. Restriction of these foods decreases levels of inflammation in the body and increases your body's ability to absorb nutrients – whether they are from food or supplements. When I was first exposed to these medical nutrition interventions, my mentor Dr. Joel Wallach related this experience to me: There was a young girl suffering from asthma being treated at Harvard Medical Hospital. Nothing the MDs were doing were helping. Her asthma was “unresponsive to conventional treatments.” Her father (a famous pastor in Atlanta, Georgia) got in touch with Dr. Wallach. Dr. Wallach recommended that the girl start the 90 Essential Nutrients with extra essential fatty acids. Within a week she had stabilized so much that she was released from the hospital. With a month the asthma was gone. Do you think that Harvard put together a team of doctors to investigate and do research on this? No – they did not. If you were a physician and ostensibly had dedicated yourself to the upliftment of mankind through the elimination of physical suffering, and you witnessed something like this – wouldn’t you want to investigate it? You would, but the MDs did not. More’s the pity. These people are not the white knights that you think they are…
My Rx: In addition to the 90 EN and the elimination of the 12 Bad Foods:
Ultimate EFA 180: One bottle per month, taken in divided doses with meals.
Good Herbs Respiratory Support: 2 bottles per 100 pounds per month. 4 ml per bottle per day.
Plant Derived Minerals, or Ultimate Mineral Caps:[1] 1 bottle per 100 pounds per month. 1 capful of the liquid per bottle per day. 1 capsule per bottle per day.
Carbo vegetabilis: blue lips, blue face, cold breath, desire for and relieved by fresh air, sitting in drafts of air ameliorates.
Arsenicum album: Respiration oppressed, anxious, short. Oppressed, labored breathing, especially when ascending a height; in cold air, when turning in bed. Suffocating spells in the evening, when lying down. Arsenicum people are anxious, cold and thirsty.
[1] The dose for the mineral caps is different than for any of the mineral liquids. It is: 1 bottle per 200 pounds per month.