Health Recovery Protocol
What to do to attempt to make yourself healthy if you have been diagnosed with:
Watch these videos first.
Dr. Glidden’s Health Recovery Protocol For Those Diagnosed With Depression.
MD Cause: Unknown – probably genetic ;-)
MD Rx: Anti-Depressants; Psychoactive Drugs if the Anti-Depressants don’t work.
ND Cause: There are many factors involved here. Blood sugar imbalances are the first things to consider, then hormonal imbalances, then endocrine imbalances (Thyroid, Pituitary, Hypothalamus).
Discussion: I am of the opinion that there are no greater tragedies on planet Earth than the way that the MDs approach, understand, and treat mental illness. From the wholistic point of view of course the body and the mind are the same thing, and consciousness comes before matter. The MD believes that consciousness is a function of biochemistry and that there is no such thing as the spirit or the vital force. Having an MD psychiatrist treat someone who is depressed, schizophrenic, manic-depressive, or who has attention deficit disorder etc. is like giving a Swiss watch to a blacksmith. Something is going to break.
It is remarkable to me that even though the allopaths proclaim themselves to be champions of the scientific method, often their treatments run contrary to the published research. Case in point – Prozac. I wrote a great deal about this in my first book, but here are the Cliff-Notes. Placebo pills were proven to be more effective than Prozac in eliminating the symptoms of depression in a very famous double-blinded published study.[1] If a placebo was proven to be more effective than Prozac, then why do MDs still prescribe Prozac?[2] I don’t know why. Please remember that the goal of the MD regardless of what they are treating is not to cure the condition. It is to manage the condition. The medical doctor is trained to believe that depression is something that can’t be cured - it can only be managed. They manage depression by delivering medications which exert strong influences over the biochemistry of the brain, chemically pushing it in the way that the doctor thinks is best. I would recommend that you watch the movie “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” to get a better idea of what goes on behind closed doors in the management of those with mental illnesses. I know that that movie is dated but things haven’t changed very much.
From the naturopathic point of view people don’t get mental illness or depressed because they have brains. These things happen because of imbalances in the body/mind. As you have already learned - the first things to think about when there is an imbalance in the body are nutrient deficiencies and consistent consumption of foods that are antagonistic to the body. In my clinical experience of 30 years I am making the statement that when it comes to depression, most of the time problems with blood sugar metabolism are to blame. So that is where we begin treatment.
If, after three months of following the advice laid out here there is absolutely no change in the depressive state, then you need a private appointment with a naturopathic doctor to assess your hormonal status and your endocrine system. It is not possible to do that on your own.
My Rx: In addition to the 90 EN and the elimination of the 12 Bad Foods:
Sweet-Eze: 1 bottle per 75 pounds per month. Take in 3 divided doses AT THE SAME TIMES EACH DAY. Between, before or with a meal is irrelevant. Just make sure that you take them like-clock-work each day.
Ultimate EFA+: 1 bottle per 100 pounds per month. Take in divided doses with food.
Plant Derived Minerals: 1 bottle per 100 pounds per month. 1 ounce per bottle per day in divided doses. It is OK to mix this with any of the other liquids. Conversely, you can take the Ultimate Mineral caps instead. This product will cost less to ship – especially overseas. Get 1 bottle per 200 pounds per month. Take 1 cap per 100 pounds per day between meals.
Ignatia amara: Depression caused by the death or loss of a loved one. The depression is accompanied by Sighing and/or a lump in the throat sensation.
Staphysagria: Depression as the result of humiliation, loss of pride or an insult.
Natrum muriaticum: Depression accompanied with recurring thoughts of past, unpleasant experiences. The person drags out the past and paints it blue.
Aurum metallicum: The depressed person engages in self-condemnation, self-reproach and self-criticism. They expect bad news and things to go wrong.
Causticum: Ailments from long lasting grief or sorrow. Often found in people who are very sensitive to social injustice, with intense sympathy for the suffering of others.
[1] JAMA. 2010;303(1):47-53. Antidepressant Drug Effects and Depression Severity A Patient-Level Meta-analysis Jay C. Fournier, MA; Robert J. DeRubeis, PhD; Steven D. Hollon, PhD; Sona Dimidjian, PhD; Jay D. Amsterdam, MD; Richard C. Shelton, MD; Jan Fawcett, MD
[2] World Psychiatry. 2015 Oct; 14(3): 294–300. Published online 2015 Sep 25. doi: 10.1002/wps.20241. Antidepressants versus placebo in major depression: an overview