Health Recovery Protocol

What to do to attempt to make yourself healthy if you have been diagnosed with:

Head Colds

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Dr. Glidden’s Health Recovery Protocol For Those Diagnosed With Head Colds.

MD Cause: The Rhinovirus.

MD Rx: Tylenol or Advil or Aspirin to manage the fever.

 ND Cause: Space aliens. Alright! It’s not space aliens – just wanted to make sure you were paying attention… A system overloaded with mucus.

Discussion: Apparently the medical doctors’ inability to prevent or to treat the common cold effectively is of no cause for concern amongst the intellectual medical elite. We are perfectly fine giving the MDs trillions of dollars to come up with a cure for cancer, even though they are clueless as to what to do about the common cold! Perhaps Max Planck[1] was correct - Science progresses one funeral at a time.

From my point of view the cold IS the cure. It has little or nothing to do with a rhinovirus. What happens during a head-cold? The body discharges lots of mucus. The body increases its internal temperature. The body wants to rest. ALL of these things are happening because the body is cleaning house. It is getting rid of accumulated mucus and burning up the microbes that have come to feed and breed in mucus congested tissues.

 I have noticed that, regardless of the stress in my life, when my body is replete with the 90 Essential Nutrients, when I have eliminated the 12 bad foods, and when I pursue my yoga and meditation routines regularly, I never get a cold or the flu. Even before I started in earnest my medical nutrition program, I would never get a cold or the flu as long as my meditation and yoga practice was regular. There is something about the practice of yoga and meditation which makes it difficult for the body to get sick with an infectious illness. I do not know the mechanism. I can only tell you from my own personal experience that this is so. This experience speaks to a larger question which the medical doctors believe is a fiction, but is one which is worthwhile asking anyway – What is the relationship between the body/mind and the genesis of disease?

My Rx: In addition to the 90 EN and the elimination of the 12 Bad Foods:

Argentyn 23 nasal spray: 3 sprays to each nostril every 3 hours while awake.

Good Herbs Super Olive Health: Acute dosage defined in Appendix III.

 SLEEP as much as possible.

 Avoid sugar (even orange juice and honey) as it suppresses the immune system when you are sick.

 Eat PROTEIN as much as you can. Your immune system is Made From protein. Perhaps the easiest to absorb proteins when you are sick are those found in soups: Egg-Drop soup; Chicken soup.

Do your best to RIDE out the fever without suppressing it with herbs or drugs.

Fast – if you really need to get calories into your body use lemon water.

[1] Max Planck was an outspoken German physicist who discovered quantum mechanics – for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1918.

Hydrotherapy Instructions

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