Health Recovery Protocol

What to do to attempt to make yourself healthy if you have been diagnosed with:

Chron’s Disease

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Dr. Glidden’s Health Recovery Protocol For Those Diagnosed With Chron’s Disease.

MD Cause: Crohn's disease is categorized as one of several Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. According to Wikipedia: "It is caused by a combination of environmental immune and bacterial factors in genetically susceptible individuals… The exact underlying immune problem is not clear… the body's immune system is attacking the gastrointestinal tract possibly directed at microbes that are there.

 MD Rx: There are no medical conditions or surgeries that can cure Crohn's disease, nonetheless antibiotics and corticosteroids and immunosuppressive medications are used to manage symptoms.

 ND Cause: Nutrient deficiencies and consistent consumption of pro-inflammatory foods. Bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections subsequent to antibiotic use must be considered. As far as I am concerned anytime that there is an inflammatory condition of the gut then antibiotic use must be considered as a factor.


Discussion: When I treat someone suffering from a disturbance of the digestive tract, the first thing that I think about is the patient's diet. It is of paramount importance. If every time you filled up the gas-tank of your automobile, you put in 50% unleaded gasoline and 50% diesel fuel, it would only be a matter of time until something bad happened to the engine. It's the same with the human body. You cannot expect to consistently consume foods which are detrimental to the human body and have nothing happen. The incidence of inflammatory bowel disease has increased remarkably in the last 100 years. I think it has a lot to do with the use of antibiotics. There are more bacteria living in your digestive tract then there are species of animals on planet Earth. It is a highly complex and sophisticated biome. When that biome is messed with by the administration of antibiotics then one would expect collateral damage. Remember – the MDs do not think that the body has the ability to fix itself so it is difficult for them to consider that the side effects of their therapeutics could have anything at all to do with the genesis of this or any other disease. The naturopathic strategy here is simple and straightforward: stop eating food that is hurting the body; introduce to the body the raw materials that it needs to fix itself (90 EN); and clean the colon out with therapeutic fasting and colon hydrotherapy.


My Rx: In addition to the 90 EN: Sometimes with this illness the potent nutrients found in the Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 powder (which is a fundamental part of the 90 EN) can irritate the digestive tract. If this occurs, then switch from the Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0 Powder to the Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0Tablets– one bottle of tablets per one canister of the powder. Take the tablets in divided doses with meals. 

  • Ultimate Enzymes: one bottle per 75 pounds per month. The dose is one or two capsules at the beginning of each meal. 

  • Maqui Plus: One bottle per the dose is 1 ounce 50 pounds per month. Her bottle per day taken between meals. Suspend the use of this product after 90 days. 

  • Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.0: If 200 pounds or less, one scoop per day.  If 200 pounds or more as per day. 

  • Ultimate Flora Fx: 1 bottle per 100 pounds per month. Three caps per bottle before bed. 

  • Cell Shield RTQ: 1 bottle per 100 pounds per month. Take in 3 divided doses with meals. 

  • Z-Radical: 1 bottle per 50 pounds per month. 1 ounce per bottle per day. 

  • I-26 (31 Day supply canister): 1 per 100 pounds per month. 1 scoop per day per can mixed with water, juice or the BTT cocktail. 


  • Mercurius corrosivus

  • Gastrointestinal ulcers and fissures are common presentations.

  • Difficult bowel movements attended by cutting pain, bloody stools with foul-smelling diarrhea, bruised, painful sensations in the lower right abdomen and whose symptoms get worse at night.

  • Veratrum album

  • Intense vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal cramps, vomiting, nausea, fatigue, chills and bloating. Recommended for people who are prone to exhaustion, fainting and dehydration. It is also to be given to those who tend to crave cold liquids.

  • Podophyllum peltatum

  • Podophyllum is used to treat watery diarrhea, its specialty is in the stoppage of explosive diarrhea. Patients for whom podophyllum is recommended usually suffer from copious, gushing stools that get worse after eating and drinking. They may also suffer from painful stomach cramps and fatigue after each bowel movement.

  • Phosphorus

  • Phosphorus is known to relieve nausea and vomiting triggered by ingested food. Recommended for patients with digestive problems caused by food poisoning and bacterial overgrowth in the gut.