Health Recovery Protocol

What to do to attempt to make yourself healthy if you have been diagnosed with:


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Dr. Glidden’s Health Recovery Protocol For Those Diagnosed With Hepatitis.

MD Cause: Viral infection.

MD Rx:  Anti-viral meds, vaccinations

ND Cause: Viral infection, and a weakened Immune System, and a liver starved for nutrients.

Discussion: All doctors are taught that there are three different hepatitis viruses: hepatitis A; hepatitis B; hepatitis C. Infection with hepatitis A is easy for most people to recover from and has no long-term consequences, but infection with Hepatitis B or C can/will cause death from either cancer or liver destruction. Interestingly enough, however, none of these viruses have ever been proven to exist – at least not via Koch’s postulates with the River’s modifications. For insight here please get a copy of the book Virus Mania by Engelbrecht and Kohnlein.

If you have been diagnosed with Hepatitis B or C then please disregard what your MD is telling you and do the following

The liver is one of the easiest organs to treat with naturopathic medicine. You can surgically remove over 75% of the liver and it will grow back! Naturopathic therapeutics support and promote the ability of the liver to regenerate itself. I studied naturopathic medicine at Bastyr University in Washington state. It was named after Dr. John Bastyr who was one of the pioneers of naturopathic medicine in the 20th century. One of Dr. Bastyr’s tried and true treatments for liver support was fresh squeezed beet juice. There is a phytochemical in the beet juice which encourages the production of new liver cells. Additionally, the mineral Selenium as it is very important in overall liver health. I had a patient whom I had been treating for 25 years who was told he was infected with hepatitis C. He was asymptomatic. He and a number of his friends (all drug abusers) had (supposedly) contracted hepatitis C at the same time. They all died within a few years of their diagnoses. He lived until 2018 as a result of my care. He only died after we lost touch (I had moved out of the state he lived in) and his MD convinced him to try Harvoni.

My Rx: In addition to the 90 EN and the elimination of the 12 Bad Foods:

  • Beet Juice: Go to the grocery store and pick up some organic beats. Get the fresh ones, not the ones in a can. Cut the greens from the top of the beet-root, then rinse the red beet under warm water to get the dirt off. Use a juicer (my favorite is the Omega - Ultimate Performance Batch Juicer), juice the beat and drink it down within 15 minutes of making it according to the following schedule:

  • Week 1:  2 ounces per day

  • Week 2: 3 ounces per day

  • Week 3: 4 ounces per day

It is okay to mix the beet juice with any other fresh squeezed juice. One of my favorite recipes is: carrot, green apple, beet. It is best if you use organic fruits and veggies, but if they prove too pricey, then get whatever you can. Be advised that at some point during this 21-day program your urine and or your stool will turn red or pink. You will think that you are bleeding. You are not. It is the beet juice. I would only do this program for 21 days at a time. If you like how it makes you feel, then wait two weeks and repeat the entire 21-day program.

  • Good Herbs Liver & Gallbladder Support: ·      

    • 50 - 150 pounds: Take 1/2 teaspoon 4 times a day.

    • 150 - 250 pounds: Take 1 teaspoon 4 times a day.

    • 250-350 pounds: 3 bottles a month. Take 1 1/2 teaspoons 4 times a day.

  • 7-Day Detox on weeks 5, 10, 15.