Health Recovery Protocol
What to do to attempt to make yourself healthy if you have been diagnosed with:
Nose Bleeds
Watch this video first.
Dr. Glidden’s Health Recovery Protocol For Those Diagnosed With Nose Bleeds.
MD Cause: Picking the nose!
MD Rx: Stuffing cotton up the nose to stop the bleeding.
ND Cause: This is a Calcium deficiency problem, plain and simple.
Discussion: The great Genghis Khan died from a profuse nose bleed. Go figure. What a way to go! In order for your blood to properly clot there are a number of things that must be present. Medical professionals refer to this process as “The Clotting Cascade.” It is like a series of dominoes – each knocking the other over. If all of the dominoes fall, then the blood clots the way that nature intended it to. An essential component in the Clotting Cascade is Calcium. The body cannot make calcium. It must be imported. If there is not enough free calcium, then the blood can’t clot speedily. Most of the time, by simply taking the 90 EN (which includes calcium), the tendency for bloody noses disappears like ice in the springtime. It won’t hurt, however, to take a little extra calcium each day until the problem disappears. So here is the recommendation:
My Rx: In addition to the 90 EN:
Beyond Osteo Fx liquid: 1 bottle. Mix 1 ounce with 3 ounces of fresh squeezed orange juice 4 times a day until the nose-bleed stops. After that the 90 EN should supply the body with all of the calcium that it needs.