Health Recovery Protocol

What to do to attempt to make yourself healthy if you have been diagnosed with:

Autism Spectrum

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Dr. Glidden’s Health Recovery Protocol For Those Diagnosed With Autism

MD Cause: Unknown

MD Rx: None. But if the Autistic child develops problematic behavior including hyperactivity obsessive-compulsive disorder depression or anxiety the MDs of course will treat them with pharmaceutical medications.

ND Cause: Nutrient deficiencies in the mother while she is pregnant. Vaccination induced fevers treated with Tylenol. Elevated levels of environmental toxins including lead in the body of the pregnant mother.


Discussion: Autism has risen dramatically in the last 100 years, from 1/10,000 births to 1/60. The conventional medical community has been unable to figure out what causes autism and it is now an illness of epidemic proportions. Inquiring minds would like to know why haven't we fired the MDs and given research money to another branch of medicine? If anybody in corporate America failed this miserably, they would be fired and replaced. Again – when the medical doctors let us down, they get a pass, and then they are given more research money! This untenable situation only exists because of the medical monopoly of the last 100 years which has socialized us to believe that if the MDs can't figure it, then out then nobody can.


If a child is born with Down’s syndrome, that cake has been baked, and there are no treatments that can reverse it. It is the same with autism. Because the Autistic child has a body and because that body is subject to the same rules as yours and mine, the Autistic child will benefit from the 90 essential nutrients and the elimination of the 12 bad foods. The goal here is to make the Autistic child a highly functioning one. More to the point, I would advise any parent of an Autistic child to not even consider having another child until they have eliminated the 12 bad foods and taken the 90 essential nutrients into their body for at least six months. The idea which informs this treatment strategy is the belief that the major cause of autism is the obstetrician. While the pregnant mother was under the care of the obstetrician, she gave birth to an Autistic child. So – who's to blame? Somebody has to be at fault! The MD would have you believe that it's the mother, or the mother's genes, or something unknown, but it's most certainly can't be due to the incompetence of the MD. From the naturopathic perspective, the idea here is to completely nutrify the body of the mother before she's pregnant and then continue the discipline all the way through pregnancy. If we do that, then logic would dictate that the chances of having another Autistic child would be reduced greatly[1].


New research published by The Journal of International Medical Research(2017, volume 42(2), pages 407-438) is entitled: “The role of oxidative stress, inflammation and acetaminophen exposure from birth to early childhood in the induction of autism.” The gist of the publication goes like this: Children who are vaccinated develop fevers as a result of the vaccination. A fever is a good thing. It is how your immune system is dealing with the situation. MDs do not understand this, so they are inclined to give medicines to reduce the fever as a normal standard of care. Most commonly they give the vaccinated and feverish child Tylenol (Acetaminophen) to bring down the fever. Acetaminophen in some genetically predisposed children[2]gets turned into a toxic chemical called NAPQ which is neurotoxic. It can also inhibit the synthesis in the child’s body of Prostaglandins which are necessary for brain development. It is the Tylenol that is causing the damage to the brain that results in Autism – not the vaccines…


My Rx- for the Autistic child: In addition to the 90 EN:

 •      Plant Derived Minerals, or Cheri-Mins, or Strawberry Kiwi Mins, or Ultimate Mineral Caps:[3]1 bottle per 100 pounds per month.

 •      Synaptive: 1 bottle per 100 pounds per month.

 •      Projoba Omega: 1 bottle per 100 pounds per month.

 My Rx- for the mother of the Autistic child: In addition to the 90 EN:

•      One bottle of Plant Derived Minerals per 100 pounds per month.

• One bottle of Imortalium per 100 pounds per month.