Health Recovery Protocol
What to do to attempt to make yourself healthy if you have been diagnosed with:
Kidney Stones
Watch this video first.
Dr. Glidden’s Health Recovery Protocol For Those Diagnosed With Kidney Stones.
MD Cause: Unknown. MDs talk about “Risk Factors” such as eating a lot of protein, sodium, and high-oxalate foods, such as chocolate or dark green vegetables. But not everybody who eats these things gets a kidney stone. Hmm… Must be genetic…
MD Rx: Surgery or Ultrasound treatment to break up the stones with sound-waves.
ND Cause: Calcium DEFICIENCIES caused by overly acidic blood which is caused by the 12 Bad Foods and not enough minerals in the body.
Discussion: Most conventional medical doctors have a juvenile understanding of the way that calcium is metabolized in the body. It is common for an MD to tell you that if your blood levels of calcium are high then you need to cut down on your calcium supplements or dairy products because you are ingesting too much calcium. Just the opposite is true blood levels of calcium are inversely related to nutritional calcium status. Your body will go out of its way to maintain a proper pH of your blood. If your blood becomes a little too acidic or a little too alkaline the body will adapt and adjust quickly to bring the pH of the blood back to where it wants to be. It is really quite occult to alkalinize the blood, but it is very easy to acidify it. The standard American diet acidifies the blood like nobody’s business. When the blood becomes acidic the body activates a buffering system which sucks minerals out of your skeleton especially calcium using them to neutralize the acid in the blood. If you are eating food all of the time that makes your body acidic, then the buffering system will be activated all of the time. You will be leaching minerals from your bones even when you’re sleeping. Invariably this constant stealing of calcium and other minerals from your bones will make the calcium levels in your blood increase. When there is relatively too much calcium in your blood for an extended period of time, the kidneys will become jammed up with calcium. This is how calcium oxalate stones are formed. They are the most common type of kidney stones. Therefore, anybody with a kidney stone must be considered to be extremely deficient in calcium and other minerals.
Remember that the body has wisdom. It takes a long time for kidney stones to form, and they can become quite large. The body understands that there are stones in the kidney that have no business being there. An under-nutrified body does not have the ability to eliminate the stones. Oftentimes when people follow my advice and their bodies become strong in neutral side – ostensibly for the first time in their lives – their bodies will attempt to eject the kidney stones (if they are not too big). This is a problem. The passage of even a small kidney stone is extremely painful and unless you understand what’s going on here it would be easy for you to mistakenly think that the nutritional supplements gave you a kidney stone and made your body pass it. This is only half true. The nutritional supplement program made it easier for your kidney to eject the stone, but it was there in the first place because of chronic long-standing mineral deficiencies.
As part of my treatment program I have outlined an emergency “Oh my God, I am passing a kidney stone!” protocol which can potentially save you a trip to the emergency room. Be advised that if you do go to the emergency room while you’re passing a kidney stone the only thing that they will do is give you anti-inflammatory drugs, pain medication, and wait for the stone to pass. No pain is better than lots of pain - so for something like this, the ER is not a bad idea. But if we can avoid that, then we are ahead of the game.
Years ago, a patient came to me with a rather large kidney stone. The MDs wanted to perform surgery on him to remove it. Since this was a non-life-threatening surgery, he delayed it for four weeks because of a vacation that he was planning to take. I put him on a medical nutrition program for the four weeks that he was away – one with an emphasis on kidney health. When he came back from his vacation, he went to his MDs office for a pre-surgery checkup. They did an ultrasound, and low and behold- the kidney stone was no longer there! My program helped his body to dissolve the stone and eliminated without any pain whatsoever. Not bad. Please understand that everybody is different. I cannot guarantee that the same thing will happen to you. Nonetheless, it is always a good idea to support and promote your body’s built-in God-given ability to fix itself, keep your fingers crossed, and see what happens. By the way – his doctors never called me to find out what I did…
My Rx: In addition to the 90 EN:
Plant Derived Minerals: 1 bottle per 100 pounds per month. 1 ounce per bottle per day in divided doses. It is OK to mix this with any of the other liquids. Conversely, you can take the Ultimate Mineral caps instead. This product will cost less to ship – especially overseas. Get 1 bottle per 200 pounds per month. Take 1 cap per 100 pounds per day between meals.
Beyond Osteo Fx powder: 1 bottle per 100 pounds per month. 2 scoops per bottle per day in 2 divided doses. Mix 1 scoop with 3 ounces of fresh squeezed orange juice and 3 ounces of water.
Cell Shield RTQ: 1 bottle per 75 pounds per month. Take in 2-3 divided doses with meals each day.
Muscadine Grape Extract: 1 bottle per 50 pounds per month. Take in 2-3 divided doses with meals.
Good Herbs Kidney & Bladder Support: Maintenance dose outlined in my book Attempt A Cure, Part 2 Chapter 6 – for 3 months.
Acute Stone-Passage Treatment
Muscadine Grape Extract: 3 caps every 30 minutes until the pain is gone.
Beyond Osteo Fx powder: Mix 1 scoop with 3 ounces of fresh squeezed orange juice and 3 ounces of water and one ounce of Plant Derived Minerals liquid. Drink sips from this until the pain is gone. Refill if necessary.
Good Herbs: Kidney & Bladder Support: alternating with Good Herbs Heart Support: 2 mls every 60 minutes of each one until the pain is gone.
Alcohol tincture of Corn Silk: This product is not easy to find, and is not available via Youngevity. Do an internet search and find a 4 oz bottle – preferably made from Organic Corn Silk. Take 1 teaspoon every 15 minutes until the pain is gone.
Homeopathic “Belladonna 30C”[1]– Add 2 pellets to 2 ounces of distilled water in a glass spray-top bottle. Pound it 10 times. Take 3 sprays orally every 30 minutes until the pain is gone.
[1] Most Health Food Stores or Whole Foods should carry this. If you cannot get it I the “30C” strength, then get whatever strength they have and take it the same way.