Health Recovery Protocol
What to do to attempt to make yourself healthy if you have been diagnosed with:
Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
Dr. Glidden’s Health Recovery Protocol For Those Diagnosed With Pre-Menstrual Syndrome.
MD Cause: In keeping with the Male-Dominated Allopathic Medical profession, this illness historically was called “Hysteria.” The cause was then and is now blamed on hormone imbalances – but the cause of the hormone imbalances is unknown.
MD Rx: Synthetic hormone replacement.
ND Cause: Cholesterol deficiencies, funky livers and chronic nutrient deficiencies. Environmental toxicity is also a possibility.
Discussion: Naturopathic medical philosophy asserts that the body is attempting to optimize its function all of the time. When we come up against illnesses which are related to hormonal imbalances than it is our primary concern to support the parts of the body that are responsible for hormone production and hormone regulation. The liver and the endocrine system are therefore the systems that we focus on. We also must make sure that the body has the raw materials that it needs to manufacture hormones. Since all hormones are made from cholesterol then we make sure that people suffering with premenstrual syndrome have stopped taking statin drugs and stopped following fat free diets. Cholesterol is not the antichrist. Interestingly the research shows that postmenopausal white women with total cholesterol levels over 300 live longer than their peers with low cholesterol.
My Rx – In addition to the 90 EN:
Imortalium: 1 bottle per 100 pounds per month. Take in divided doses between meals if possible.
Good Herbs Female Hormonal Support: 2 bottles per 75 pounds per month. 1/2 teaspoon per bottle per day.
H.G.H. Youth Complex: If 200 pounds or less get one bottle per month: take six caps in the evening before bed. If 200 pounds or more, get 2 bottles per month. Take 6 caps before bed and sic caps at noon (with or without food).
Beet Juice: Go to the grocery store and pick up some organic beats. Get the fresh ones, not the ones in a can. Cut the greens from the top of the beet-root, then rinse the red beet under warm water to get the dirt off. Use a juicer (my favorite is the “Champion” brand), juice the beat and drink it down within 15 minutes of making it according to the following schedule:
Week 1: 2 ounces per day
Week 2: 3 ounces per day
Week 3: 4 ounces per day
It is okay to mix the beet juice with any other fresh squeezed juice. One of my favorite recipes is: carrot, green apple, beet. It is best if you use organic fruits and veggies, but if they prove too pricey, then get whatever you can. Be advised that at some point during this 21-day program your urine and or your stool will turn red or pink. You will think that you are bleeding. You are not. It is the beet juice. I would only do this program for 21 days at a time. If you like how it makes you feel, then wait two weeks and repeat the entire 21-day program.