What To Do If You Have Been Diagnosed With Heartburn.

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MD Cause: Unknown. According to “Web MD” there are "several factors that may increase your risk for acid reflux disease. Things like hiatal hernia, pregnancy, smoking, and obesity can all contribute to the appearance of heartburn.” If you read between the lines, nowhere do conventional medical doctors say that these things cause heartburn. Not everybody who has a hiatal hernia, or who is pregnant, or who is overweight has heartburn – right? Additionally, the MDs tell us that certain foods can aggravate heartburn (spicy foods, tomato sauce, chili peppers, etc). But not everybody who eats these foods gets heartburn! Certainly then, these food aggravators should not and cannot be considered as causes of heartburn either. This distinction will be missed by the majority of people who read information like this either in medical books or on the World Wide Web. The sad fact of the matter here is that the MDs, the Machiavellian owners of the medical market monopoly, have no earthly idea of what causes heartburn. 

MD Rx: Ant Acids, Proton Pump Inhibitors. These drugs inhibit or completely stop the production of digestive acid in the stomach. These drugs are sold both by prescription and over-the-counter. They are the most widely used class of drugs in the United States, with annual sales topping $10 billion. 

ND Cause: There are several things which can cause heartburn, but the major player here is a deficiency in stomach acid. That's right! Heartburn is not caused by an overproduction of stomach acid, but an underproduction of stomach acid - specifically Hydrochloric acid (Hcl), which is the main component of the digestive juice found in the stomach. Underproduction of hydrochloric acid is caused by deficiencies of the mineral calcium and the electrolyte chloride.

There are cells in the walls of the stomach called “Chief cells.” Their job is to squirt Hcl into the stomach. They need calcium to do this. If you are deficient in calcium, then the Chief cells will not be able to deliver Hcl. It is easy to become deficient in calcium – because it is an essential mineral, and as such, it cannot be made by the body. It must be imported into the body either with food or with nutritional supplements. Since the proper amounts of calcium are not found in our food anymore, supplementation becomes mandatory.

Chloride deficiencies happen when people are on salt restricted diets. Table salt is made from sodium chloride (NaCl). The body uses the chloride (Cl) from salt to make Hydrochloric acid (Hcl). If you are on a salt restricted diet, then you will be deficient in chloride and your body will not have the raw materials necessary to make Hcl. When there is not enough Hcl, another component of your digestive juice, Gastrin, builds up in excess. When gastrin builds up in excess, the little valve at the top of the stomach opens, and the weak acid that is in your stomach squirts up in your throat causing heartburn.

Therefore, I believe that the major cause of heartburn is an excess of gastrin, which is caused by a deficiency of Hcl, which is caused by deficiencies of calcium and salt. To add insult to injury, once the stomach acid is weak all kinds of "bugs" begin to live on the walls of the stomach. One of these culprits is a bacterium called “Helicobacter pylori,” and it is the main cause of stomach ulcers. The presence of these "bugs" can also aggravate or increase the symptoms of heartburn. When your stomach acid and digestive juice is strong and healthy, the bugs die. This is simple, elementary biochemistry and begs the question - Why on earth do the MDs not know this? I wonder if the $10 billion in antacid sales has anything to do with it..?

Discussion: This is one of my favorite topics to discuss. The fact that the medical doctors don't even know how to cure heartburn is a fascinating one on many levels. Perhaps the most overlooked and pernicious aspect of this situation is that nobody has ever thought to ask the question: " Why would we, as an educated culture, give trillions of dollars to come up with a cure for cancer, to the medical profession that doesn't even know how to cure heartburn?” The reason that nobody has come up with a cure for cancer is because the money has been given to the wrong medical profession. The MDs, who don't even know how to cure heartburn, are the wrong dogs for this hunt. They have legislated themselves into first place and sold everybody on the false notion that their way is the only way, so even when their therapeutics fail us, even when their therapeutics harm us, even when their therapeutics bankrupt us, and even when their therapeutics kill our loved ones, we insanely give them another try. [2]

Now remember - the allopathic ideology is to combat the disease process at all costs. It is an Oppositionally-Defiant system of medicine. In the case of heartburn, their treatment strategy is to deliver drugs (proton pump inhibitors and antacids) which obliterate the stomach's ability to make any stomach acid whatsoever. The MDs, in their arrogance, have no concern whatsoever for the collateral damage that such an aggressive biochemical move might have.  Do you, as a layperson, think that it is a good idea to swallow a drug which completely destroys your stomach's ability to digest anything? Isn't it the job of the stomach to digest food?

I am of the opinion that the unapologetic and overt use of antacids and proton-pump inhibitors is one of the leading causes of the acceleration of chronic diseases in the United States and the world. 

Type II diabetes, obesity, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, autism, Alzheimer’s (to name a few), are all increasing in incidence.[3] From the proper perspective everything makes sense. Let’s think this through:

  • All chronic illnesses are directly related to nutrient deficiencies.

  • Eliminating the stomach's ability to digest food through the administration of proton pump inhibitors and antacids must, by definition, impede the body's ability to digest and absorb nutrients that are in the food.

  • The longer that a person is taking these drugs the more deficient in nutrients their bodies become.

  • The more nutritionally deficient a person is, the more chronic illnesses they will develop. 

 The conspiracy theorist in me wants me to believe that the people who are behind the scenes, running the show, know all of this - and this is the reason why proton pump inhibitors and antacids are the most widely sold drugs in the world. The more of these drugs that people take, the sicker they become, and the more money the drug companies make in managing (not curing) their illnesses...[4]

I do believe that this is an accurate understanding of what is going on in the world, but it is impossible to prove. What is possible to prove however is the fact that long term proton pump inhibitor use is now being linked to hypo-calcemia, hypo-magnesia, Clostridium difficile infections, and pneumonia.[5]

My Rx:  In addition to the 90 EN:

  • Salt your food so that it tastes good.[6] Sea salt, “Real Salt” or Celtic salt are preferred – especially if you can find these products with iodine added to them.

  • Avoid any carbonated beverage before or during a meal. The bubbles in the drink are Carbon dioxide, which neutralizes stomach acid. This is one of the 12 Bad Foods, but a little reminder never hurts.

  • Ultimate Enzymes: 1 or 2 bottles per month. Take 1 or 2 capsules at the beginning of a meal. If you forget do not take these at the end of the meal as that will impede your digestion. You can also take them 10 to 15 minutes before you start to eat.

  • Beyond Osteo Fx liquid: 1 bottle. Take 1 ounce mixed in 2 oz. of water and/or 2 oz. fresh-squeezed[7]orange juice twice daily.

Homeopathy: Watch the video on homeopathy at the top of this page to understand this therapeutic.

  • Arsenicum album: The stomach feels swollen as if full of water; you crave acidic things and coffee which makes the stomach feel better.

  • Lachesis mutus: There are spasmodic constrictions of the throat and stomach made temporarily better by eating.

  • Carbo vegetabilis: There is constriction felt around the throat and waist – tight clothing aggravates, heaviness and burning pains in the abdomen and stomach.


[2]. The definition of insanity is: Repeating the same thing over and over, whilst expecting a different result.

[3] http://www.fightchronicdisease.org/sites/default/files/docs/GrowingCrisisofChronicDiseaseintheUSfactsheet_81009.pdf

[4] The Furion in me wants you to fight this madness and fire your MD.

[5} Long-term Consequences of Chronic Proton Pump Inhibitor Use. LeAnn W. O'Neill, PharmD; Benjamin L. Culpepper, PharmD; John A. Galdo, PharmD, BCPS, US Pharmacist. 2013;38(12):38-42. 

[6] There is no relationship between salt and High Blood Pressure.

[7] Get an organic orange, cut it open and squeeze the juice out. Do not use bottled orange juice.