Health Recovery Protocol

What to do to attempt to make yourself healthy if you have been diagnosed with:


(Water accumulation in the extremities)

MD Cause: Unknown

MD Rx:  Diuretics.

ND Cause: The first thing to consider is a deficiency in protein – either from not eating enough of it or not being able to digest and absorb what is eaten (or a combination of both). The body needs protein to absorb waste products excreted from the cells into the blood vessels and the lymphatic system. If you are deficient in protein this will not happen efficiently, so fluid excreted from the cells builds up in the extracellular space creating swelling in the extremities. This usually is most pronounced in the ankles and calves because of gravity and occurs on both sides of the body.

The second thing to consider is a swelling of something in the lower abdomen which acts as a damn of sorts – causing fluid to accumulate below the swelling (the legs). When this happens it is always a one-sided phenomenon. The swelling could be a tumor in the colon (left or right depending on where the tumor is), inflammation of the liver (right side), inflammation of the spleen (left side), or a hernia.

 The third thing to consider is congestive heart failure – which causes fluid to build up in both extremities ostensibly because the heart is not pumping optimally. As previously discussed, it is impossible for the heart to pump blood all the way through the body and then back to the heart. It simply does not have the strength to do this. There are other mechanisms at work here. It is a combination of a vitamin B1 deficiency and not enough 4th phase water.[1]

Discussion: Diuretics which are the MD go-to treatment do not get to the root cause of the problem and are loaded with side-effects.[2] This will not change because of their market share – $0.77 billion in 2025, with projections in 2029 of $0.89 billion. It is always better to Attempt To Cure the condition than to just manage it – especially when it comes to the heart.

ND Rx: In addition to the 90 EN and the elimination of the 12 Bad Foods:

  • Get an abdominal ultrasound to see if there is anything out of the ordinary.

  • Eat protein with every meal – have at least 50% of everything you eat be protein.

  • D-Stress (for B vitamins): If under 200 pounds, 1 bottle per month. If over 200 pounds 2 bottles per month. Taken in 2 divided doses daily.

  • Fill a bathtub with about 6 inches of cold water. Sit down in it with the legs extended. Swash the water over the legs by moving them back and forth in the tub. Continue for 3 minutes. When you get out of the tub, let the legs air dry.

  • Drink 8 ounces of organic coconut water and/or 8 ounces of fresh squeezed (with a juicer at home) vegetable or fruit juice.

  • Ground your body to Mother Earth daily.[3]

[1] Read Gerald Pollack’s book The 4th Phase of Water for more information.

[2] This from When taken at the recommended dosage, diuretics are considered safe. However, they have been associated with several serious adverse effects including:

·       Stevens-Johnson syndrome, erythema multiforme and other severe reactions in people with a sulphonamide allergy who have taken a sulphonamide-containing diuretic (includes acetazolamide, thiazides, or loop diuretics)

·       Severe neurological changes have occurred in people with liver disease given loop diuretics who are already electrolyte depleted

·       Tinnitus or hearing impairment have been reported with loop diuretics, mainly after intravenous administration, or in people with kidney disease, low protein levels, or administered another medicine that may also affect hearing

·       Excessive urination can occur which may cause dehydration with the potential for adverse cardiovascular events such as a stroke or blood clots.

Side effects vary depending on the type of diuretic taken, however, the more common side effects of diuretics include - Changes in electrolyte levels (such as potassium, sodium, calcium or magnesium levels), depending on the type of diuretic; Constipation; Dizziness; Dry mouth; Gout; headache; An increase in blood sugar levels; Muscle cramps; Stomach upset; Tiredness.

[3] Get the book Earthing to find out how to do this.