Health Recovery Protocol

What to do to attempt to make yourself healthy if you have been diagnosed with:

Hot Flushes of Menopause

MD Cause:  Unknown; Hormonal imbalances; Menopause

 MD Rx: Synthetic hormones

ND Cause: Liver sluggishness; Cholesterol deficiencies; essential nutrient deficiencies; poly-pharmacy; consistent consumption of pro-inflammatory foods.

Discussion: Menopause is not a disease. It is a time of life. If anyone becomes symptomatic for more than 3 months at the onset of menopause then it reflects the lack of the internal strength/health/balance of their body. MDs, not believing in the Vital Force, throw synthetic hormones into the mix, attempting to overpower the hormonal system. This is never a good idea. The body uses the liver to help to regulate hormones. Thy hypothalamus (which is part of the brain) is also involved. Therefore, therapeutic support for both of those is indicated. The best way to help the liver is with the 21-day beet juice program outlined in Appendix XIII. The best way to help the hypothalamus is with the Good Herbs product “Hypothalamus Support.” Homeopathy, if it matches the symptomology can also be a great blessing here.

My Rx: In addition to the 90 EN and the elimination of the 12 Bad Foods:

 ·       Stop taking all Statin drugs.

·       Good Herbs Hypothalamus Support: If under 150 pounds get 1 bottle per month. If over 150 pounds get 2 bottles per month. Take 4ml per bottle per day in 2 divided doses.

·       21-Day Beet Juice Protocol outlined in Appendix XIII.

·       Eat a diet high in cholesterol.


·       Lachesis mutus: The hot flush occurs at night interrupting sleep.

·       Belladonna: Hot flushes come and go suddenly. The part of the body affected is RED AND HOT. There is often a 3 pm aggravation.

·    Glonoinum: Sudden, throbbing, pulsating flushes of heat rising upwards in the body. Often initiated by being heated or just by being near something hot.