Health Recovery Protocol

What to do to attempt to make yourself healthy if you have been diagnosed with:

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Watch this video first.

Dr. Glidden’s Health Recovery Protocol For Those Diagnosed With Rheumatoid Arthritis

MD Cause: Auto-immunity.

MD Rx: Immune suppressant drugs, Anti-inflammatory drugs.

ND Cause: Nutrient deficiencies on top of an infection with a bacterium called “Mycoplasma.” The buildup of environmental toxins in the body.

Discussion: Autoimmunity is yet another false flag run up the pole by the MDs. According to this theory, on Monday you are perfectly fine, but on Tuesday you wake up and discover that, for some unknown reason, your body has decided to attack itself. Voila! – you have an Autoimmune disease. The medical doctors look at the blood of someone suffering with arthritis and they see that there are components of the blood which are not present in a healthy person. The components of the blood which are involved here are called Antibodies. There are three of them that are related to Rheumatoid arthritis:

1) Rheumatoid factor: 

An antibody found in the blood of 70 to 80 percent of RA sufferers. Higher levels of rheumatoid factor correlate with more severe symptoms and faster progression of the disease. However, some people with RA test negative for rheumatoid factor, and some people who do not have Rheumatoid arthritis test positive for it, so it is not a 100 percent definitive test.

2) Anti-CCP Antibody:                                                                                             

This is another antibody associated with RA. If you test positive for anti-CCP, there is about a 90 percent chance you have rheumatoid arthritis. A positive test for anti-CCP also indicates that RA is likely to progress more quickly. On the other hand, many RA patients test negative for anti-CCP, so this test is most often used in combination with other rheumatoid arthritis tests.

3) Anti-nuclear Antibody: 

Anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) tests measure immune-system chemicals that indicate autoimmune disease. Thirty to 40 percent of RA patients test positive for anti-nuclear antibodies

Let me see if I have this straight. This is actually how the MDs think:

  • People with Rheumatoid arthritis (and other Auto-Immune diseases) have:

  • Anti-bodies that healthy people do not have.

  • Sometimes…

  • Therefore, it is the Antibodies that cause the disease.

  • Even though they are not always present.

  • Why?

    • Because the body is a bag of chemicals waiting to break, so…

    • Just trust me – I went to Harvard…


The medical doctors are inclined to dismiss facts which argue against their prevailing treatment dogmas.[1] So they disregard the obvious questions which the above exposition has brought to light:  if the antibodies associated with rheumatoid arthritis are not always present, then how is it possible for rheumatoid arthritis to be related to a runaway immune response? They jump to the conclusion that, for some unknown reason, the immune system decided to destroy the human body - even though the evidence that they lean on to come to that conclusion is filled with holes. Again, I wonder if the billions of dollars created by Humira[2] sales have anything to do with the scientific shortsightedness here? The steadfast belief that it is a runaway immune system which causes the diseases categorized as “Auto-Immune” is why the MDs prescribe immunosuppressive drugs as a treatment. Please remember that the immunosuppressive drugs that the MDs prescribe are not intended to cure the condition, are extremely expensive, and are filled with some of the nastiest side effects that are found in the not so wonderful world of pharmaceutical medicine.

The concept of “Autoimmunity” is a function of “Reality-By-Consensus.” Once 10 MDs agreed that it was true, it became true – and that was the end of the discussion. I believe that the MDs are only half-way correct in their understanding of “Autoimmunity.” Here is, perhaps, a more reasonable understanding of this condition. It is the one that I profess.

·     Consistent consumption of pro-inflammatory foods in tandem with increasing nutrient deficiencies has led to chronic, undiagnosed, low levels of inflammation.

·     Inflammation destroys tissue.

·     When enough dead tissue builds up in the body, the body attempts to get rid of it.

·     The body activates the immune system to get rid of the dead tissue. This is the reason that sometimes the antibodies associated with autoimmunity are present and sometimes they are not. It all depends on the levels of dead tissue found in the body.

·     This situation will continue unchecked until the person suffering from the illness cleans up their diet and fills up their nutritional tank.

·     In addition to the above scenario, Rheumatoid arthritis can also be associated with an infection from a bacterium called “Mycobacteria.” It gets into the body through the lungs, and then takes up residence in the joints. Many people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis have had some type of lung trouble a few months before their joint pain began. This concept of “Stealth-Infections” causing Auto-Immunity is a rapidly-growing field of wholistic medicine. A diagnostic laboratory in Georgia (Diagnostic Solutions) is worth investigating in this regard.

·     It is also possible that the presence of environmental toxins in the body have blocked and/or up-regulated or down-regulated certain enzymatic reactions in the body. If the biochemistry is just right here, the immune system can be tricked into thinking that healthy tissue is a foreign invader. In this case, the body does start to destroy itself. (This is the part that the MDs got right – but they do not know that it is environmental toxins that are the cause). This is why a Detox program is ALWAYS recommended whenever an autoimmune disease is known or presumed to be present.


My Rx: In addition to the 90 EN:


  • Plant Derived Minerals, or Cheri-Mins, or Strawberry Kiwi Mins, or Ultimate Mineral Caps:[3] 1 bottle per 100 pounds per month.

  • Beyond Osteo Fx liquid: 1 bottle per 100 pounds per month.

  • Good Herbs Bone & Tissue Support: 2 bottles per 75 pounds per month. 1/2 teaspoon per bottle per day.

  • Good Herbs Antimicrobial Support: 2 bottles per 75 pounds per month. 1/2 teaspoon per bottle per day.

  • Argentyn 23 Colloidal Silver: 1 teaspoon taken orally, 3 times daily. Also, spray some onto the affected joint 3-4 times daily and before bed.

Choose one of the following 4 options:[4]

  • Gluco-Gel caps: 1 cap per 10 pounds per day. 

  • Gluco-Gel liquid: 1 bottle per 50 pounds per month. Take 1 ounce per bottle per day.

  • Flexi-Care Plus: 1 bottle per 50 pounds per month. Take 1 tablespoon per bottle per day.

  • Sta-Restored:1 bottle per 75 pounds per month. 3 caps per bottle per day.

Add-Ons: Cabbage leaf.


[1] And nobody calls them on it, because once 10 MDs (or PhDs or scientists) have agree that it is so, it becomes “Reality By Consensus” and is no longer open for debate.

[2] This is the “Go-To” drug for Autoimmune conditions. It suppresses the immune system. It averages $16 Billion a year in sales.

[3] The dose for the mineral caps is different than for any of the mineral liquids. It is: 1 bottle per 200 pounds per month.

[4] It’s OK to switch between these from month to month to see if you like one of more than the others.