Health Recovery Protocol
What to do to attempt to make yourself healthy if you have been diagnosed with:
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Dr. Glidden’s Health Recovery Protocol For Those Diagnosed With Hyperthyroid.
MD Cause: Unknown
MD Rx: Drugs & surgery.
ND Cause: Iodine, Copper, Selenium deficiencies. Inappropriate curvature in the vertebrae of the neck.
Discussion: See the Discussion section under HYPOTHYROID.
My Rx: In addition to the 90 EN:
Eat a lot of cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel’s sprouts) as they contain phytochemicals that decrease thyroid activity.
Plant Derived Minerals, or Cheri-Mins, or Strawberry Kiwi Mins, or Ultimate Mineral Caps:[1]1 bottle per 100 pounds per month.
Ultimate Selenium: 1 bottle per 100 pounds per month. Not to exceed 2 bottles per month. Take in divided doses between meals if possible.
Good Herbs Hypothalamus Support: 1 bottle per 100 pounds per month for 3 months: Take 1/2 teaspoon per bottle twice daily.
[1] The dose for the mineral caps is different than for any of the mineral liquids. It is: 1 bottle per 200 pounds per month.