Health Recovery Protocol
What to do to attempt to make yourself healthy if you have been diagnosed with:
Detached Retina
Watch this video first.
Dr. Glidden’s Health Recovery Protocol For Those Diagnosed With Detached Retina.
MD Cause: Unknown – probably genetic ;-)
MD Rx: Surgery
ND Cause: Poor circulation to the eye caused by nutrient deficiencies and chronic consumption of the 12 Bad Foods.
Discussion: If the shingles on the roof of your house started coming off on a windy day, the first thing that you would consider is that the nails holding them to the roof must be coming loose. What makes the nails become lose? Rust, and perhaps rotten wood. It’s the same thought process with the retina. The retina is the tissue in the back of the eye which collects light. The cells of the retina are stimulated by the light and send the images that they collect to the brain. Nobody knows how the brain modifies the electrical signals that it receives from the retinal cells into visual images. It’s a mystery that the MDs refuse to investigate because it would take them into the forbidden land of metaphysics.[1] The retina is attached to the back of the eyeball like a shingle on your roof – just not with nails… When the retina starts to peel off of the back of the eyeball the first thing to consider is that the “glue” which is holding it there is becoming weak. What does the body need to keep the retina snugly attached to the back of the eyeball? The 90 EN.
Additionally, when the nails holding the shingle to the roof become rusted, they lose their gripping ability. Rust is caused by oxidative damage. Oxidative damage inside the body must be considered a culprit – it is only logical.
Lastly, whenever we see a part of the body start to degenerate and become weak, we must consider the possibility that the circulation to it has been compromised. The blood vessels that feed the retina are amongst the smallest in the body and they can become clogged the same way that the blood vessels to the heart can. This process we believe is due (in large part) to oxidative damage. (Again - with the oxidative damage – oi-vey!). Oxidative damage in the body is caused by consumption of the 12 Bad Foods (especially oil in a bottle and fried food), by accumulated toxins, and by a weak Fire-Department in the body (see Part 1, Chapter 5). Increased consumption of Anti-Oxidants and Selenium supplementation are therefore necessary here to support and promote healthy eye function. A Detox-Program after the first 90 days of the program is also recommended.
My Rx: In addition to the 90 EN and the elimination of the 12 Bad Foods:
Muscadine Grape Extract: 4 bottles per month if under 200 pounds. 6 bottles per month if over 200 pounds.
Good Herbs Circulation Support: Acute dose, as outlined in chapter 10, for three months only. Then the maintenance dose for 3 more months.
Selenium: 1 bottle per 100 pounds per month. Do not get more than 4 bottles per month, regardless of your weight. The dose is 3 caps per bottle per day between meals. If during the intake of selenium at these dosages you experience fishy or garlicky breath, brittle nails or unusually dry hair then cut the dose in half. For 7 days. If those symptoms persist then fall all the way back to 1 bottle per month.
Homeopathy – for detached retina due to physical trauma
Arnica montana: Blunt force trauma accompanied with black & blue discoloration.
[1] As would the question: “Where does the light in our dreams come from?” But that’s a subject for a different book.
[1] As would the question: “Where does the light in our dreams come from?” But that’s a subject for a different book.