3/18/25 Live Chat Q&A
Casey in Utah, I work swing and don’t get home till around 4am, I try to be asleep by 5, but I also take my last dose of the 90 before bed. Would that potentially be adding to why I have insomnia? Is it not good to be taking the 90 so late at night?
I was cleaning my ear about a week ago with a a tip and my hearing has been muffled. Three days ago I started the debrox ear solution for 3 days and my hearing has improved to a 5/10 but am still hearing a static sound with no pain/ pressure. It gets better but then reverts, it’s inconsistent. Sometimes when I burp my ear will pop then my hearing improves to a 6-7/10. How long should I continue the solution before draining with warm water?
Just received your new hardback book- Congratulations Dr. Glidden- Excited to read! I have a plantars wart on my right foot under my little toe. On 90, no bad foods, completed 3 of 6 parasite cleanse.. What do you recommend. Thank you Dr. Glidden…..Lynn
Dr G, Does the heart naturally clear plaque from the arteries? If so, how does this process occur? P.S Are enemas the same thing as colon hydrotherapy and if so, is it ok to try it out with an at home kit on Amazon? I also just bought your ebook and although I just started reading it, I already love it!
This is SuzyQ, Doc, I ordered one of your books and would like you to sign it. Have you decided how that can be done? Also those blood-work reference ranges did not print completely out when I tried to print them off of your website. I had to write some of them down. Also, how often are we to get that bloodwork done? Is products with Cassava Flour o.k. to eat? Also, what happened to February 6th chat in the archives? It's not there! One more thing, did you get a chance to watch Dr. Ellie's video on how to Create Healthy Teeth? It's very interesting! She has 5 children and several grand-children who don't have any cavities! I think that is totally amazing! Do you still want to talk to her?
Hello, this is Gracie from Chicago. a couple weeks ago You said to add baking soda to your tangy tangerine drink, but I was also adding a half a cup of wild blueberries to my shake. on Tuesday I was reminded that you cannot have carbonation with food which was probably causing some of my bloating pain -so is it a good idea just to do baking soda in between meals on a regular basis and what’s the reason for that?
Merry, Apache Jct. - Got THE book today. The cover is an eye catcher! Thanks for all the time and dedication that went into it. QUESTION: When you say to take your supplements while fasting, does that include any add-ons like Sweet-Eze or the Good Herbs? I couldn't find this with the search. Have a well-deserved vacation and enjoy!
Craig in Grants Pass. Arlo is in the house with us tonight. He had his prostate operated on about 1 1/2 years ago, he is still suffering with bleeding and blood clots. Also frequent infections. He is looking for some new advice. He also has no energy on a day to day basis.
I just watched a Children's Health Defence webinar. The holistic vet mentioned a remedy for vax injury. I did not write it down. (I'm following up with CHD). Is there something for humans (to detox from vaxes)? Richard from the great 51st state.
Is it better to take the essential 90 with food or without or does it matter? What do you recommend for tinnitus? And what is the cause? It is a high-pitch constant ring like a dog whistle. Doesn't bother me during the day, but when it is quiet.
What would you suggest for long-term IBS. On the 90 essentials, no bad foods, still many bowel movements daily.
Hi Dr. Glidden, Millie from S/E WI here. What should we have on hand for a food poisoning remedy? I'm suspect of a home canned soup we had tonight. Thank you for your input !!!!
Hi Doctor Glidden; Going into the 8th week with sinus congestion; this started shortly after arial spraying / seeding of the sky in Calgary, Alberta.
I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m thinking it might be allergies. Nostrils take turns getting congested. Your protocol is cell shield and good herb sinus and allergy support. I get a little slight pain around the pineal gland area, have a cough and coughing us mucus. Anything else I can take to take me out of my misery. How many cell shields should I take a day? Is it ok to use sinus rinse. I also need to mention that I have lost my smell and taste.
How do we get our membership discount code for the book?
I've been struggling with easily irritated skin on my labia after healing from an internal vaginal infection - it's been months and I can't seem to get it to fully resolve - been on the system for 3 weeks now - what else could I do? The feeling of irritation is like a chaffed sensation.
What can cause the lungs to fill up with fluid multiple times? Where on the website do we find the link to the book?
Hi Doc, Because I no longer go to a GP for annual check-up….how can I check on my blood sugars…and what else should I evaluate. Are these instructions in your book or on the website? OH, you are now speaking about Direct LAbs….is that all that I need? Which tests? Is this what Suzy Q asked? missed her question….
My sister's yeast infection is on and off. She's on 90. Extra Selenium. No 12 bad food to the best of her ability. A lil fried food here and there. Are Killer biotic & Sweet-eze able to help in any way? Tried Conium Maculatum 200C last time you prescribed. Not much success. Afterlife question. I came across the message of "don't go into the light" when we die, for it will keep us in a reincarnation loop. Do you have any insight on this matter?
Greetings Doc; Paul fm Fredericksburg here... Just for the edification of all, I downed an 8 oz. glass of my home made colloidal silver on 2 occasions of verified food poisoning over the last 15 years, and it cleared symptoms within 2 hours. I realize it is anecdotal... Most gratefully, - Paul -
My 25 year old goddaughter is presently suffering from POTS disease. Went to Er the other day with 49 heart rate. Blood pressure is extremely low or high, night shakes, and sleepless nights. Pressure goes high and low. Can’t hardly eat due to nauseating sensations. Uses walker at time due to dizziness. This has been going on a few weeks. Thank you
My left foot slipped on gravel Friday night. Now my left pinky bone is swollen and hurts to walk and put on shoes. Anything I can do for swelling?
The sprained ankle protocol has sinusitis protocol. Can that be updated.