3/6/25 Live Chat Q&A


Colon Hydrotherapy: Do you recommend taking anything prior to the hydrotherapy session like electrolytes? If so, any specific recommendations? Post procedure, do you recommend taking anything for the large intestine? I have concerns about losing my good bacteria post procedure. Can you take Causticum as a general supplement for good health?


Magdalena – France. Dear Doctor, thank you for all the help you are giving. The latest homeopathic medicine you recommended is starting to work and I feel much better. Can I ask for my husband ? He always seems to have a lot of moisture/itching on his eyes (tear ducts (particularly the left) and a cold runny nose (he will run and fetch a ball if I throw it) ! He has had ‘Hay Fever’ from childhood. Have you any recommendations.


Good morning, Dr. Glidden. Matthew from Palm Coast. I have two questions today, but one is from my brother Phillip (the RN) who won't be able to attend due to work. Phillip asked if you think he should undergo a Balloon Sinuplasty since he can't find a Bilateral Nasal Specific practitioner near his area. My question: In the AC/DC Skin Energy application, when applying the "self-application version", is it important how I position my hands (such as sitting indian-style or if palms can rest on non-contact areas) as long as the primary touch points are being touched properly with the pads of my fingers? One step requires both hands touch the bottom of my left foot, which can be a bit of a stretch for nearly 20 minutes. Dr. Glidden; thank you, sir.


Have you heard of ASEA products and if do your opinion please.


Merry, Apache Jct. - Ordered THE book yesterday and really excited to get it. Thanks for your dedication! Just got back from the health food store. Picked up some gluten free cereal for the grandkids, and me too. HAHA! So many use corn and oats but Seventh Sunday uses sunflower seed flour and Lovebird uses cassava. Lovebird has a good website with a gluten free, dairy free raspberry cheesecake recipe that looks delicious! I'll put the link in the chat room.


I have been watching a lot of your content and I appreciate your candor! Do you have any suggestions as to how a person who has had CF would start on your program? I see the selenium recommendations, but wondered how you would care for the other systems, such as the GI and liver, considering the mucus and history of pharmaceutical use.

What can you recommend for bulging discs that are causing a lot of pain and M.D. is only giving shots of prednisone.


Longevity for three years. 74 yr old female concerned about osteoporosis. Is there a significant advantage between these two products to treat osteoporosis ? Gluco-gel vs Mt Pine Bud-Pinus at Integrity Health. The latter says it regenerates bone cartilage. Thank you, Beth


Craig from Grants Pass. My wife suffers from memory loss and has emotional swings that are difficult to manage. We stay away from the 12 bad foods and Doctors. Is their something i can give her to help stop the up and downs. Thanks for the Help


My husband has a bad heart Valve he is on the 90 essential for about 4 yrs. and is off the 12 bad foods for about 4 weeks. Is there anything else he can take?


On the subject of allergies, I get mold reactions each year as the snow melts up here in Kanada. Any suggestion? I'm on the 90 and off the 12. Richard from Ottawa


Good morning, Dr. Glidden...Millie from SE/WI here. Help! I'm dealing with what I think is sciatic pain throughout my right buttock and hip. I've had it for months, but with this last snowstorm, it's been debilitating. Sitting is okay, but standing is a challenge. I started Ruta yesterday morning, sipping on ice chips, no food as when I stand, my tummy rumbles. I appreciate any suggestions? We collect rainwater exclusively for the garden, use Azomite minerals (from Utah), and Electroculture. Any ideas on how to mitigate the metals/chemicals being profusely sprayed above us?

Where can I find the question I asked on a previous show? I asked for a recommendation for a 93 yo experiencing diminished cognitive impairment. What do you recommend?


Lana NJ. Thanks for advice. I listened to your fantastic presentation about eye health-an ocean of information. Back to my Glaucome. I understand, I'm ordering The Anti-aging pack, Ultimate daily capsules and more Selenium. As of now I'm taking Tangy Tangerine powder + 4tablets more later in the day, Minerals and OsteoFx and Omega-3s, also Seenium and GlucoGel. The blurred vision is still here, and the pupil - dilated. But I see better today. I do hope, my right eye will start see properly again. I cancelled the laser procedure. Ant further advice? Your book: what;s the principal difference between soft and hard cover versions? Thank you ever so much for helping us.

Susie, from WV, what are your recommendations for years of accute RLS.

Hi so I asked last week about my75 yr old brother with SEVERE nerve damage from (the medical practicing idiots) having drained his lung. You recommended to try The Comium Mac 1M and Bryonia Alba 1m did not touch the pain. I got him Boiron Hypericum Perforatum 10M.(I'm giving him this every 2 hrs, 5 pellets. I have him staying here with me now, as of this Tues, so I can nutrify him with the 90 ess. Im also doing the "tip to tip" that Bret recommends using this layer process: GH Nerve support, GH Circulatory Support, GH B&T Support, then cypress ess oil, then CM Cream I'm applying this 4x a day. Also I'm using a red light panel on him from & back 30 min each side 2x a day. Something in this process is helping a his back nerve where they but the tube in but the pain that radiates to the front around his rib cage is brutal wen he moves it brings him to tears in seconds. What other homeopathic would you recommend for this pain/nerve repair? Would the hot cold hydro therapy you recommend other times help with nerve pain/ inflammation? Also he is listening to you now. I know its long but thought I needed to give you all the info. What can I give him to stop the lungs from filling up? Now the DR say (now that they have damaged him) "dont have this done anymore they will drain naturally"

I was waiting for the person with "bubbly mucus", wheezing, larynx tightness to come back in today for your suggestions, as you instructed him to do.. Don't see him. Could you go ahead on that anyway?


Would the person with CF diagnosis start alll three of what you recommended, 1. selenium 2. 90 essential 3. lung support at the same time? Thanks, Paula in Keller


3/18/25 Live Chat Q&A


3/4/25 Live Chat Q&A