3/4/25 Live Chat Q&A
I been doing feet in ice and hot water regularly for my sprained ankle. I love the hot water way more hence I do it more often than the ice. Does the hot water help at all? Is there a huge difference between the two?
Melody H, unclear on the dosage of conicum maculatum 200c. Taking 1 pellet at 3x day - once every 5 hours. Thanks.
Hello, this is Gracie from Chicago. I have a lot of G.I. distress and I’m still suffering with urgency to pee flareups (the feeling of a very full bladder, but no relief from not being able to empty my bladder, )from the anesthesia after my surgery. it seems when one stops the other one starts and vice versa. I wonder why that is? also I’ve been suffering with terrible bloating pain, and G.I. distress. Nothing is helping. I am on the killer biotic. I would like to know if there’s some kind of test for my pancreas that would determine if I truly have EPI, which is “insufficient pancreatic production”. I already did a stool test, MRI ultrasound, endoscopy, colonoscopy, etc..- only the stool test said there was an abnormality with my pancreas because the numbers were low, but the prescription, which is really a supplement for Pancreatic enzymes does not help.
Hi Dr. G, Margie from Fayetteville, NC…. My son Phillip is driving home from my house and asked me to ask you these questions for him …..
Hey doc, it’s Phil :). I’ve returned to my workplace that still seems to be full of mold. Since I can’t change where I work yet, do you have any general recommendations since I have the following symptoms: excess mucus production (from both my sinuses and lungs) that collects in my larynx, making it extremely hard to breathe… even when I sit still, others hear bubbling from my airways as I breathe. I can’t blow anything out of my nose and my sinuses are completely stopped up. I am coughing very often, which leads to suffocation spells, and sometimes I cough out clear, bubbly, thin mucus. Symptoms worsen dramatically when I move for short distances; but after I move for an extended period of time, I can breathe much clearer. Also, since I can’t seem to find a Bilateral Nasal Specific practitioner anywhere near my area, what do you think of me undergoing a Balloon Sinuplasty?
i am a subcriber and on your program. Acute event led to diagnosis of severe mitral valve regurgitation. Ejection Fraction 25 to 30%. On big pharma for 1st time in 76 yrs. Awaiting Surgery consult for mitraclip. In the meantime got with Bob to set up consult to nutrify more now and post op. Your advice pls. Big learning curve.
Hi Doc, Sarge here! I’ve got a 200 lb guy with Type II diabetes, High Blood Pressure and 30% kidney function. The kidney issues either started with or were exacerbated by his receiving Remdesivir while in the hospital for ‘Covid’ about 2-3 years ago. What do you recommend for him and have you heard of kidney damage from Remdesivir being reversed with nutrition? Also, did you ever come up with a good book on Homeopathy you could recommend?
Hello Dr Glidden, last week you gave a recommendation for our customer who is wanting to get off his blood pressure meds. You recommended he take 1 D-Stress per day for 2 weeks, then consult with his pharmacist to wean off the meds. Our customer is asking how long would he be taking the D-Stress for? Would he just continue to take 1 D-Stress a day until he is fully off the meds? We have a customer who is on the 90 Nutrients, RYL Beta 500, Good Herbs Prostate health, Gluco-Gel, FucoidZ and he has developed constipation. He is asking if any of the Youngevity products could be causing this?
I am getting major crap for being anti-vax. So tell me, is polio treatable?
Lana NJ. Doctor, I was here with my right eye problem: redness, dilated pupil, blurred vision. Today I was at the eye doctor's office. He checked the eye, found high pressure there and diagnosed me with acute glaucoma attack. Prescribed 3 eye drops to reduce the pressure-dorzolamide, timolol and brimonidine. He pushed me to LPI (laser iridotomy) to break the fluid blockage right tomorrow. Frankly speaking I'm afraid of this surgery. Please advise, should I inevitably take or there are better ways. Thanks a lot.
My 5 month old granddaughter has eczema. Are you kidding me? Completely breastfed. Is this a problem with mama? If so, just follow your eczema protocol for mom? Same baby is getting a tongue tie fixed on Friday. What can you do for someone that young after such a surgery? I first listened to your post surgery advice There is no option for Nux Vomica or Bellis Perennis at 1M. Where can I get them? NVM just found them on Boiron. Is that an ok brand?
Have a client and her Doctor wants to put her on Alendronate for low bone density. She wants to increase her bone density naturally. she wants to know if she should go on the medication. I've suggested Calcium, Collagen, Liq. Gluco-gel. Is there anything else I should suggest to fix her low bone density? She is on Ultimate classic and EFA's. Have a friend who has had rods in her back for many years. Now she is experiencing severe pain and they are telling her she should have surgery to remove the rods. Do you think she should agree to the surgery?
This is Benjamin O from the Bronx. Dr. Glidden, what would you recommend to treat pain on the left toe. Can you explain why? Thank you for your help. Biggest toe, it hurts when am standing and walking. Gets throbbing feeling. no the pain is not always there. it feels better when is hot.
Dr Glidden, I had a rotator cuff repair on my right done many years ago. Recently it might have been aggravated and the arm becomes heavy and sore to the touch. I'm on the 90 essentials and taking the plant derived minerals. Is there any other supplement that would help? Thank you for your help.
Hi Dr. Glidden, Millie from SE/WI here... YAY for you on your book!!!! My husband has been gluten free, on the program, and off the 12 bad foods for a year and a half. He recently has an annoying twitch below his right eye at the cheekbone area. Has had this before the program and we don't know what made it stop. Any suggestions? I'm thinking perhaps more Osteo? Wondering about homeopathy for him. Thank you!!! Also...We collect rain water for the garden. Do you have any thoughts on how to handle/detox the chem trail spray? We take extra Plant Derived Minerals and apply Azomite minerals to the soil....This is driving my crazy!
My wife has Gallstones and has been told they only remove the Gallbladder to remedy the issue. It is my understanding that they used to blast them into sand but no longer do because "they reoccur". Since I believe they reoccur because of the Liver being out of order, could the 90 Essentials bridge the gap and possibly fix the original issue (assuming that nothing else was the matter) ? Thank you. Your guidance is already saving my life. I haven't been able to walk properly for over 2 years and am now skipping as well. Thank you so-o-o much.
What makes it harder to see at lower light levels?
One more question: is GH Circulatory formula and support the same thing?
Knee surgery? Torn ACL
Hi doc. I get diarrhea when I take the liquid minerals. What do you reccommend?
I see on X lots are pushing copper supplements and drinking out of copper bottles. Is copper toxic for us? One doctor said it should only be used in wires and in the trash.