12/5/24 Live Q&A Chat


When getting the COVID-19 vaccine in 2021, I immediately started to experience a tingling feeling, which resolved after following your advice to take yellow viper and fucoidZ. However, I have recently started experiencing a tingling/pricking sensation in my fingers and hands, which began about three weeks ago. The sensation comes and goes. What would you suggest to help this? I’m 27, weigh 67 kg, and am 169 cm tall.


Hey doc, it’s Phil. As you recommended Natrum arsenicatum (aka. arsenicicum), I’m curious if this is the same as Natrum arsenicum? I see Urenus sells this. Also, what’s the difference between Bilateral Nasal Specific and Balloon Sinuplasty? I can’t seem to find consistent information on this topic.


Greetings Doc; Paul fm Fredericksburg here... I was down with some sort of cold / flu-like thing over the Thanksgiving week. Condition seems to have cleared, but I have a lingering laryngitis. Is there a homeopathic remedy which may help clear it up? Thank you.


Good morning Dr. G.. Following our appointment, I took my first dose (2 pellets) of Byronia alba at 11:45am yesterday. Dang! It packed a punch! It felt like I drank a whole bottle of caffeine! I was super irritable for the first 2 hours, and my heart thumped hard and fast (96bpm). After the 2 hours, my heart rate returned to normal, but it was still thumping hard for the rest of the day. I could breathe ok, but I could not sing or hold a note without running out of breath. I kept burping the rest of the day with feelings of reflux. I did not have any bladder pain, but I can tell it’s not gone yet as still burns at tip & cloudy. I didn’t take a second dose last night. Do you think I should just take 1 pellet as a dose or just switch to the Natrum Muriatcum? Thank you


This is Janis from NC. My husband had the GI stool mapping done. It showed that he has H pylori. His functional medical Dr said that it is contagious. Therefore, the probability is that I have it. Is this true? I would get this from him? Thank you for what you do!!


Hello, this is Gracie from Chicago. I take Ashwaganda on my own. is that considered fractionated nutrition and not good to do? Plus I’m going to order the parasite cleanse. I just want to make sure I’m doing it right. could you go over the protocol? I’m hoping that’ll take care of my G.I. distress of bloating pain that’s very chronic.

Dupuytrens contracture recommendation?


Minn A Sota wants to know IF the Good DR. G knows of the glucose fact that Gluten free bread raises the sugar spike the same as regular bread, so those trying to lower A1c should ditch all grains as Dr. W. Davis explains the science in his Wheat Belly books.! this was eye opener. Anything besides the basic minerals pack of youngevity for neuropathy in feet? Good to see and hear the cheery voice. Ya sure ya know ps. dr. Davis hates standard MD's that are controlled by big pharma and he doesn't listen to the FDA who has their heads up Pharma's backside as he says in a lot of his youtube videos. lol


Cheryl: Can I take Niacin with food? And atherosclerosis says "adequate sulphur" - how do you know? Thank you!


Good morning, Doc, this is Matthew from Palm Coast. I hope all is well with you guys. Don't laugh at me too hard (or do, lol), but... God bless Florida - here's a Florida question. Marijuana. I see/smell it all the time here and it gets me wondering every time: we have medical MJ facilities here and I've been listening to your video on it, though for people that just out-right smoke it (or gummies, or whatever) what's your view on that from a health (or damage of health) perspective? Thanks, Doc, as always.


Hi, Doc... Brenda from NW Illinois. I have developed tingling and numbness in my fingertips following a wrist break and removal of cast. Anything I can do to address this? I am on the 90 protocol... have been for over a year... anything to add? Thanks for your guidance!


Hi Dr. G! One of my incisions for my appendectomy that occurred 2 months aga is a little infected. What would you suggest to help?


Dr G - it's Marilyn from Greensboro Georgia - you suggested I circle back today for an answer last Tues night regarding my eyes. Here's the original question. However the eye pain I once had (twitching right eye, throb pain behind left eye) has greatly improved but… currently both eyes have been extremely dry, stinging and just this morning I noticed what looks like a growth on the white part closest to tear ducts. (pinguecula on web search best describes) Per definition condition is deposits of fat, calcium or protein. Of course, MD’s can describe this but no reason what causes this. Is there anything you can suggest to help this? Do you know what causes this?


Hey Doc, assuming the updated 3 vol set of the Book is ready on the 14th, how do we order it? Our Canadian postal service is on strike, so need to ship by a courier, not USPS. At least the lights are still on. Richard


12/17/24 Live Q&A Chat


12/3/24 Live Q&A Chat