2/25/25 Live Chat Q&A


Hello Dr Glidden, we have a customer who is on blood pressure meds and a diuretic prescribed for his blood pressure. He has been taking 2 Healthy Start packs (one with Tangy powder, one with Tangy tablets) plus 2 bottles of Minerals and Enzymes for reflux which is getting better. He has burning in his feet which could be a side effect of the meds apparently. He wants to get off the blood pressure meds and diuretic. Would you recommend adding the Good Herbs Heart Support or anything else? Another lady has trigeminal nerve pain after dental procedures. What would you recommend for her please?


What do you believe causes skin cancer? P.S. Do crystals and other healing stones possess genuine healing properties, or are their effects merely rooted in superstition?


What is the difference between the Cheri-mins minerals and the bottle of the normal standard plant derived minerals from youngevity?


Hey doc, it’s Phil :). On a previous QnA, you mentioned taking variations of belladonna so we can find our sensitivity and baseline for all future remedies. With this, I have two questions: (1) if I experience symptoms with the 200c potency at 2 doses per day, how many doses do I take in the future at 30c (is it 3)? (2) when you recommend a remedy to us over the QnA or a private consult, do we still use this potency and schedule, or do we go by your recommendation that you mention at that time? Assuming we never mentioned out sensitivity


My husband had a really bad cough. A few weeks ago. I threw everything at him holistically as I could. Now he has a runny nose that won’t go away! He tends to cough to clear the mucus. He did have one dose of the jab (J & J). Thanks Loreen from Barrington, IL


Merry, Apache Jct. - Excited to order the new book! The Bryonia finally arrived yesterday for my cracked rib. Amazon is really slow lately. Last Thursday you recommended Symphytum officianalis for a broken bone. I watched your video on homeopathics and the subject is fascinating! Although they are used for a condition, would it be beneficial to add one of these to the Essential 90s for osteopenia or osteoporosis? Curious if they help to heal bones, would they also help build or strengthen them?


Hello, this is Gracie from Chicago. I was wondering since I’m on a tight budget if I could substitute the EFA’s of Youngevity and get it on my own that’s less expensive and it has even more of the essential fatty acids nutrients. I realize as far as your tangy tangerine and plant base minerals and Osteo FX- that those are irreplaceable, but I am taking a selenium on my own too that’s less expensive.


Lynnette from Utah. Where do I get good herbs gall bladder & liver support ; Selenium and beet juice?

Larry From Casa Grande Question does drinking water with salt added relieve headaches?


Does the Tangy Tangerine tablets work the same as the Tangy Tangerine powder? Can you take more than 4 per day something like 4 tablets in the morning and 4 in the evening if it's not the same as the powder?


This is Nancy from Fairfield Iowa. My BP ranges from 154 to 174 and from 74 dto 91 for the lower number. What medication do you recommend or what natural cures whould help


I've used castor oil packs on my belly when I've had stomach aches for years. When I started having cataract issues I started using them on my eyes and it seems to help. What is your position on castor oil on the body since it is oil in a bottle? Your thoughts on the use of them on my eyes? Thanks, Dot


Hi! Woke up today and went through my normal routine. My A/C came on and I got cold from head to toe. It felt like all my muscles tightened up and got sore and stiff. I got a big headache at the base of my skull and behind my eyes. The bright light of my computer and halo lamp hurt my head/eyes. I went to bed and used a blow dryer to warm my hands feet and legs. Short nap and pounding head when I woke up. I broke down and took ibuprofen. It helped a lot. Anything else I can/should do? Taking the 90 daily. It's Mardi Gras! I don't have time to be sick!


Hi doc, what causes someone to burp constantly? This is accompanied by a slight sensation/ dull pain in the stomach. What would you recommend for this issue? Also are root canals dangerous? I heard that root canals can negatively affect certain areas of the body as a result. Therefore, is a teeth extraction better than a root canal if there is a cavity present? Many thanks.


Incontinence problem. Been on the youngevity vitamins and minerals for over 5+ years. Do the stair stepper at the gym and my chiropracter adjusts my L-5 when I visit. What else can I do?

Is it safe to use Xylitol for dental health?

Brain health: Prohoba Omegas, what else? Total Body Start 3.0? Recommended? 3.0 Rise & Restore? Recommend?

MY PSA was 4.7 today.Last April it was 1.7( different labs). 66yrs old overweight. Suggestions ???


My boyfriend is very reluctant to completely stop statins so he takes them 2-3 times a week and also red yeast rice. Your thoughts? I’m in Texas and he’s in Missouri so I’m asking out of curiosity.


Hello Dr Glidden. Haven’t been sick in 10+ yrs. Had bloodwork in Aug. Showed a lot of inflammation, calcium build up and high white blood cell count. Started your protocol to see if it changes my next bloodwork. Been on it a wk and stools are more like water/slimy. I’ve always had normal stools. What do you suggest?


Good News, Florida has two bills in the State House and Senate to legalize Naturopathic Doctors here! Plant derived minerals, Cheri-mins and Strawberry-Kiwi all have 600 mg per ounce. Probably the plain plant minerals have more water.

Curious about xanthum gum, stevia, citric acid and natural flavors in the Beyond Osteo FX…Heard that critic acid can be derived from black mold. Is that a conspiracy? My sister 62 has bile duct cancer and she has no gallbladder. Removed it 20 years ago. The doctor keeps putting a stent in and sends her home. Any way to break up the tumors? She’s in pain!


Dr. Glidden. What do you recommend taking for the pain of shingles?


Cardiac testing confirms severe mitral valve regurgation (EF 25 to 30%) I am on your program. Currently on pharma meds. I will get 2nd / 3rd opinion on the repair technique to and pick a surgeon. In the meantime, I must nutrify. Hope is when valve is fixed I can come off big pharma.

Pls advise (I did pay your consult fee and am waiting for Bob)

Is there a homeopathic or other option for headaches caused by stress (grinding teeth, muscle tension) instead of ibuprofen?


Post menopausal spotting at age 67. Endometrial wall too thick based on an ultrasound. No pain. Been on the 90 day plan for 3 weeks. Thoughts


Food for thought: therapeutic quality spherical shaped gemstones and therapeutic Diamond are capable of providing curative assistance to humans. It does involve understanding the protocols and techniques of how to work with them plus an understanding of energetic anatomy. More information can be obtained at GemstoneTherapyInstitute.org

In breakfast cereals, do you recommend any, such as rice crispies? Thank you Dr G, from Charles S Best.

Doc My right hand has orange bumps that ooze. you recommended mezerium 20c and it worked. but it came back and the mezerium made it worse. The Killer Biotic without the mezerium made the oozing stop but the bumps are still there. What can I do?


2/27/25 Live Chat Q&A


2/13/25 Live Chat Q&A