5/16/23 Live chat Q&A


I used the Remedy Finder on ABChomeopathy's website and ordered ten 'very strongly indicated' products (for coughing and expectoration).

They are each 80 pellets at 30C. How should I use all these remedies when they arrive? Try each one for a few days until one of them works?


Hello Dr Glidden, we have a customer who has been told he may have Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. What would you recommend for him please?

We have another lady who had the vax last year to keep her job and since then is sick with flu symptoms constantly. She has had long covid 3 times. She is taking minerals and Ultimate Daily every day, gets IV injections of vitamin C and takes zinc, selenium and glutathione regularly. She is asking do you have a protocol to clean out the nasties from the vax once and for all?

We have another customer who has been taking the Brain and Heart pack for his cardiomyopathy since August 2018. He is asking if this nutrition should reduce the size of the heart muscle? Each time he goes for a checkup it shows he still has an enlarged heart.


Good evening Doc; Paul from Fredericksburg here... Former wife began having swollen ankles (not extreme) a while after being prescribed meds (post heart triple-bypass) to keep BP in check. Diet consists of Whole, non-processed foods, good nutrition including minerals. She wants to get off these medications "metoprolol tartrate" and "anlodipine" (possibly the cause of the swelling). Can't get into see any cardiologists. Her BP is stable & better... What can she do to wean off these meds? Thank you for your help. *CORRECTION* She refused the ANLODIPINE...


What are your thoughts on Chromotherapy (color therapy)? I found some colorful glasses on Amazon that have different effects on the body. For example, yellow lenses can improve your mood and pink lenses can make you feel more relaxed, etc. Are iridology and sclerology a legitimate practice?


Larry, my husband, has shingles - starting from may 3rd. It is a disadvantage living in Hawaii sometimes; We couldn’t get Graphities or Ranunculus Bulbosus in 1m. He took what I had which Graphities 30c. But, it didn’t help, and the rashes were spreading to the back and front of his right shoulder. He was frustrated, and called in to have the anti-viral prescription refilled. In the mean time, I thought that if the blisters pop, the rash would spread wider. I used apple cider vinegar mixed with water and sprayed it several times a day. This did reduce the blisters, they never popped, and blisters dried up within a week allowing scabs to fall off. Also, during covid time, I heard you were recommending all your listeners to purchase Foam Hand sanitizer from PureWorks, and I did. I decided to try a small area, where the rashes were, to see if it would make a difference, and it did. The area I tested with the Foam was almost healed 3 days later, but the areas where I didn’t apply the sanitizer foam, the rashes were still inflamed. For what it’s worth, I thought it might be helpful to others.

Interesting eye DR comment: Larry went to his previously scheduled Ophthalmologist followup about a week after this new Shingles episode erupted. The initial Shingles experience was in his left eye; He went to the Ophthalmologist last October thinking a contact lens was stuck in his left eye - turned out to be Shingles. Last week, the Ophthalmologist commented; “I’ve been an Ophthalmologist for some 25 years. I’ve NEVER seen so many Shingles cases as have come in since people started getting the COVID shot”. Larry did not take the shot, but DID have COVID. The eye DR was surprised he hadn’t had the shot, but pointed out that “The “vaccination” wreaks havoc with the immune system - I suppose that COVID itself does too”. Question about homeopathy med: I am assuming that the higher the numbers, the stronger the medicine. But from what we read online, the it sounds like higher the number, the weaker it is. Online, we read that 1M indicates the ingredient has been diluted 1000 times, vs 30C, which would equal being diluted 300 times. For example, 30c would stronger than 1m. Is this true? I have a friend who has stage 4 esophagus cancer. Is there anything you can advice her to do? Last question. I have small dry and red patches at the corner of my mouth area, and sometimes it feels tight. All my life, I’ve been blessed with a good complexion till about 3 years ago. I keep believing it’ll go away, but It started at the left corner of my mouth, then it spread to the chin under the lower lip, and now to the right side. I am concerned. It’s time to ask Dr. Glidden! I am sure you have an answer for this! Help me please?! Thank you and we are blessed to have you available for health questions!


1. I am wondering, do you think that last Homeopathic might have caused a real itchy rash on the inside of my arm where I bend it. So I stopped taking it after the 5th dosage of the Conium Maculatum 1m . It didn't seem to be helping anyway. 2. Do you have any testimonies of people taking the 90 Essential Vitamins and being able to get off of kidney dialysis? 3. Regarding the Osteo. I am continuing to take it twice a day, (I've been taking it for over 2 weeks) but when I took my blood pressure tonight it was 146/75 with a pulse of 81. So it doesn't look like it will be going down anytime soon. 4. Took the acupuncture treatment this morning. Doc still thinks this is myofacial pain syndrome. So far, I can't see a difference. You said myofacial pain syndrome diagnosis was a B.S. diagnosis, right?


Doc, I am developing the early stages of glaucoma. I have been on the 90 For Life for the past 3 years and to follow the 12 bad foods closely. Any insights you might have would be greatly appreciated.


Barbara from the fake Boca (the real Miami) Good evening Dr. Glidden, what is your take on the estrogen hormone home test kits and DIM supplements (diindolylmethane phytonutrient)/adrenals..?


Hi Dr. G, Kathy from Michigan again. I finally got John off the 12 bad foods....what a journey. He finally realizes his medical doctor with the white coat and stethocope on his neck. We were inquiring about his toes curling under when he walks....symptom long after his stroke....any guidance

how much selenium for an 80kg person please?




What homeopathic remedy do you recommend for muscle soreness, either from exercise or from injury?


Hi Dr. Glidden, Nicole from Sacramento - cobalt sensitivity. I went on vacation for 3 days before finishing the 21 day sauna treatment. I did continue taking the NAC, Projobas, and Seacure, but did not do the sauna treatment. Does the protocol need to be done 21 days in a row, or am I ok with completing 3 more days of the sauna treatment along with the supplements before trying the plant derived minerals?


My wife is trying to lower her A1c of 5.8. She has eaten low carb for several years, is 59 yoa, walks for exercise, isn't on any meds but does have insomnia. Do you have suggestions to help her lower the A1c? Thank you.


Dr Bryan Ardis is recommending everybody read the One Minute Cure and drink a few drops of hydrogen peroxide food grade in water every day. What do you think about that recommendation?


Hello. My son's wife is 4 months pregnant 2nd child & has pelvic gridle condition where weight of baby causes pain in groin. she has a belt she wears when at work which helps. what else could she do for this. she had some pain like this with first child but more at end of pregnacy. If I could ask another question; my 74 year old brother gets cold hands & feet wears gloves even in warm weather. also gets pain thru heart area last a few seconds & he will go into a slight trans like stroke is fine after this happens. doctors put in a pace maker that hasn't changed anything. they don't know what else to do for him.


What dose of the plant derived minerals should I try? And when I try the plant derived minerals, do I stop the sauna treatments along with the nac, and seacure, or do I continue? I assume the projobas should continue unchanged...thanks for your help.


You mentioned fire wood saunas are good and what about old fashion steam saunas? By the way I still haven't been able to find the webinar projoba/efa difference on your website. Thank you.


So, are you still advocating far infrared saunas? I haven't used mine while I wait for more word on what you learned about our magnetic field shifting. Thanks.


Michelle Busath, Blood Sugar issue for Client. 190/105 consistently. On 90EN for 1 month. I believe she has Kidney issues from her symptoms. She can't take Rx. Horrible side effects. Help.


5/23/23 Live Chat Q&A


5/10/23 Live Chat Q&A