5/2/23 Live Chat Q&A


1. Hope you're doing fantastic. May I ask what ailed you 2 weeks ago? 2. Is there any real benefit in taking a mud bath?


If cortisol can make you gain weight, can a herb that blocks or reduces it make you lose weight?


HI Dr. Glidden. I am 53 years old and 6'7'' and weigh 335 pounds. I have a pituitary adenoma and Cushing's disease. What would you recommend I take to help my situation with the weight and visceral fat pot belly. Thanks. Jay


Hi Dr. Glidden, it's Barbara from Boca (it's really Miami). The microbiome is unbloating me, although my digestion is still a bit off (acid reflux, breath). I'm taking the microbiome, osteo, plant derived minerals, ultimate efa plus., selenium and the ultimate nightly essence . Even when I eat a salad there's still a feeling of undigested food. I hardly eat any of the 12 bad foods except for the olive oil (I lived in Italy a long time and I'm hooked). But i eat very little of that too! Would you suggest the youngevity ultimate enzymes before a meal or something else? Thank you!


Questions about Tonsillitis and Strep when you don’t want to go to the doctor. How can you differentiate between the two? Would you use the same homeopathic medications to treat both illnesses? If it is a young child about 30 pounds what potency would you use when choosing the homeopathic meds? How long would it take to get rid of either of the illnesses? Thank you for your help!


How was the convention? I wish I could have been there! 1. This must be my new normal,Doc! My stools aren't formed, but they're not completely loose, either. At least they are not as bad as they were when I was on the Quinoa. And I probably only have 1 bowel movement a day, I'm taking the Osteo 1 oz Two times a day. 2. I have also ordered that new homeopathic today that you mentioned. I am desperate for some relief, because I have had no relief since this whole thing started! What could this be? 3. Also, is unsalted real butter better than salted real butter?


Hello Dr Glidden, we have a customer who has gone off her Statin drugs recently and started taking 1 Niacin Plus per day. She weighs 75kgs. She’s noticed since she made this change that she’s feeling lightheaded on and off during the day. What are your thoughts on this please?

We have a lady who had a bad car accident and now has full spinal pain, and pain in shoulders, neck and head, Traumatic Brain Injury and Functional Neurologic Disorder, nerve damage from neck to fingers and memory loss. She also has Irritable Bowel Syndrome. She is back at work but seeking to improve her wellbeing. What could you recommend please?

The customer of mine with metastatic cancer who is taking 18 FucoidZ and 9 Selenium per day, plus the 90EN, extra EFAs, MSM experiences a lot of pain during the night when he is sedentary but is fine during the day as he works in his very physically active property maintenance business. His left foot which became swollen a few weeks ago is now half what it was. His left knee swelling disappeared as soon as he got back onto his daily Selenium. We’re wondering if Fucoidan which has been shown to cause apoptosis of cancer cells may be killing off a lot of cancer cells and whether those dead cells would need to be constantly eliminated by his various bodily systems (such as lymphatic) and when he’s not moving those dead cells are backing up, hence more pain when sedentary? What are your thoughts?


Great evening Doctor Glidden, there are a million supplements claiming to shrink enlarged prostates, are there any that work, even a little bit? Thank you in advance for your response! Jewell...Fairfield, California


I refused routine colonoscopy. But doctor is pushing cologuard. What are your thoughts on cologuard. Thanks, Liz from New York


Can you talk about the i26 product and what conditions it might help? Would it benefit someone who needs to run to the restroom shortly after a meal?


Thanks for your podcast, Dr Glidden, Are steel cut oats also one of the twelve foods. What about organic certified Gluten free oats? Beth


It's Larry in Kona; had shingles in my left eye last oct/november. seemed to resolve by January. last week a quarter sized patch of blisters developed on back of my neck & appears to be a lot like shingles. Had some leftover "anti-viral, so am taking those on same schedule. Best thing to combat? best thing to relieve pain? Need to do zoom with you as soon as bob can arrange


Hi Dr. Glidden. Tingle Top from Florida here. I have sent two of your books to friends. One asked this: why does one need to take Plant derived minerals when they can just take salt that has 82 trace minerals? One more question about Plant derived minerals. It doesn't have the amounts of the specific minerals. Just wondering about that although I have heard you say that one can not get too much. I eat loads of fruit and veggies and potatoes and avocados....all high in potassium and get slightly high potassium levels (5.3) on tests. Just wondering potassium levels in Plant Derived Minerals. I have no other health problems and feel great and all other tests are ok.


A few weeks ago I put a battery like you suggested on my Mole. Itched in 2 days so took immediately off. 3 I used a flat battery a few weeks ago now as you suggested and ring around the mole still there. Used silver, real plant aloe, selenium and more. I know it will go away eventually but any other idea to heal the ring. Mole still there. Not worried about it. Thanks for the attempt at any rate.


Dr. G my son is 1 years old and has been having rashes and pooping issues. We go to Dr. Sydney freggario here in Las Vegas she’s one of your recommended doctors. My wife and son took carrol tests and adjusted their diets. My sons main allergy is fruit, and his secondary allergy is grains + sugar together. Also My son has been taking remedies and the rashes are nearly gone but the pooping is only once a week still. His stool is hard and it hurts him so he cries and there’s a bit of blood every time. What can you suggest in order to make his pooping more frequent and softer? Also wife breast feeds and she normally takes Youngevity suppliments: 2 efa plus 3x, 1 efa 3x, 1 selenium 3x, 2 caps ofx 2x, 2 btt pills 3x. (Dosages Suggested by you 1 year ago) when we ran out dr. Syd gave my wife a multi vitamin called baby and me she says to follow the dosage on the bottle which is 2 pills a day and it doesn’t have as many nutrients as the BTT pills. Also she gave us cod liver oil to take once a day as directed on the bottle as well as an omega capsule. What do you suggest we do should we switch back to youngevity?


Nate in Pasadena - Glad you're back and learned a lot. Your statement about using Enzymes for 8 weeks is new to me. Why is this, and how long should we be off of it before using it again?


Hi Dr. Glidden, it's Barbara from Boca again (Miami). I did a mycotoxin test and the Citrinin (Multiple Mold Species) was off the charts. Also the Tin on my heavy metal tests was off the charts too. I'm taking Zeolite for the metals, but what would you suggest for the mold? What are your thoughts?


Doc, would you explain the difference between a Natropathic Physician and A Natropathic Dr. I need to explain that to a friend.


Thanks for your podcast, Dr Glidden, Are steel cut oats also one of the twelve foods. What about organic certified Gluten free oats? Beth

Hi... So when you say wood-fired sauna do you mean actual logs like in a log burning fireplace? Can a person get something like that for home use? Otherwise where would one find this? And would it still be FIR? Thanks!


Is alipicia an immune problem? Not confident mds diagnosis? What do you suggest to help her hair is falling out? What do you recommend for a muscle strain?


5/4/23 Live Chat Q&A


4/26/23 Live Chat Q&A