5/9/24 Live Chat Q&A


Is there any reason why you recommended the coffee enema every 2 weeks instead of every week?


- QQQ (Dirk from Belgium / 58 years old): I have been on a carnivorous diet since March. Is it best to combine this diet with the Healthy Start Pak? I feel very, very good with the carnivorous diet. Decades of digestive problems have disappeared. Decades of sleep problems have already greatly improved. Thank you Dr. Glidden!


Hello Dr. Glidden Tucson here where they follow up from a couple weeks ago 67-year-old very healthy female as you suggested retested for white blood cell count four weeks ago was 2.910 days ago 3.3 which has been more normal range for years now thank you for your help.


Hello from Michigan....was told that I have hiatal hernia Also fractured my foot, ugh


This is Gracie from Chicago. I just found out that red wines or I guess any wine has nitrates in it. if that true are we not to drink any wine?


Hi, Dr G...Brenda from NW Illinois. What can I do for an horrific sinus infection with respiratory issues. I must sit up to sleep...any non erect position brings on a hacking cough. I have been taking the nutrients since January and have noticed a difference, but recently got hit with this. Thanks for any assistance!!!

Last year I was diagnosed with periodontal disease with bone loss and receding gums around a few teeth. They told me to have LANAP surgery to stop the periodontal disease, but all that expensive and miserable procedure did was mutilate my gums and expose the roots of my teeth and further the gum recession. I got a different dentist and now he is advising me to have gum graft surgery. What do you feel about gum graft surgery?

Do we need to watch our type of cheese's that we eat also, like grass fed farms and organic?


Was last nights Q & A recorded. was last nights attempt a cure show recorded? sorry my window disappeared didn't know the question was still up there


Is a PET scan good to get for cancer screening? (Or any other more accurate test?)….also, have you ever heard of cancer in the intestines creating a blockage?.., how do you get rid of lung nodules that are not cancerous? And lastly, any therapeutics you know of for pink eye? FYI, your time stamps and locations I don’t think are accurate on our end.


Hello doc, Im working with a client who has a bad gluten allergy & when he eats sugar, his body reacts negatively. He has red rashes on his skin, constipation, excretes white mucus out the genitial area during bowel movements. I gave him the 90 essential nutrients, and it made his rashes worse so we got him off it. Could he be allergic? Im not sure, any advice? He is also here with me


Fantastic presentation last night! I'm new here and have learned so much. I've been doing the 90EN and eliminating the 12 bad foods for at least 5 months now and feel so much better. I've had a plugged feeling in both ears for a month now with a swishing feeling when I turn my head from side to side. I tried hydrogen peroxide and water in my ears but left it too long and it got worse. Any suggestions? Could it be a fungus in the eustachian tubes? This has been an intermittent problem for years now. By the way, this is Sherry from Wyoming.


My chiro Dr. Wills who does applied kinesiology was doing that technique...wanted to check with you. Also, I use to ALWAYS hold in my stomach...all day until the last few years. He thought that could have been part of it. My Dad did have a hiatal hernia.


I have Perianal Chron's Disease with active fistulas that constantly drain. I've been on a daily dose of an antibiotic called Ciprofloxacin (500mg) for about 15 years. My doctor wants me to take 2 a day but I only take 1. I've tried to go off the Cipro before, but my fistulas flare up and abscesses form and they always end up needing to operate and put setons in because of the extreme pain I'm in. I've tried all kinds of diets and supplements over the past 15 years, and nothing ever works (I've spent so much money natural doctors), so I'm now very discouraged. Do you have any advice for me? Thank YOU! Mark


Hi, Doc! Margaret from Cali, here. I have a thumb issue which started 2 months ago on the center tip of left thumb and extended to the left, inner edged of the thumb tip. It stayed there for a couple of weeks, but is now extended left to the thumb's center and to the knuckle. It covers the left half of the thumb above the top knuckle. It is best after a night's sleep, early in the morning and worse at the end of day of hand/thumb use. It expresses itself chiefly with numbness & tingling and sometimes as pins & needles when touched. If I don't use the thumb, I am not aware the discomfort is there as it is not intrusive into my consciousness.But I don't want it to extend beneath the thumb either; in fact I'd like it gone. Thanks Dr. G.


Hello Dr Glidden, Lisa here: what is your position on shedding of the mRNA COVID vaccines? Do you believe it is possible. I am wondering because my sudden onset arthritis started a few months after the initial rollout of the vaccine. I live in a heavily vaccinated state and definitely was around people who took them. Naomi Wolf recently came out with new results on the adverse effects of the Pfizer vaccine, and she said arthritis was the main side effect from this particular vaccine.


Strep Throat is going around here. If we get it, do you recommend that we get on antibiotics, or is there a better way to treat it? Thank you!!


from Karen. My husband is live here with me He would like to know what u can do for varicose veins Also U told me to double the 90 for tinnitus from a bad head cold I have been doing it for 2 weeks and I still have the tinnitus although it has gone down for 2 days and then goes louder Having more good days then bad now but still remains Should I keep taking the double amount Also thinking of getting an MRI without contrast and allergy patch testing What do u think?


Greetings Doc; Paul fm Fredericksburg, VA here... Been away a while. Thanks for your continued work. FYI, according to cancer.org, regarding only radiation, a PET scan exposes patients to about 25 milli-Severts of radiation, whereas a CT scan exposes them to only about 10 milli-Severts. For the edification of all...


5/14/24 Live Chat Q&A


5/7/24 Live Chat Q&A