6/15/23 Live Chat Q&A


1.There is a hospital in town with a direct access lab . It is $15.00. I will probably go there to check my A1C. 2 .Is there another way to get my A1C down naturally? I am not taking the fruit juice any more. Thanks for your help, doc.


Hi doc. What can be done for an enlarged prostrate and gallstones? Also what is indicated by soft and bouyant stool that floats in the toilet and stool sticks to the toilet bowl? Just wondering if the consistency is ok.


Paul fm Fredericksburg here... What are your thoughts if, a person in a very small town (7 pharmacists available), attempting to wean off beta blockers, is being refused instruction to do so by both pharmacists & the local medical doctors? My thought is to look for one in another nearby town, or perhaps online. Thank you for your help. - Paul - BTW, the former wife is astounded of how great she feels on the healthy heart pack (I gave one to her for a Mothers' Day gift).


Dr glidden. What is the name of the test from direct labs to test for yeast in the digestive tract? Gary


New customer just started the foundation pak and had this response: I think I might be allergic to the sweetener in my products. I started a fast yesterday but woke up with candida, which I will do on occasion if I've had too much sugar. What do you think, Dr G?


Hi Doc feeling dizzy a bit. My blood pressure is fine, on the 90 drinking water, what else could it be?


Nate in Pasadena - When the proper time to use Ultimate Enzymes and for how long? You are the first dr to say not to take enzymes constantly. Sorry, I meant how long (in terms of days) and under what conditions should I take it / not take it?


Do I stop the Bioidentical Hormone Therapy completely when I start the best juice protocol you recommend? What do I do to deal with the hot flashes and night sweats?

So if floating stool means the body is not metabolizing fat what is remedy for this? Also are castor oil packs beneficial? How do you fix a nail bed where the nail is split?


Have you heard about new clothing, hats and underwear, that block EMF? Your thoughts?

I was taking the Kali Muriaticum 1M for only one day (already started orking) but I got an irregular heartbeat (that comes when my neck-that has had cervical fusion goes out of wack. When that happens my bp goes sky high 180/110 was worried and stopeed taking this until I get to chryo on Friday


I had a hard lump in my left breast a few months ago. Started taking 6 each a day of the. bio calcium and ultimate calcium and it went away. I now have one in my right breast. Trying to get an ultrasound appointment scheduled. Thoughts or suggestions?


Hi Dr. Glidden. It's Nicole from Sacramento. I've been told a hair analysis is the best way to test your mineral levels. I was wondering what is the best way to test for your vitamin levels.


6/22/23 Live Chat Q&A


6/13/23 Live Chat Q&A