6/6/23 Live Chat Q&A


Betsy Asks: Robert F Kennedy Jr., (running for president in 2024 on the Democratic ticket), sounds like his voice is damaged. I have heard others with damaged voices like his where half a word is often not heard and wonder if it is osteoporosis of the skull where a nerve is pinched. Can you speculate on possible causes please? Thanks.


Hypothetically, is it possible for someone to recover from a bone on bone joint issue?


Cough and expectoration. A couple of months ago I tried Phosphorus for 4 days: no change. Just now, I sampled 9 remedies: 3 pellets, 4 times a day, for 1 day. Alumina Arsenicum album Causticum Natrum muriaticum Nox vomica Sepia officinalis Silicea Spongia tosta Stannum metal. Some days I coughed and spit less, some days more. Results inconclusive. Now what?


Aloha Dr. Glidden, I have a friend who has one kidney is wondering if she could over due supplements? Thank you




Good evening, Barbara from Boca (Miami),I'm trying to get someone onboard with the 90 essentials. His doctor told him he has high bilirubin and ordered a scan of his liver. All seems to be well with the scan but what can cause bilirubin?


SharonP Would like to know what nutrients needed for easily bruise and bleeding under the skin from old age and to clear up escema, thank you


What would cause laryngitis? After talking for an hour my voice tends to get raspy and starts to ....not work. By the way, I'm on the homeopathy Lycopodium Clavatum for my bladder for that BS CIRS (chronic inflammatory response syndrome) form the mold in house. Seems to be helping. I have the Carol test - can't seem to prick my own finger.......have to ask my husband to do it for me. 🙂 Thanks, grasshopper NJ (Nancy)

Youngevity has Prost FX, Integris brand Prosta Health, Prostat by Projoba and the Good Herbs Prostate Health. I can't find a product with RX . I think Dr Wallach says the FX is an abreviation for "take this", a play on the prescription RX.

1. What's your opinion on the ring dinger (spinal decompression technique) in chiropractor. Is it a safe procedure at all? 2. Can acupuncture alone help with facial paralysis (7th cranial nerve)? Can it possibly be cured?


Hey Doc! Ken B. here. Yesterday Mike Lindell pitched/endorsed a product called LifeWave (https://lifewave.com/mikelindell), that is a form of phototherapy, on his show. Appears intriguing. Wondering if you've heard of it and if you have an opinion? Thanks. BTW, today is the first time wife had no pain while sitting....some pain while standing/walking.


Hi, Doc! Margaret from Cali here. In reference to Rosita's CLO, is it taken w/ each meal or is it regularly spaced during the day like Sweet-eye or is it like selenium, just between meals? Thanks.


How can I grow and extend my telomeres ? Thank you.


Barbara from Boca (Miami) again. Dr. Wallach said sleep apnea is harmless. I get a different feeling when I see someone who's not sbreathing to then gasp for air like crazy. Seems it's hard on the heart. My bio dentist says it's because the tongue is chronically swollen. My chinese acupunture doctor says the tongue is swollen and the organs are too. An online doctor says its a Vitamin E deficiency. What is your take on it please?


what's the best formula or diet or mineral or anything to end addiction? drugs, alcohol, sugar etc

Greetings Doc; Paul fm Fredericksburg here... I have done a fair amount of reading regarding telomere lengthening / mitigating loss of length. A particular discovery was apparently made regarding the use of potent extracts of the herb Astragalus (the root). The two compounds are: "Astragaloside IV" (Roman numberal 4), and "Cycloastragenol" (4mg of each per day). These, are of course, used in conjunction with the health protocols you advise. Thank you for all your labor of love in health. - Paul -

Hey Doc, 1 How do you improve circulation from below the neck. 2. How do you get rid of Mercury or other heavy metals in your body. 3. Is non GMO soy flour or non GMO soy bran ok? What B Complex vitamins do you recommend outside of youngevity?


Hello Dr. Glidden. Should we be concerned about Lectins like Dr. Grundy claims? Thanks Liz from NY

Curious as to your reasoning why you mostly recommend the BTT powder as part of the foundation pack / 90 EN? I thought I read that the BTT tablets have have an ORAC score of 160,000? OK - my 12 y.o. son who mouth breathes and sounds like his throat closes off and then he wakes himself - looked into Zyppah per your tip. Happened upon a dentist who specializes in sleep apnea as well (but he's not a biological dentist) He did say my son's tonsils are large and said that if it was his son he'd try a different ENT who would take his tonsils out..... I am NOT a fan of this advice..... How can we shrink his tonsils? could the 90EN and eliminating the 12 Bad Foods do the trick? What other tools do you have in your toolbox?

I am becoming a Hobbit trying to get in the 70 grams of protein a day. I have 1st breakfast, 2nd breakfast, Elevensies, Lunch, apple about 4PM, and in the PM, after dinner, do a fruit, yogurt or nuts. Its mostly a protein + green veggie. So, it occurred to me to find out how you eat to get in your protein. How do you eat during your waking hours?


Just so curious about 'OXALATES' these plant toxins I'm hearing about - oxalates tend to behave like asbestos....that deposits into organs and joints. Heard of this from the carnivore society.....as I am searching for the cause of my muscle and joint fatigue/pain/stiffness. My journey has been long, tried just about everything (parasite cleanses, food eliminations, candida cleanses, removed amalgams) Thanks - grasshopper


Is it true that electronic screens like TVs and computers damage the eyes? If so, is it because of the blue light and if one wears blue light blocking glasses you can prevent the damage? I bought the Spine-Worx spinal alignment device and used it for a few days now. I can't say I feel a difference in my back since I haven't had back problems in general. Is there benefit to using it monthly if i don't have a back problem to fix?


Hi Dr Glidden, Pat from Kansas. I’m 72 and my fingers have trouble picking up things, can’t seem to open plastic bags etc. What causes this & is there anything to help?

This is SuzyQ 1. Is there any special time of the day to stand bare-foot outside in the sunshine? 2. I am still waiting for the package to arrive.


6/8/23 Live Chat Q&A


6/1/23 Live Chat Q&A