Welcome Aboard Health Hero!

I am very glad that you are here.

I trust that you will find my information eye-opening and personally empowering.

Thanks for your support - and for your trust.

— Your Steadfast Advocate for Health - Dr. Glidden

If you are talking advantage of a Free 24-Hour Trial, in order to NOT be charged the monthly fee, you MUST cancel your subscription within 24 hours of purchasing it.

How to cancel:

  • Click the “Member Content Menu” button in the lower right hand corner, of your screen (or at the bottom of the screen on a cellular device).

  • Click the “Your Membership Account” button at the top of the menu box.

  • Click the “Cancel Membership” option.


If You Do Not Have a Diagnosis and Want to Learn How to Make Yourself Healthy.

1) Watch the “how to navigate the website“ video above.

2) Navigate to the “Medical Insight” page.

3) Watch the videos that interest you..

4) Come to the Q&A sessions - even if you don’t have a question, you will learn a lot just by watching Dr. Glidden answer questions.

5) Purchase and start taking the 90 EN.

6) Eliminate the 12 Bad foods (find the list and a video that explains why you should avoid them in the “Medical Insight “ section.

7) Start taking the supplements.

8) Purchase or watch (if already part of your subscription) the Health Courses.


If You Have Been Diagnosed With Something and Are Looking for a Solution.

1) Watch the “how to navigate the website“ video above.

2) Navigate to the “Health Recovery Protocols” page.

3) Click on the ailment that you have ben diagnosed with.

4) Watch the videos on that page (if any), and read the content.

5) Purchase the products.

6) Eliminate the 12 Bad foods (find the list and a video that explains why you should avoid them in the “Medical Insight “ section.

7) Start taking the supplements.

8) Come to the Q&A sessions - even if you don’t have a question, you will learn a lot just by watching Dr. Glidden answer questions.