1/14/25 Live Chat Q&A

Morning Dr Gidden, Just getting back to you to see if you have any other answers for the Morgellons symptoms? I'm 3 days into taking the Formica Rufa that you suggested last week. My symptoms started several years ago with really itchy eye lashes. I treated this with castor oil and all was ok. Not long after the crawling started in my hair and has now spread to my whole body including my ears, eyes, and nose. It is worse at night and when I get hot. I lather my hair and body with a medicated shampoo (selenium sulfide) with several drops of tea tree essential oil added. This gives some relief. I'm also the woman that has 35-40 years chronic insomnia.


Casey in Utah, When dealing with something called “nuclear sclerosis” of the eye?,,, would your silver and selenium eye drop mix work to clear it up?, or is it more complicated than that for nuclear sclerosis?


Dr Glidden daughter has cerebral palsy 46 yrs old anything to help with spasticity muscle tone.


Dr G, I've discovered a natural beverage that I really enjoy, which contains 2.2 mg of zinc per bottle. Is it safe for me to drink two bottles a day in addition to the Beyond Tangy Tangerine, or would that exceed the recommended daily zinc intake?? Is a large amount of daily protein hard for the body to digest? If a woman had 50 grams of protein every day is this healthy?

Good evening, Dr. G.; Matthew from Palm Coast. I hope all’s been well with you guys. If you don’t mind questions regarding your suggested reading, “The Truth about Contagion?” EMFs and Grounding: The book mentions the relationship of then-emerging EMFs to pandemic onsets. Curious your thoughts on if you think grounding would affect/deter the onset of the flu and other EMF related illnesses like COVID, theoretically speaking, of course? 4th Stage of Water: What are your thoughts on his 4th stage of water and maximizing intake of that into the body. Stirring my water into a vortex will bring about the “this guy’s crazy” eyes, though it was an interesting chapter, though it’s completely foreign to what we do. Thanks, Doc, for your thoughts and education.


This is SuzyQ, I Found out the possible issue that is causing my loose stools! It's the Xylitol. But Dr. Ellie says to back off on them for a few weeks until my stomach gets used to them, and then I can increase the dosage! 2. Could you repeat the quote that you always say on here about Once you experience the truth? I wanted to write that down.


Hi Dr Glidden, I caught you on the Dr. Lee Merritt webinar last night. It was super fantastic! I have pancreatic insufficiency and have been struggling with finding a good supplement that works well for me. I recently came across a homeopathic product recommended by Dr. Robert Scott Bell called Pancreatinum. I found one online from and India supplier for Dr. Reckeweg Pancreatinum 3x (20g) tablets. Can you please provide your input on this product or another that you would recommend. Thanks, Seann


10 days ago, sudden onset of the following symptons: extremely tired, felt like labored breathing, crackling or fizzing on exhale in upper airway, some post nasal drip, pulse ox 92 to 95, respirations ok, slept sitting up concerned about breathing. No coughing no fever, no appetite. Took killer biotic, respiratory support, super olive health, colodial silver nasal spray, chicken soup and by day 5 felt better. Went to a doc in the box so someone could listen to my lungs...he said they were clear and told me I have bronchitis (sure). I am ok now except I still have a bit of crackling/fizzing on exhale noticed when I am laying down sleeping. On the ninety etc. So how do I get rid of this crackling in my upper airway?


Hello, this is Gracie from Chicago. According to the information I’ve gathered - the reason Tylenol is bad for you is because it depletes gluthione but N-Acetyl L-Cystine boosts gluthione so together with Tylenol it’s a wash, so if I take them together then Tylenol won’t be so bad for you.


What's up doc? I had the pain in my wrist when I lifted my thumb. I used the Ruta graveolens, two pellets three times a day for 5 days and it did not seem to help. I stopped on the 6th day and on the morning of the 7th day it felt stiff and actually gave me pain. I then took two pellets and it seemed to relieve the pain which it hadn't done in the previous 5 days. I should add that when I use my hand to hold a toothbrush or similar functions, I have pain in the wrist. I cannot avoid some of these actions. I was planning to start using the Ledum palustre tomorrow as the Ruta didn't seem to work. Or did it begin to work on the 7th day? What is your recommendation.


Hi Dr. Glidden Our 20 year old son has lipomas in various places in his body. Is that a concern? Drs are not concerned. A few of our other children have had them, one having two removed because his wrist hurt from them. Your thoughts, please? I have put him on the 90 Essentials, omegas, Cell Shield and magnesium gylcinate


Hi Dr Peter Glidden, Gracie De Sensi from Melbourne, Australia. What do you advise or suggest any information on glucose transformation to delivered fat in the body for post menopausal women ? Thank you, much appreciated 🙂

Thank you.

Are there protocols to enable the recovery of retinal cells damaged from a eyeball blood clot - I need to do a dmv vision test in 2 months, and have about 50% sight in right eyeball.

How many editions are there of Everybody is sick...


Hi doc! Waht to do suggestion for persistent nasal drip? What to do for persistent nasal drip? The MD’s are testing for allergens and have prescribed Symbicort and some other decongestant….


Hello Dr Glidden, Sonya from near Cincinnati (11 years 2 mos on 90 for Life since you spoke at my mom’s church). We are planning our “end times” prepper pantry. Of course, we will have the 90, do you think the powdered BTT or the tablets have a longer shelf life? Also, Ivermectin is on the list. Do you know how we might get some other than the stuff for horses at Tractor Supply. Our list also includes honey, sea salt, borax (for bone density, cleaning and soaking). Is this different than what is in our BTT drink (boron one of the 60 minerals)?


Past vaccinations. I did 7 weeks of Thuja 200C. twice a day every Sunday. It ran out. Order of Thuja 1M just came. How long should I do it for?


Dr G, Recently we tried ultimate tangy Tangerine liquid, costs less than the powder, but noticed the contents under supplement facts is significantly different between them. This gets confusing. Is it better to continue using the powder? Also I'm currently being treated for macular degeneration with eye injections of EYLEA HD. Experienced some improvement. Watched your recovery protocol video for MD and was wondering if there are any updates, changes to the protocol for MD. I want to start on whatever is the most current. Also, would this be the same protocol for glaucoma that my wife has been diagnosed with? Thanks, Clair P.


Hi Dr. Glidden thank you for your time. I have a friend with me who I am just sharing about the 90 essentials and12 bad foods. He is a 60 year old man and was diagnosed with IGA Nephropathy in July. He is approx. 30lbs over weight, currently takes blood pressure med, a statin, and a drug called Mycophenolate. They just put him on this drug since the mass course of steroids did not work. Did take the Covid vax. Any suggestions on where to begin? Thoughts on Good Herbs Kidney and bladder support?


Hi Dr G Larry in york Pa My son in law has been diagnosed with CRPS! What do we do about that he's in alot of pain and I'm sure your aware what they are putting him through.

What would you recommend to increase testosterone in a male, post 70 yrs. old? Thanks.


Is quinoa a 12 bad food?


God bless you Dr. Glidden! Is there any hope...Md says he wants to prevent heart attack and stroke by wanting to put me on blood thinner- I refused. Test results came back with enlarged prostate...stage 3 kidney disease...A1C is 7 and plaque build up in 2 arteries of the heart. He prescribed 25 mg of losartan to help lower blood pressure and protect the kidneys. What is the your approach than medicine. Thanks Also protein is leaking in the kidneys.


Hi Dr. Glidden, Millie from S/E WI here...What would you recommend for a fellow in his late 50's that's been diagnosed with Lymes? Very active, raised a large family, now having multiple issues. Call he call your office? Thank you for your input! Enjoyed you with Dr. Merritt last night!!!


Hi Dr. Glidden, It has been a minute since I got to California and went from feeling well to slowly declining, finally found myself in the ER for stomach pain which after a bunch of scans they determined might be either colitis or IBS...basically they don't know, but something that I noticed was that even though my liver, spleen, and other organs are good my pancreas has fat and mucus plugs - likely from the CF and I have a lot of gallstones in my gallbladder still. The ER visit also landed me a flu so I was bedridden for 3 weeks and lost a lot of muscle and weight. I'm back to 76lbs at 5'2, had been released from the hospital after a week of antibiotics because the fires of Santa Monica were affecting the air in the hospital. That was 5 days ago, finally got the strength today to join this forum. What should I do to regain some strength, restore the pancreas, and looking at some gut flora issues?


Hello Dr G == reporting in with you. Re lichens, colon issues. Well, the itch is not 100% gone but it is approx 90% gone. It comes only when a BM is approaching. I think. I am continuing w every singe thing you have told me. (Thank you and million thank you for staying with me.) So it's 90E, 12BF, +microbiome, and started 3.0 which has been amazing and peaceful. So, I am continuing the Mercurios 30c as you said -- one month wb up end of January 2025. So pls advise what else. And am doing colonhydroTx (CHT) 1x per week. Those have been even easier and less strenuous. Stools have been more formed and less mucous present but not gone completely. Pls advise what else if anything -- or just hold the course...? and If you have insight what is happening to me in the pathophys aspect. Finally my 21 y/o delayed ASD son (who is improving) is many weeks now ℅ fatigue. he is on 90E and can hardly enforce 12BF elimination but it's best we can do for now until he buys in further to 12BF list. I suspect you will suggest to double his 90E, but am really not sure. Or maybe switch him to 3.0? or something else. He been on 90E nearly 18 months. Also, the occupational Tx suggests the fatigue is suggestive -- meaning -- he suddenly finds lots of energy when he is engaged in activity of preference. And when it is not highly desirable or stimulating -- seems he complains and complains of fatigue "why am i so extremely tired...I hate it." this is what we hear all day long until his favorite activity comes along.


My 37-year-old friend was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma lung cancer (ALK gene mutation). I believe you mentioned that you don't think gene issues cause cancer. Can you explain why? Her doctors don't know much about this specific cancer but say it's not environmental. She knows there is mold in the house. Any correlation? Is there something to take for not going Gray?

We've been told not to take high dose calcium because it can cause calcification of artery's. The Beyond Osteo FX has 1,200mg calcium and some protocols you mention would be 2 dosages daily = 2,400mg. Your thoughts?

Greetings Doc; Paul fm Fredericksburg here... The 30C Lycopodium did the trick (probably to 90%). There is a residual (very mild) wheeze which feels as though it emanates from the lower lobes of the lungs. I was considering using colloidal silver in a medical-grade nebulizer; your thoughts are most gratefully received.


1/16/25 Live Chat Q&A


1/9/25 Live Chat Q&A