1/16/25 Live Chat Q&A
My sister is scheduled to get a hysterectomy. She has a Prolapsed cervix, enlarged uterus, 5 fibroids and a polyp on the uterine lining. Spotting for months. Nearly impossible to get her to listen to your recommendations, so I am doing so on her behalf. I know she should take the Essential 90 and EFAs. What is the definition of a glass of water? What is NOT a glass of water?
Hi Dr. G, it’s Sarah Hooper again: I saw your recent talk with Dr. Lee Merritt, loved it! Can you talk a little about hydration. I take the 90 & feel like I’m dehydrated. I probably don’t drink enough water, but I also don’t want to “wash the minerals out of my body” (is this a thing?). What are your thoughts on drinking plain water vs. water with electrolytes added?
Hello Dr Glidden, Lisa here: I get really bad fluid retention when I fly. I have tried drinking lots of water and wearing pressure stockings, but it only helps little if at all. Have you any suggestions for this? I first noticed this problem when I was 21. Lisa again: I heard recently that aluminum foil should not make contact with food, as it will leach into it. What are thoughts on this? I also noticed that Ouichata Mountains water that you recommended is available in aluminum bottles. Is that a concern?
Hi Doc. In short, you’re the best. I have a happy, well-adjusted, bright 6 year old granddaughter who grinds her teeth while sleeping and also has lots of night terrors (which she can’t remember in the morning.) i.e. she has been learning about the Civil War at her classical school and awakened last night multiple times with nightmares about the war. Any ideas how to help her? I started using Super Olive Health at your recommendation for stuffy, cruddy nose and I’m not noticing a change. (I’m on 90 for Life, obviously) What exactly is Super Olive Health supposed to do to our bodies? Thanks for all you do.
Merry, Apache Jct. - Question on copper: I have the Sovereign Copper Hydrosol and take it for varicose veins. I take a teaspoon per day and haven't noticed any difference after 2 months. Is it okay to go to 2 teaspoons along with the varicose vein protocol? Is there any issue with taking this with the Tangy and minerals or better separately? Also, when using the Good Herb products, is there an optimal time to take them for the best results? Thank you.
My niece, Summer of 23-to last fall: Pain all of the time like hunger, even more pain after eating. Hard time getting to and staying asleep. Foods like a milkshake on a hot day or sometimes no idea what food would trigger an extreme burning on her left side and around her back. She's had at least 3 "attacks" with these extremes pains where it feels like she's in labor and screaming in agony for an hour until it dissipates over the next hours but awful headaches, dizziness and stomach pain lasts for around 5 days. Needless to say she is afraid to eat. Doctors said it was probably just acid refulx. All scans came back normal. Went to a naturopath in July; they did a Biomex test which was 35.57 and blood work (she was 12 and 78 lbs). Said she was the picture of health accept one bacteria was too high and worst case of processing protein ever seen. Has been gluten and dairy free, paleo and low FODMAP since then, slowly adding back in med. FODMAP as tolerated, which is not always. Taking since Sept: probiotic daily, HU58 1-2 pm, Vit D 5,000 IU daily, pancreatic enzymes each meal, Tudea for liver and digestion, Adrenacalm to help with sleep, Gut Repair and Support. Currently she is sleeping a little better when pain is less but she chronically has pain like hunger, pain after she eats (both pains not as bad as before) and when med FODMAP food is added back in can still have other bad symptoms on day 2-3 when it doesn't agree. Suggestions?
What are your thoughts on Dry needling and acupuncture? Have you heard of Theta chamber (just heard about this)? Would any of these be worth a try or benefit health in any way? Thank you for speaking truth. You are appreciated.
Good morning Doc. Cheryl here with a report on the Lac caninum 200ck. Took 3 doses and each time a bad reaction - pain i shoulders, upper arms. Needed Tylenol. So as you've instructed, I've quit it. Maybe I can gain ground with the 90 and just live with the cold back. And Tylenol.
I took my blood work Dec. 27 2024. I try to stay consistent every 6 months. My dr. note to me. A1c of 6.5 and above is considered to be diabetic rang. a your A1c is 6.4 your cholesterol levels especially the LDL is elevated. your liver enzymes are also elevated suggestive of metabolic syndrome ? . your PSA continues to be elevated. I have been on 90EN for over a year now and took a couple a times other supplements for those issues. Could this elevated my numbers.
What is the recommendation on stopping herbs and supplements before having a complete blood work up including cancer tumor markers? Thank you in advance.
My doctor put me on Azathioprine and my IGG is really high for lupus vasculitis and he wants me to see a hematologist because of this lab result.Monoclonal 1 - which went from 43.8 to 785.4. Can I stop taking it cold turkey? How do you feel about using a Berkey Water System that removes flouride and other toxins out? I feel like I need to change my diet completely to go raw - using 16oz of greens, 1/2 chia seeds, and water daily...with minimum fruit. What else will get this under control - it is so frustrating...and I'm on the 90 essentials.
A glass of water is 8oz of water with a scoop of Tangy? Is it 8oz of water with tea? Is it 8oz of orange juice or any juice? Beyond taking the Essential 90 and EFAs, what is the best way to improve circulation in the body? Perhaps it is exercising or stretching, beet juice? All of the above? Sorry if this is too vague. Is there a blood test to measure inflammation in the body? What is the best way to build body muscle for someone who is 60 years and older?
Hi Dr. Glidden - This is Alice Goodall RN from Roseville, Michigan. I have a friend that has been having eye sensitivity, rashes around her eyes for the last 2 yrs. She has been seeing many different specialists. The latest one says she has myasthenia gravis and told her to stop taking the osteo fx or any magnesium since this makes this condition worse. What would you suggest for her to do?
Hello Dr. Glidden, I am a 59yo male, no prescriptions who did not take any of the jabs. Since about last April I have had an ongoing sinus/nasal congestion issue. The congestion began around the time I cleaned out a family member’s bathroom that had a good bit of orange mold . It started like an allergy and progressed by June to what seemed like a significant sinus infection. Thick green discharge for about a week. Congestion has continued after that and I have limited taste/smell since then. At this time nasal discharge is clear and at times thick. It is worse after waking and is best around midday. Cold air also seems to clear it up somewhat. Here is what I have been doing so far: 3 weeks ago: I started the 90 Essentials along with the plant derived mineral and have eliminated the 12 bad foods. 1 week ago: I started Gammadyn copper (1 vial AM 1 vial PM) plus selenium for a reoccurring external hemorrhoid which had been appearing after using the stool for about 1 year, no bleeding. (This issue seems to be resolving). I also started Sulphur 200c (two pellets AM and two PM) at the same time. Present symptoms: It seems the nasal/sinus congestion is looser at times and if I blow my nose after eating taste is present. About four days ago the discharge had an orangish color one time first thing in the AM, but that has not reoccured, and it is clear and generally thick. Any general advice as to my current self-treatment and/or suggestions about what to do from here? NOTE: up until last April, I had absolutely no nasal congestion so I am WAY off my baseline.
How do we give the 90 essential supplements to young children who can't swallow pills (like EFAs from Youngevity). Should children who wear glasses take selenium? Is there a liquid form?
Do you have any suggestions for trigger thumb. Ive been on 90 Ess plus other products from Youngevity for years.
What homeopathic for stye in eye.
This is SuzyQ, Do you recommend taking Vit D3? I thought I heard you say no. And what about Vit C?