1/21/25 Live Chat Q&A

I tried your recommended use of homeopathic silica for an epidermis cyst in the ear lobe (2 pellets daily for 21 days). I think it’s reduced the fluid a little but it’s now a firm pea sized lump. The pellets were very small so hoping I used the correct dose. Any recommendations to get rid of the rest of it? Also is Comfrey Cream useful to treat bursitis in a shoulder joint? Any harmful effects from the use of this cream?

Hello Dr Glidden, John, an Italian man 51yrs of age, 5’2’’ height, 83kgs is on blood pressure meds and diuretics (for his blood pressure), has burning feeling in his feet and hands. He said his blood sugar test came back normal. He is on antacids. He is noticing that when he eats tomatoes and some meats the reflux is worse and his joints ache the next day. He said he is starting to back off on the traditional Italian foods of nightshades as he notices the result in his body. What nutrition would you recommend please?

Casey in Utah, So, what’s the difference between the tangy powder and the pill form?,,, is one better than the other?,,, it seems the pill for has less in it vs 1 scoop?…


Dr G, Despite not being overweight, I find that I require larger portions to feel satisfied compared to those around me. What might be the underlying reasons for this? Interestingly, I also noticed eating a few pieces of fruit leaves me feeling fuller than when I eat other types of food. Is it safe to use a natural deodorant that contains hydrogenated soybean oil?


Hello from Cokato, MN! What is the best way to treat a varicocele in a 24 year old?


I took it for 19 days every other day. It helped with the severity bu didnt go away. I stopped all my supplements and started taking it again. Ordered the 1m dose which came today. How do I proceed?? Did I mention the name; Calcarea Fluorica. New to this, I had severe heart palpitations. Still on syntroid 88mg for over 50 years. Latest TSH test very high. This is Starfish

I have been doing the 90 Essentials, diluting the Tangy Tangerine in 32 oz of water, but i can only get 16 oz down before I get an upset stomach. I've tried diluting it more, still unable to get a serving in a day. Your thoughts? Also, for migraine headaches do you recommend plain Omega 3 or the Ultimate EFA plus? I can't swallow tablets so the Tangy Tangerine tablets are not an option.


Hi Dr. G...Kathy from Howell Michigan. Re my broken wrists, I took the symphytum officinale 200c as you suggested, as well as 8 glucogel. My wrist doc was extremely surprised at how well/fast I had healed, at my 6 week check up. I told him what I took and his response was, "well, that won't hurt". NOT wow let me write that down, so I can tell other patients. Physical therapy still makes me sore, due to fractures on the outside of both wrists. Also used comfrey cream.


Hawkins here from the Illinois frozen tundra! Good evening good sir, I was reviewing some of Mike's test results from last year and I discovered one tenet of his abdominal ultrasound from last June that I missed. Test discovered Mike has a 4.2 x 4.35 cm cyst on midpole of left kidney. No hydronephrosis or hydroureter. Wanted to make sure you were aware of it. Not sure if he has next follow up appt scheduled with you. Yes he is sitting next to me. Thank you! Anxious for your new book!! Hurry up!! Please and thank you, always gratelful. Melody BTW his night time wake-ups have been consistently 4, sometimes 5. I made him write it down every night. So better but not great.


My husband needs a root canal & a crown is there any alternative choices?. Are there remedies to take if he does this? Have you every had success with macular degeneration in a 90 yr old?


Hello Dr. Glidden. I am a new subscriber. In addition to the 90 essentials, what do you recommend for a 2.4-year-old to take for vit. B and K. Also, the natural medicine for growing bone pain. Thank you.


Cheryl here with a good report: Have had 4 doses of the new preparation of Lac caninum. In general, much better. More so in day. For some reason, sunset is troublesome. Overnight good. Question: do I just continue with my initi al mixture until it's used up? (the pellets disappeared some time ago). How long can I continue this? I like it!.


COULD THE PETTITS I am taking make me have A cough for about 7n to 10 days mostly at night . Thank you for helping me today I was really A reck feeling better now after 1 dose. Loretta


Hi Dr. G! Corey from Calgary here. It’s been a while. Hope you are well. My son has planters wart on his foot. They were bad and had them cut out however they have returned. The MD said it’s human papillomavirus and it will never go away. He has been soaking his feet in Hydrogen Peroxide. Is there anything else he can do to get rid of the warts? Thanks


I am 65 petite asian woman 97 lbs started the foundation pak in Dec 12. Have a lazy eye, dry eye, and now a Lamellar Macular hole. This is different from Macular degeneration. I am taking in the morning, 1/2 scoop tangy tangerine, 1 oz ostero fx, 1 oz plant derived minerals, 2 gluco gel, 1 efa, 1 selenium. at lunch 1/2 scoop tangy tangerine, 1 oz osteo fx, 1 oz plant derived minerals, 2 gluco gel, 1 efa 1 selenium. In the evening I take 2 gluco gel, 1 efa, 1 selenium. The Lamellar macular hole that was diagnosed by my optometrist in October 2024 is getting worse. I see an ophthalmologist in Feb. Is there anything that I can do in the meantime? I am worried that I am losing my eye sight in my one good eye. I feel that the symptoms get worse especially if the sun is shing into my eyes. If I cannot reverse the Lamellar Macular Hole, can my lazy eye be reserved? I have had the lazy eye since I was a toddler


This is SuzyQ. !. Would you explain it a little clearer about why it isn't a good idea to take vitamin D3? Is it the ingredients? 2.Could you also explain the tetanus vaccine and why or why not it is needed? Is it just another myth too? A while back I found a product called Miracle Noodle. It is not organic, but it's a plant based food. Is it save? Also do you know anything about Organic Plant Milk Butter? I have bought it and it tastes pretty good! Is it safe? You mentioned to stop the Cataract Protocal if I didn't notice a change. The only way to know for sure if they are gone is with an eye check-up, is that correct? A while back I read about Med Beds. It sounds a little far-fetched to me, is it not? And do you have a good explanation about what Covid really was?


CPR of 3.89 down from 5.88. Are there foods or supplements to take to lower the inflammation when root cause unknown?


I have been diagnosed with PVC's and I have read your possible cure. Cardiolodgist wants to give me an angiagram. I want to follow your plan to cure atrial fib. He wants me to take metoprolol succinate 25mg plus a baby aspirin. I have been using a cervical traction collar for 20 minutes every night for the last year and will add the table at a forty five degree angle too.In addition will add the nutrition. I have to sleep on my right side every night. Please advise Mike in Des Moines. Mistake I have to sleep on my left side not right side.

Dr Gidden what is your opinion on stem cell treatment?


What nutrient(s) or hormone(s) imbalances could be responsible for female 62 years. Feeling of hot then cold at times through the day/night, Recently, much hair loss, Eyebrow thinning. Some hair growth along jaw line & upper lip, Dry skin memory recall with dates, names, numbers is weak9:52


I read the health recovery protocol for treating warts using ultimate selenium and argenten23 as a paste. Does this method also work for removing senile warts or age spots?


For the previous Tangy question, why pulverize the tablets? I really struggle with the taste of the Tangy. I also react strongly to medication, prescription and OTC. I only weigh 110 so I am taking 1/2 - 3/4 a dose. I would like to switch to tablets if I can. I currently mix the tangy with juice and water the night before I take it, which helps with the taste.

Best friend who has been battling osteomylelitis in her jaw for a year. It seems to have started with a root canal. She's on IV antibiotics now and doing hyperbaric. She did get the covid shots. Could that be part of the problem? What would your protocol be?

This is Starfish again with heart palpitations. Should I start the supplements again or wait till the heart resolves?


New Member here! What is the difference between original blue cover Tangy Tangerine and the Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.5? Also - thoughts on the liver/gallbladder flush/detox with olive oil and Epsom salts?

Hello Dr Steadfast. It’s West FL hailing (Carla). Thank you for your kindness. I also want to update but inquire how to give tiny little children toddlers, and older babies — how to get their nutrition. I don’t see any patches or children’s chewable or something. I have given them the BTT drink but now they will no longer. The other is re Lichens and colon issues. I though I was all better….but this past Saturday 1/18/25 — the mucous in stool came back along with the itch. Stools are no longer formed at all. I am remaining steadfast on every single thing (avoid 12BF, all 90E + mircrbiome, RTQ, Glucogel + immortalium + the homeopathic Calcarea Fluorica 9 more days. I hv been disciplined to do every single thing. Pls say what to do next. In my own body, I ask if there’s a thing to help peristalsis and to provoke a BM without laxative — like re-introduce a kind of fiber. Remember, Shulze program I was taking before — I do not feel good about Shulz’s #2 which is fiber + herbs. And pls explain if you would how to get collagen. I mean, is glucogel enough ? I have dry skin (not as bad as 1 month ago, including mildly cracked heals and some new acne. Maybe that is not enough EFAs? idk. pls guide. i am also, petite woman, 120#, age 65. Been doing 90E >18 mos.


1/23/25 Chat Live Q&A


1/16/25 Live Chat Q&A