12/7/23 Live Chat Q&A
I underwent a bypass surgery a year ago, and now have a stent inside an artery. I have been asked to take 81 mg of aspirin to prevent a
second heart attack, plus a statin which I refused to take. Aspirin can cause ulcers, so they prescribed Pepcid, which also I refuse to take. I have been asked to reduce salt intake to 1500 mg of sodium. Also, I suffer from dizziness caused by Meniere’s disease, and once again, they say reduce the salt intake to help with the dizziness. Can you please suggest a solution with the salt intake, and aspirin?
I have stomach issues. Symptoms include, gas bloating, churning and pressure around the stomach area. I am on the Esential 90's. I don't have acid reflux and have daily bowel movements. What can I do to help with the stomach?
Hi Doctor G! Apart from being on the 90 essentials, what would you recommend for a 29 year old woman who is 2 months pregnant. Should she be on the 90 essentials throughout the pregnancy? Are there any extras she could take? Doctors only suggest calcium and folic acid. My second question is about a 40 year old who always seems to be a bit nauseous when he gets up early. The simple fact of using toothpaste in the morning makes him heave. It only happens early morning, later during the day there is no problem at all. He has been on the 90 now for 2 months, but situation hasn’t improved much. Any suggestions?
Diane from Idaho, I just finished a drive from Austin, TX to Idaho - and along the way I got altitude sickness. Is there a remedy to relieve the symptoms of shortness of breath, dizziness and nausea?
Good morning! What are your thoughts on wearing only natural fibers, like cotton, wool, viscose. I have heard mixed information on it. There are so many plastics and synthetics in clothing these days that it is difficult to find natural fibers but I am willing to do it if it is important to my health. Is it important if you are nutrified?
I am still taking the staphasagria on Wednesdays and Saturdays, twice the sore throat returned, took the phosphorus as you directed, one dose cures it. The pain in my wrists and hands seem to be increasing but after the dose of phosphorus they seem a bit better. Still taking the rescue remedy. My emotional state seems better while taking the staphasagria. We are going to be flying in a couple weeks and need to know how to deal with the stress of that and can I take anything to protect myself from the shedding, etc of the people who are not smart like you....
I have a female customer with candida and food sensitivities who has been gluten free for many years (she says she has 30 different debilitating conditions) She will be starting on 2 scoops of Ultimate Microbiome daily. She would like to also take the i26 product. Would this be in conjunction with? and how much? Can/should both of these products be taken for life or should they be used for only a specified amount of time?
Q1- Dr G, I have an older lady friend (mid 70s) and inquiring customer who had her esophagus removed because it had become paralyzed and enlarged (problem began in her 20s and just last year she had it removed). She’s actually interested in the bone pack. I’m just wondering if there would be any extra instructions I should share with her. Q2- I was having a conversation with a friend about our bodies’ need for the the 90EN, 60 being essential minerals. She replied that she gets her minerals from Celtic Sea Salt. I was not sure how to respond. Could you please explain the difference between minerals derived from ore vs. minerals derived from plants?
Hi Dr. Glidden, Millie from SE/WI here...Can you talk a bit about dentistry? I've had a filled, broken tooth for many years and am concerned about it leaching mercury. What type of dentist should I be looking for?
Hey Doc! Ken B. here. Most of the impact of the scoliosis I deal with is in the center of my back. Wonder if this could be the main culprit of my gut trouble. Thanks Doc! Left leg is shorter than the right, tilts pelvis to the left.... results in a curve at the center of my spine. Can't remember which vertebrae.
Listened to your cast on good herbs this a.m....pls repeat and spell the homeopathics for left and right shoulder pain.
Do you still recommend sweet eze for acne? I thought you had said something about that product not working as well as it had in the past. Also, the face soap that you recommend for acne in your video is not available due to supply problems, do you recommend something else for teenage acne. Thanks!
Hi, what is causing me to have low oxygen to my brain?
Diane from Idaho - I found SBL Homeopathy Coca Dilution 200 CH / 30 ml. How would I take this liquid? Thanks.
pls repeat what you said this a.m. for autoimmune disease...90s plus ultimate microbiome....then parasite program potocol...which i didnt get...Im in Indian lake NY....internet co is Lowville...hello from the adirondacks