2/11/25 Live Chat Q&A


What do you recommend for severe constipation. Already taking the 90.Doesn't seem like enough magnisium

I just finished reading The Disease Conspiracy by Robert Barefoot. What are your thoughts on the Okinawa Coral Calcium he recommends vs the calcium in the Beyond Osteo FX? I'm excited that my friends Lisa and John made an appointment with you.


Dr G, My wife and I are into our 3rd week of the eye protocol for MD doing the following:


HI Doc, This is Jerry from NJ. What is the dosage and for how long for the digitalis. Also there was no change for the Sepia.Thanks Jerry

Anna from Cokato, MN!! ALL long vowels!! I have my son here tonight with me with the varicocele He has no idea when it formed. It does not hurt. Left side. Any help would be great!! Thank you!


Is "Killer Biotics" equal to an antibiotic? I know we don't do diagnoses, but my "spreadsheet" says I've got walking pneumonia. For months. And it's bringing down every support I can think of. Thank you.


It seems you have been recommending homeopathic remedies to listeners that follow your suggested protocol and continue to have a health issues, Can you recommend a book for beginners so that I can begin to learn about homeopathy please?

Dr Glidden- Greetings from sunny Florida! Thank you for being here for us and improving our health in innumerable ways! My daughter is interested in giving her 5 and 6 year old daughters the 90 for Life, but they cannot swallow pills or capsules. Any chance Youngevity would consider making a product for children? I realize the children can take the plant-derived minerals and the powders. But one of them also needs selenium for her eyesight issues. Is there a liquid form available from a reputable company?


This is going to be a bit personal. I am a 74 year old male. I am able to sleep at night in about 2 hour stretches with a short interval to get up, urinate and go back to bed and sleep for another 2 hours. This goes on all night.

I awake in the morning feeling run down. I know my problem, which I have read about, has to do with my Prostate.

I have ordered the Youngevity Good Herbs product Prostate Health. Been taking if for about a week with no noticeable change. What do I need to do to get a good night sleep? John in AZ

The video on Kidney Stones recommends a tincture of Berberis vulgaris. I can't find this locally. Would it work in this situation to purchase the homeopathic Berberis vulgaris and make the liquid remedy you describe for homeopathic remedies? how long after taking a supplement that is to be taken on an empty stomach do you have to wait to eat? In my efforts to ingest 50,000 ORAC per day in antioxidants I've added Acai Berry, Pomegranate Extract, Cinnamon Bark Extract, Red Dragon Fruit Extract along with Chaga Tea. You talk about balance so will these additions work with the 90for Life program and maintain the proper balance? I've ordered a scale so I'll be able to calculate the amount of ORAC in each capsule.


Casey in Utah, Is the “Vitamin/hormone D” used for energy??? Because I have a lack of energy all the time and I do realize now that I’ve kind of been living like a vampire and not getting much sun? Could this be the cause of my lack of energy?

Hi Doc! Sarge here! I have a friend who’s was just released from a two day stay after going to the ER with extreme shortness of breath. His current diagnosis is stage 4 kidney failure and congestive heart failure. With medication his B/P is around 150/100. We’ve been using Ultimate Classic, Beyond Osteo FX, Plant Derived Minerals, Ultimate Daily Classic, Selenium, D-Stress and ProJoba Omega. To this point nothing has worked. Where should we go from here? He weighs about 150 lbs.


Hello, this is Gracie from Chicago. My son is getting ready to do a nose surgery for his deviated septum. He’s very much overweight and I’m worried about it. He says he’s always had a hard time breathing through his nose. He was involved in an accident where a broken ceiling lamp piece of glass came crashing down on his nose when he was a kid. Do you think there’s any way he could avoid surgery.


Lynn from New Jersey Congrats on your book Dr. Glidden….excited to purchase… I have paper cut like slits on the top my thumb by nail and top of first finger by nail on right hand…every now and then I get paper cut like slits on the first knuckle on both of my pinky fingers….those come and go. Appreciate any suggestions. I am on 90, Vital Fish Oil, Copper, off 12 bad foods since October 2023…drinking water and coconut water- on month 2 of 6 of Parasite Cleanse… Thank you as always Dr. Glidden…..


Hi Dr. G. Corey from Calgary here. Last week you recommended Calcarea Carbonica for plantar’s wart. Is the 12ch strength the correct strength and how many should be taken and for how long? I wasn’t able to find the archive where you mentioned the information. Also you recommended Chlorine Dioxide for toe nail fungus. Is it ok if it gets on the skin and how often should it be applied and how should it be applied? Is a Q-tip ok? Thanks


Hello Dr Glidden, you gave a protocol a few weeks ago for an Italian man who has now been on the 90 Nutrients pack plus extra Tangy tablets at night, Minerals and Enzymes for about a week. He was suffering reflux prior to starting and is still experiencing that. He is concerned about the citric acid in the Tangy powder which he said has caused worse reflux for him in the past. His reflux is not worse than before, just that it is still happening is his concern. What are your thoughts on this please? He is taking 2 scoops of Tangy powder per day.


Dear Conductor of ReinDeer Games not to be confused with TomFucker currently dealing with MD's in Rehab for my mother. Mel iin MN A Sota who shouldn't have ammo when MD's in range. So to more pleasant questions. doing the parasite cleanse, WHY the major honey 1/4 cup with this program isn't that a bad Glucose spike issue? I don't have diabetes or high Glucose but do try to not have spikes just for overall health. anything else can be used or is honey required to do it. I don't have to cover my protocols with sugar to get them down, am hard core when doing things. so why the big honey please.

greetings from FL Keys have learned so much listening Question I have what to do about a chough that produces a sticky flehm both I and my wife have it. we are both on the 90ies for several years plus try to avid the bad foods. I am 79 no drugs my wife is 74 and also takes no drugs greetings from FL Keys have learned so much listening Question I have what to do about a chough that produces a sticky flehm both I and my wife have it. we are both on the 90ies for several years plus try to avid the bad foods. I am 79 no drugs my wife is 74 and also takes no drugs


Dr G, I've bought a Schumann Resonance generator and I was wondering if there is a limit to how long I should use it each day? P.S What do you think about the recent FDA guidance that suggests that alcohol is linked to 7 different cancers?


Hi Dr. Glidden, Millie from S/E WI here... We're considering the purchase of a Flexsteel recliner with remote control vs manual adjustment. What are your thoughts of the electric remote aspect? Should we be concerned about the electricity under us? Also, you recently recommended Phosphorus for someone else dealing with pneumonia, especially being thirsty for cold drinks. I was down for 5 weeks and am now on the mend. Thank you!!!!!...as well as Killer Biotic, GH Respiratory, and GH Super Olive.


Hi Doc G, Mel Hawkins here. Quick follow up from last weeks episode with lactose intolerance, auto immune issues. Starting to heal from the severe bloating using the Ultimate MicroBiome. This product is a Godsend! Also the Ultimate Digestive Enzymes. Just received the Nightly Essence today. Will skip the parasite cleanse this month. Hoping to resume that soon. I suspect my gall bladder is the issue. Normally not bothersome, but I know I have them for last 10 years. I don't want to stress out the liver and gallbladder until my gut issues are better, but I bet you would say its a two edged sword. What can I do to prepare my gallbladder for a gb/ liver flush in a few months? Thanks so much!

Dr. G,,you asked me to get back to you after taking Bryonia 200 c 2 miini rounds twice a day for 7 days. The cardiologist wants me to have an angiagram. I did not take the metoperol and the baby aspirin. My heart rate goes down to 40 beats for about 10 minutes when resting and then goes back up and averages 68 bpm or more when sleeping or active. PVCs appear to be happening less when I go to bed. I will continue the inclined table and cervical traction collar plus the arrythithmia protocol. Or what ever you suggest for nutrition. Mike Thies in Des Moines. 78 years old.


Is ignatia Amara indicated for grief over breakups? Is 30C sufficient for the cause?


why do you recommend the liquid osteo over the powder?


Hi Doc; Paul fm Fredericksburg here... Could you clarify / elaborate on the fact that supplements are not the ONLY nutrition we need? For example, the "supplements" have limited Magnesium (as noted by a fellow member), but foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, and to a lesser extent, meats, etc., also provide Mg & other micronutrients. Thank you for your help.

Dr Glidden, i just had a customer purchased 3 bottles of Ultimate Daily Classic for stage 3 kidney disease...and I just heard you said that's not necessary...why then has this been recommended.


2/20/25 Live Chat Q&A


2/4/25 Live Chat Q&A