2/4/25 Live Chat Q&A

A quick thank you. You literally saved me. My life with homeopathy and medical nutrition. Grief handled with Ignatia Amara. Thank you!


I am taking the 90 essentials. I just started taking the ciirculatory formula for dry eyes and vitamin D Stress and B for the nails. I experienced some soreness on the scalp. do you think is due to the circulatory formula? How long should I take the circulatory formula? Thank you, Dr. G.,

8:07 PM

question #2- how many bottles of nerve and GI cleanse are needed to do the parasite cleanse? Does it have to be done for 6 consecutive months? Thank you!


Hello Dr. Glidden, this is the 73 year old nutritionist 🙂 I have been referred two clients in the last week with advanced cancer. One has breast cancer metastasized to the bone, the other esophageal cancer metastasized to the lung. This is beyond my scope of expertise, do you take advanced cancer patients? I would like to refer them to you. In the meantime, I'm going to recommend the 90 essentials and start doing coffee enemas 2 X Day.

What do you recommend for a calcium score of 1159


The video on items for Medicine Cabinet suggests having Good Herbs Bone & Tissue Support on hand. When & how is it used? I usually mix my powders into hot water. Since the minerals have to be refrigerated will hot water damage it's effectiveness?


What are the names of all 12 volumes of the Hervert Collection on Naturopathic Medicine and where can I buy them all? I’ve only found the names of 9. I’ve only found 9 of 12 for sale.


Hi Dr G. If you are over 50 do you take Ultimate EFA or EFA Plus. What’s the difference between the two.

Melody Hawkins here, well 2nd time in my life lactose intolerance reared its ugly head after 4 years.

Not able to tolerate BTT powder for week. Severe bloat and constipation worst symptoms. Did the parasite cleanse last full moon, not sure if connected. I take digestive enzymes daily for help, but now on very low fodmap foods due to issues. Recommendations? Thank you!


Hello, this is Gracie from Chicago. I find myself choking for no reason at all just from saliva or air on the left side of my throat. It gets really dry and makes me feel like I’m choking. I try to drink some water and put my head back to stop that feeling like I’m choking. It takes several minutes before I can get normal again. It doesn’t happen that often maybe once every two weeks. It just appears out of the blue.


Dr G, What are your thoughts about supplements that claim to oxygenate the body? Is this a beneficial thing to do a few times a year? P.S. How does your new book compare to your past books?


Hi Dr. G. I was wondering what you could recommend for a friend. He is 19, 142 pounds 5’10”. Every morning for quite a while now he is not able to keep his breakfast down. He gets nauseous and his breakfast comes up. If he skips breakfast or eats later on in the morning it’s not as bad. He also is having a difficult time gaining weight.

What would you recommend he take for supplements and what could help him with his uneasy stomach in the morning. His father said that he had the same issue when he was his age. Thank you. Corey

Hi doc. What would you recommend for a shoulder joint sprain / pain? What can be done for memory loss for elderly, 93yo. what do you recommend for a cyst on the neck?

Merry, Apache Jct. - Your book cover is great! I was in printing and publishing for some years before retiring. We produced books and newspapers so I can honestly say the cover is extremely important. It's the first impression and yours is definitely an eye-catcher. Anxious to order it. QUESTION: If you were in RFK's position, what would be your plan for the country? I think your input is important for us to put out there on social media. We CAN make a difference. Thanks.


Hi Dr, Glidden- This is Alice Goodall RN from Michigan, What wholistic nutritional protocol would you suggest for a person that was told from the allopathic doctors that they have the PCOS condition?


This is SuzyQ, 1.I hope you have started Dr. Ellie's Complete Mouth Care Program like you said. I am waiting to hear what you have to say about it! I am still working with it, and I have a question!. A while back I told you I had loose stools and did not know why! Well, then I found out it was the Zylitol. So then Dr. Ellie states to back down on it, so I did, and things are better, but I want to work my way up from 4 tablets to 4-6 tablets of Zylitol a day. The Xylitol is needed to help your teeth and gums heal. The next question is I think Dr. Ellie thinks my stomach will be able to handle the Xylitol easier if I take a probiotic. She recommends BioGaia Immune health Probiotics for your gut. The only thing is that I looked up the ingredients and it contains Vit D (as in cholecalciferol) 10 mcg (400) I.U. 50% daily value. Also it contains L reuter, APS 10 Billion CFU, ATCC PTA 64759,(L. reuteri Ostforis). Also it contains Maltodextrin Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose(capsule), Calcium Stearate, Hydroxipropyl.. So I need your advice on this please. If this isn't acceptable to you, then do you have another probiotic that will work? Thanks for your help with this! Also, what are your thoughts on Lakanto Monkfruit Sweetener with Erythritol? I heard Erythritol is not good for us?


Any suggestion to help resolve an external ‘hemorrhoid’ that is not bleeding? I am not copper deficient, but have had long battle with constipation. Local doc described this as a broken blood vessel and suggested sitz bath with warm black tea, alternating with cold black tea bags soaking in with-hazel. Cycle this 4 times per day. Day 2 and no relief yet. Now using cotton ball soaked in with hazel for longer lasting compress. This doc says if it does not resolve, it will need to be excised Yikes!!! I wonder if DMSO with aloe would help. Would the 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda neutralize the acid in your stomach? does it survive the stomach and actually have an effect on the blood/cells of the body?


What was the C level for the echinacea amara you would recommend? My husband's grandma passed away a few days ago.


I was playing pickleball this morning and felt something pop out and back in, in my knee. Now my knee feels "loose" and unstable Pain has increased during the day, Using red light therapy, turmeric and white willow bark. Any other recs?


Would it be worthwhile to direct people with longstanding diagnoses to you? Is there still hope if diagnoses are up to 8 years old? I am meeting with a friend that has lost her central vision in one eye and not sure what is going on with her other eye.


My bone density score went from -2.5 2yrs ago, to -2.6 yesterday. Same machine. I've been on Youngevity pkg 3yrs+ , listened to your osteoporosis webinar, no bad foods, healthy diet. Should I be concerned ? Thanks for your help! Thx Beth


The video on Eye Health you mention that tea is a diuretic that sucks water out of the system. Does this include Chaga mushroom, Turkey Tail & Lions Mane tea? Would I be better off to put them in capsule form to get the anti-oxidant value?


Dr Glidden, about 3 times a year, I will wake up to fluid in my right ear-non-related to bath / shower. Completely muted hearing in that ear for few hours after many Q-tip swabbings … clears up after 36 hours or less. Normal hearing in both ears otherwise afterwards. Charles S Best


What was the C level for the echinacea amara you would recommend? My husband's grandma passed away a few days ago.

My sister in law has issues with retina detachment and has two surgeries. She's had issues since she was 30 years old. What would you recommend?


Dr Glidden got the pellets today took 2 at 1:00 to day by 6 felt anxiety again it is 9 now and well take two mor I can not sleep up every 2 hours need A visit Loretta.


Good evening doc: I periodically overdo a cardio exercise and cause lung issues. This time it was cross-country skiing. Could not catch my breath. My lungs have been hurting for a week now. Any suggestion? Richard from the great state of Ottawa, Canada.


Hello Doc! Paul fm Fredericksburg here... I noticed the calendar has the last 2 weeks of FEB blank (I may have missed any announcement). Also, were you thinking of Dr. Otto Warburg in 1931 on that Nobel Prize? Thanks you.

And a note on Xylitol: from reading I have done, it uses the mechanism of inhibiting bacteria growth (dental benefit), but it may also inhibit, in larger amounts of intake, some species of gut bacteria, hence the advice regarding probiotic augmentation.

Is there a way to get rid of spider purple veins? What can help darkness under eyes? Puffy eyes?


Mel in MN a Sota! Good evening Favorite Conductor of the ReinDeer in the tomfoolery of all things Pharma swamp we are drowning in! but we have the Glidden boat to stay above the rising creek lol. I have been doing the L.Reuteri probiotic culture in dairy for 36hrs. it has been very helpful in my gut, am less hungry. It seems to have also helped the restless leg issues. Do you have a protocol in health insights or elsewhere for improving eyesight if any, i only wear cheaters( little as possible and only at the 1.0 strength.

Also, what are your thoughts on Lakanto Monkfruit Sweetener with Erythritol? I heard Erythritol is not good for us?

Are there any routine annual tests or checks you recommend now that I have not seen a doctor in more than 7 years? There are no naturopathic doctors in my area so I have no one to ask.

Any recommended naturopathic treatment for removing BCC’s? My GP always prescribes a chemotherapy cream or removal surgically. Is there a better way?


2/11/25 Live Chat Q&A


1/23/25 Chat Live Q&A