4/6/23 Live Chat Q&A
1. What's your opinion on the cause of lactose intolerance? Are people born with it or it's a whole different issue? How do you rank raw sheep milk and camel milk versus raw cow milk? And is the concept of pasteurization valid and necessary for consumption? 2. Is the fluoride content in a toothpaste a cause for concern?
I am a healthy 72 yr old, active, not over weight, & exercise, plus taking youngevity 2 months now, do not take any meds, yet my blood pressure reading is 154/74, what can I do to lower my systolic number or will youngevity do that in time? Thanks Beth
Is Ivermectin good to use for asbestos camcer?
I passed a kidney or bladder stone about 7 mm. What should I take to prevent this in the future?
You said that the recommendations for the cimmicifuga racemosa 2 Gm vial was 2 pellets Twice a day, was all that correct? And is it in the 30C? I also did not get the amount of days. And you remember we tried the office visit way back last summer and I still haven't gotten relief! It lasted 30 minutes to talk to you, which didn't work, and we still have not made any progress.This has been going on for so long! I don't go anywhere unless I absolutely have to, and the pain is coming in waves throughout my body, starting with my toe and is so strong it nauseates me! At least I am not throwing up, which I am thankful for. I don't even sleep well! I've tried everything, and nothing seems to help! I have to force myself to do things around the house because they have to be done! I still believe in God's miracles, but I really need some relief soon! 2. So is this still what you want me to try for a homeopathic remedy?
Hey doc starting the Arsenicum album what’s the regimen? 2 pellets 3 times a day how many days etc? Thanks as always.
Hey doc, California here. 1 I have eye floaters in my left eye, but my right eye is like looking through a screen door. What can I do. 2. What can I do for swollen knuckles in my middle joint of the fingers. 3. If I can't tolerate the Tangy Tangerine Tabs or Powder, I have heard you mention the vital nutrients, but which one specifically do I try without iron? Already taking everything you said. And we already tried the classic. did not like it.
Hi Dr. Glidden. Nicole from Sacramento - cobalt sensitivity. I followed your directions of taking the projobas through March, then trying the Tangy to see what happens. I tried it twice this week, and each time, the itching sensation began about 15 minutes after the first sip. The sensation was not localized - it was throughout my body. I took a dose of the homeopathic cobalt, and it helped to lessen the sensation a little bit, but it didn't go away. So after an hour, I tried a dose of the urtica urens, and that helped a little as well, but the sensation did not go totally away. Is there anything else I can try to desensitize myself, or if I keep taking the tangy with the homeopathy, will the sensitivity possible go away, or am I just doomed to stay away from products with B- Vitamins / Cobalt...thanks
Michelle Busath. Patient officially diagnosed with A-Fib this week. She's been on nutrition for 5 weeks without issue. Developed diarrhea almost two weeks ago that occurred after eating out, then consuming Easter Chocolates. Having difficulty getting it under control. She is weak and losing weight. 79 years old 5'5", 125 lbs now. Lost 14 lbs when diarrhea began. I recommended liquid diet. She doesn't understand significance of doing so and is worried about losing more weight without real food. Acute Appointment? I stated nutrition must be maintained during liquid diet. Recommend? Second question, patient diagnosed with Fuchs' dystrophy, Cornea problem. I recommended EFAs and 90EN. Ophthalmologist and Cornea Specialist recomnends diet changes, EFAs, and Cornea repair surgery after Cataract surgery. Anything else?
This patient is my Sister and second sibling with Fuchs' Dystrophy. Thoughts? Oldest and Youngest sisters. 6 years apart in age. 64 and 59 ages. Eldest Sister had two Cornea transplants several years ago. Frustrated that both continue eating junk and expect different result.
Teri asks: I have low cortisol, blood sugar is always a little high, my digestion is terrible, I don’t sleep well, i also have a lot of joint pain. I see a chiropractor, it helps but i am still pretty stiff. I was on 10 meds in 2018 and have gotten off of 6 of those, so i am still on 4, clonapam, lamictal, lexapro and fetzima. I know I don’t need this junk, i just need help getting off the rest. I had a complete hysterectomy in June 2020, because they recalled essure and i wanted it removed. I am now trying to get help with my hormones, and no one really seems to know what they are doing in that area either. I have bloodwork i had done about a month ago of hormone levels and a complete blood panel. I just watched the video of Dr G on stew peters, i have been watching stew for the last 2 years. I got saved in January 2021 and my eyes were then completely opened to all of the years of corruption. I know we are living in the last days, and i cannot wait to see my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, until then, i want to be healthy and feel better. My psychiatrist is an idiot, he had me on so many drugs, i guess I’m not surprised cause he’s all boosted up with the c19 poison shots. He’s obviously pretty brainwashed by the medical establishment, I haven’t seen him in almost 2 years because he didn’t want to see anyone in person that wasn’t “vaccinated”. So we do phone appts every now and then, while he works from home. I just want to be done with him and all other so called Drs.
What do you recommend to take for asbestos cancer?
Hey Doc! Ken B. here. 64 deg here in our part of Texas, loving it! 🙂 Regretfully, I was given fluoride tablets 'to strengthen teeth " up to age 10 (I think). I'm now 54. Any symptoms I should look for? Actions I could/should take?
can you please specify which vital nutrients without iron as there are more than one?
CJ from Houston. Is it ok to take the projobas and the cod liver oil or should I just take one.
Hi, Doc! Margaret from Cali here. This is a question for me this time. What is the difference between the BTT2.5 scoop vs a daily BTT tablet? I find that the taste is muted with 2 oz of lemon juice in 16 oz of water & if all is the same, then I would prefer the tablets. The taste has been a stumbling block; the rest of the 90 is fine. Thanks.
Betsy Asks: I have a male customer, age 72, whose cholesterol count is 300; HDL is 45 but he did not have the breakdown of LDL and VLDL. He says he can't take more than 2 of the Projoba omega of he gets loose stool. My question is, is there a link to his upside down cholesterol numbers and is inability to take the EFAs? Do you have experience with anyone who has had this problem? Thnk you!
I have atrophied tarsal eye glands - the 40 in each eye are dead, causing constant tearing, bufbing, Burning, redness. I’ve taken Excellent fish oils 20 years before this and All of Wallachs products for years. This is called by the medical mafia Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. I’m thinking Stem cell therapy might be the only regeneration for some functionality. Your thoughts? Thanks Much!
Not necessarily a question just an observation of our skewed world : A famous morning radio DJ ( Charlotte N.C) , syndicated on 44 stations in 17 states just recently underwent drastic invasive surgery to repair a potential deadly aneurysm near the heart . There was quite a bit of on -air drama over this whole months long process with many kudos to the medical monopoly doctors for their “skilled surgical hands “ . This whole deal was Another Missed opportunity for someone to tell this DJ that he could avoided all of that pain and then in turn could have educated the public Thanks Charles S Best
Nicole again. With taking the seacure, should I still be taking the projobas? Also, should the N-acetal cystine be taken 3 x a day away from food?
Is ammonium bicarbonate ok to use in baked goods?
Diane from Idaho: My daughter was excited when she heard your treatment option for the itchy reaction to vitamin B - however she cannot use a sauna because of no sweat glands on her left side after breast cancer surgery, chemo and radiation. Is there another option?