4/11/23 Live Chat Q&A


Are brain aneurysms reversible with copper? Are they only a problem if they rupture? P.S What would be the recommended vitamin E dose to take for someone who is getting medical imaging done to reduce radiation?


Hey Dr Glidden, I am a 60 year old who was an active person until February when my left knee just went bad - pain and swelling over night. MRI says Osteonecrosis and the X-ray looks like medial bone on bone. This one is odd because it flared up over night. They will want to replace the knee, I would prefer to rebuild the cartilage naturally - any suggestions that might work? BTW, I am going to try PRP and hyaluronic acid - thoughts on those?

Is olive oil as a spray okay to use?

Does A Pet Scan have the same amount of radiation as a Cat Scan?

Thanks for your help in past. I was told the blood results below show I may be Anemia. What can I take to improve this situation. I am type 1 diabetic Hemoglobin. 12.4 L. Range. 13.2-17.1 g/gL MCH. 25.6 L. Range. 27.0-33.9pg MCHC. 31.8L. Range 32.0-36.0 g/dL


Evening Dr Glidden. This Julie. I’ve been experiencing diarrhea for the past 1 month. Carroll blood test revealed offending foods, which I have eliminated. Could I still have inflammation IBS or is it something else? Taking RTQ, enzymes, Flora FX. Much appreciated! Supporter for life!


Hi , Dr. Glidden. Drew with the infected artificial knee with an update. Completed the Ruta Graveolens 200 c for 7 days and continue with hydrotherapy at least twice daily. The knee isn't nearly as swollen and the fistula and healed shut. The leg below the knee is still red and inflamed. Still doing everything else that you recommended previously. Is there anything else you would recommend? Thanks for all your help.


Hi Dr. Glidden, It's Nicole from Sacramento - Cobalt Sensitivity. I had some questions about your recommendations last week. 1) Does it matter if the sauna is a steam or infrared sauna? 2) Should the Seacure be taken differently than outlined on the bottle (6 pills per day)? 3) What does the Seacure accomplish that the projobas does not? Thank you for all you do.


Nate in Pasadena - I know you wrote in "Attempt a Cure" on some protocols to take one of Flexi-Care, GlucoGel caps, GlucoGel Plus liquid, and Sta-Restored. Is there any harm in taking two, three or all four of them simultaneously?


Greetings Doc. Is pasteurization of milk necessary for consumption and storage?


Hey Doc, 1 Update on our son (the wanna be comedian) everything has cleared up with his rash but his feet remain an issue. He scratches in his sleep until he bleeds. it still oozes a yellow sticky substance. We have tried to eliminate everything a week at a time that he eats and still come up short. You had him try mezerium but it worked short term and came not as severe. 2 I watched your Ginseng webinar and learned a ton. Which ginseng on your website do you recommend? because what you recommend on the webinar is not available on your site 3. Is there anything someone can take for the loss of taste during chemotherapy?


Good evening! - I’m following your recommendation for the abscess on my gum above a formerly root canaled tooth (Top left). I’ve completed 2 pellets 4 x’s/day Sulphur 30cc and have taken 4ml Good Herbs 4 x's/day for 3 days. How many days should I continue to take the Immune Support? And should I also take the Killer biotic? When should I expect to see the abscess to go away? I did go to the dentist last week and he drained the abscess. Thurs I see an endodontist for a CB CT scan to determine if he can do anything or if it needs to be expelled. Thank you. Question #2: Slow bowel transit time: you recommended 10 sessions colon hydrotherapy. The nearest is 4 hours away near Mpls. Time and money are an issue. You did mention a colema board. Not sure if I’m ready to try that on my own. Do you have any other recommendations? Was thinking fasting? And Ultimate Colon Fx? I don’t know, but YOU are the doc with the awesome sauce!


Hi, Boca Raton here (it's really Miami). Last time I mentioned the Andreas Moritz liver and gallbladder flush. I forgot to mention that he wrote a throughly written book about it that you can find on Amazon called The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush. He has written several epic books. Question: How can someone get rid of "vaccine shedding" from vaccinated family members? And also how can one get rid of Epstein Barr virus that (according to Google), 90% of people in the world has. (By the way the Microbiome you reccommended is working miracles for my indigestion. Thank you so much.


Hello 👋 Not sure if my prior message went thru. Retyping. Rhonda from NJ. My 6 year old grandson has allergies. Inside it gets him and outside. It’s his nose mainly. Sniffling nonstop …. HELP!!!


Diane from Idaho. My sister-in-law (mid 70's) was diagnosed first with dementia and now upgraded Alzheimers - following hospitalization from C-19 last fall. Treatment included Remdesivir. She -sadly- is fully vaxed and boosted. She is gluten free - also is highly allergic to mushrooms - keep an ambulance at the door if she eats any. Is there anything that can help?


Good night G. How do you strengthen the ligaments of the knees. What would you recommend for pain in the knees? Also what would you recommend for a rash around the neck? I believe it may be caused by wearing a wooden chain. Thanks as usual.

Youngivity 2.5 user - What can I take to reduce varicose veins in legs and feet? I have no pain yet. Thanks, Beth


Greetings Doc; Paul fm Fredericksburg here. I did some research for a friend regarding CAT & PET scans a few months back. CAT scans run between 2 & 10 milliSieverts (unit of measure for radiation, abbrev: mSv); a PET scan runs about 25 milliSieverts; Hiroshima A-bomb victims were exposed to 5 - 20 milliSieverts (for an interesting perspective).


Ive started taking a Hawthorne tincture 2ML 4 times a day Per your recommendation. Question: 2 mL is such a small amount , how do I successfully ingest it from the eye dropper ? Can it be added into spoonful of water or such ? I’ve searched for directions but no luck. Charles S.Best. Down on the Arkansas / Louisiana line

Thank you very much! What Udi's product do you like and why?


I will be 73 this May 6 and would liketo know what is the best way to keep my bones healthy/strong? I've not been tested for my bones. I've been on a vegan diet last 3 months and am craving chocolate a lot. I am in pretty good health try to exercise and walk daily.


Hi...Kathy from Michigan...thanks so much for recommending Syphilinum for irregular heartbeat...that and my inversion table, chryo exercises and adjustments are working great. My monocyte absolute was high on my last blood test...been feeling fatigued

Then it is the radiation from these cat scans and pet scans that cause the cancer, correct, doc?


Hi, Doc...Margaret from Cali here. A friend who is 44 years old has about 11% function in her kidneys; she is planning on transplant surgery, provided a donor can be found. I do not know if she & her husband are open to NP doctoring; they are quite caught up in believing the surgery is her only hope. However, I would like to try offering her whatever it is that you would recommend, as the USA doctors sent her home to.... die, I think. There is one more thing: they live in Eastern Europe and come to the USA annually where the surgery will be performed...maybe in Los Angeles. Her brother, who is a match, refused to be a donor. If there is any light in this tunnel, you would know. Thanks, Doc.


I’m trying to suggest dr. Glidden approved doctors to my family in California but the link on your site doesn’t have an updated doctors list because even dr. Syd isn’t on that list anymore. I’m thinking it needs an update?


4/13/23 Live Chat Q&A


4/6/23 Live Chat Q&A