4/13/23 Live Chat Q&A

Thanks for your help in past. You ask me to get back with you on Thursday on the following questions. I was told the blood results below show I may be Anemia. What can I take to improve this situation. I am type 1 diabetic. I take 30 units per day of straight Novlog insulin and 12 units 30/70 Novlog insulin Hemoglobin. 12.4 L. Range. 13.2-17.1 g/gL MCH. 25.6 L. Range. 27.0-33.9pg MCHC. 31.8L. Range 32.0-36.0 g/dL


Does nutrition prevent cancer induced by radiation more than if someone was not nutrified and experienced the same radiation? P.S If the sun emits ionizing radiation, how could it also have healing properties?

What do you do for someone who had a stroke in the last year. No facial paralysis but difficulty walking?

Have you even seen a dowagers hump reversed?


Hi Dr. Glidden, Would 12C Ruta Graveolens 1 pellet 3X day work the same as 6C 2 pellets 3X day? ...Local health food store only had 12C.


How many days did it take to get rid of that blemish on your face? Did you have the battery on there 24 seven?


Betsy Asks: Can you overdose on a homeopathic remedy which is successful for pain relief, like Arnica Montana 30 C? Is 5 better than two? Thanks!


A woman recently had surgery on her lower back. Can’t say yet exactly the problem, but she is learning to walk again. Arthritis too. Treat for arthritis?

I went on site for allergies. Very good. I did this because of 6 year old. I need info for him that’s simple. He has itchy eyes nose etc. can’t do capsules. Needs sugar homeopathic pills

Claire will be off her Depakote on Friday. Let others know the MDs diagnosed her with BiPolar after her Pregnancy. Put on major psych meds. She finally had a heart attack caused by this drug. On for 6 years. Getting off ALL her drugs for Psych. Gradually. Only 90EN enabled this.

She has her life back. Through God and Nutrition, she is grateful.


Gum problems, Ca and minerals?

Yes, MSM does help with joint pain. I was very surprised at how well it worked for me.


Hey Doc! Ken B. here. Fascinated with your battery experiment and results. This being an "external" situation, I would be interested to get your thoughts on addressing a similar "internal" situation. I'm sure it's a deep subject. Perhaps a dumb question. Just excited by the concept of "electrical balance" for lack of a better term.


Is there a way to find out if the honey is legit or not? Or how to distinguish between real or fake one?


Can you recommend a good probiotic?


4/18/23 Live Chat Q&A


4/11/23 Live Chat Q&A