5/21/24 Live Chat Q&A


Hello Dr Glidden, a customer has had Nissen fundoplication surgery to treat his GERD but he is now getting acid reflux again. I’ve told him to get onto the Enzymes before each meal but apparently this operation wraps part of the stomach around the valve at the top of the stomach so not sure whether that is going to interfere with the natural closing process of the valve when the Enzymes correct the stomach acid pH. Do you know anything about this operation? Another customer is asking if you could briefly speak about the function of vitamin B12 with regard to hair growth. The Australian TGA made Youngevity reduce the B12 in our Tangy formulation from 1000mcg to 50mcg so we are not getting much of this vitamin in our Tangy as compared to your US formula. You’ve mentioned several times that a study done over 10 years found that 85% of people who were just taking the 90 Nutrients pack reported noticeable health improvements. Sometimes it feels like people make nutritional supplementation so complicated, thinking they have to add numerous other things to their daily 90 Nutrients intake. Do you think that in the long term a person could turn around most health conditions just by giving their body the foundation 90 Nutrients and with those essential nutrients the body will do its own healing work ?


Good evening! I have a new customer on the telephone live with me now as she doesn’t have a computer. She is 78 years old and retired. About 8 years ago she had a gynecological examination during which the doctor tore or overstretched her urethra with the clamp. The tear is at the bottom or the mouth of the urethra (the core uncle?) At first it was little bitty, but over time it has worsened, grown bigger. It’s not tight. Her doctor recently told her to do some abductor/adductor leg exercises which she says pulls on and aggravates the area. Now she has pain. She tried Neosporin but it made it worse. What can you recommend for her? Thanks a bunch! MN Sara

Hi Doc. Seniors at 75 , for year & 1/2 on 90 essentials, avoiding 12 bad food, exercising, and healthy). So, annually planning a Vitamin #2 Essential Blood Test Panel. Maybe also calcium & thyroid single tests. What would you recommend ?? Beth A Vitamin #2 Essential Blood Test Panel = includes a Vitamin B12, Vitamin K1, Vitamin D 25 hydroxy plus Iron with Total Iron-Binding Capacity, Folate (Folic Acid), and Comprehensive Metabolic Panel - 14 tests.


My 1st three fingers or pinky finger and ring finger numb out sometimes because of my neck. Lately, it goes from pinky finger and ring finger into whole side of hand and it wakes me up.

SuzyQ here, 1. I have mentioned to you in the past about my very fine hair! Even though it is very fine, I do not like it on my neck because it feels hot on my neck! I wear it long because I can then tie it up, and it isn't on my neck or in my face! I looked that up on-line and there is actually a condition that this is called.. It is called "Allodynia." Have you ever heard of that, and is there a homeopathic to help give me some relief from this condition? I really struggle with this dilemma! 2.Doc, about that C--pap Protocol! Do you know any of your colleagues who you could refer me to, to get some assistance to get off of this blasted machine? I would appreciate it very much! Thanks and God Bless you! I heard the good news, doc! You ROCK!

Hi Dr. Glidden- What are the major symptoms of ulcer....I thought I had acid reflux however now thinking maybe ulcer...Listened to your video on ulcers...Thanks so much for all you do....


Hey doc, Phillip the RN here; you mentioned that red meat, upon digestion, creates a byproduct that affects our hair. Is this just for red meat, for all meats, or for all animal products?

Also, I attempted the 3 day fast, but I stopped at 48hrs due to noticing my skin and eyes becoming quite yellow. I was diagnosed with Gilbert’s Disease in the past, and It seems I need to take care of this before I attempt a multi-day fast again. My brother, Matthew from Palm Coast, mentioned that you recommended a 90-day liver program for his Gilbert’s Disease in the past?

Lastly, I know you're busy - so no rush at all, but did you get my email for last Tuesdays question?


Feed back: My vision is great after using the cataract eyewash. How long should I keep using it now my vision is clear? and more than a year ago, you suggested I take selenium to get rid of age spots on my skin. After a year, most are gone. However the spots I tried to scratch off are still there. How can I get rid of the stubborn ones?

I see the tangy tangerine 2.5 has 100mcg of selenium and 173mg of pre pro probiotics. is this all you need I see there is none in the osteo fx or efa plus or the minerals.


Why would a doctor say they need to do a PET scan vs an MRI as the PET will give them metabolic results that an MRI won’t? What should be taken and what might cause a high heart rate?? Abdominal ultrasound showed normal organs except a lil fat in the liver and cancer blood work came back normal too (no cancer) but have a 3cm nodule in left middle bottom lung that grew from 1.3 in 2018. And a 4cm mass in pelvis but they dont know where yet.


Hey Doc! Ken B. here. Testimonial / Update.... It's been 1 week since I did a 72 hour fast and simultaneously took Natrum Flouratum as you suggested. In addition, I did something radical.... I gave up coffee!... but couldn't go cold turkey, so I switched to tea. I also no longer take my supplements on an empty stomach. Which is a bad habit I had gotten into when rushing to get out the door in the morning. Happy to report that one or a combination of these changes definetly moved the needle. To date, I feel so much better. Brain fog was eliminated. Stool quality continues to improve, but it's far better than what I've been experiencing. I'll maintain this course and continue to assess. I plan to do another fast in a few weeks. Thanks for your help. As always, I appreciate your thoughts and guidance. Looking forward to your fasting protocol.

Hi Dr Glidden, question from Melbourne, Australia. many people ask for extra B6 & B12, which products can we get these 2 particular nutrients from? Hi Dr Peter Glidden, a recent MRI (unfortunately had to use the contrast) (been doing Liver/Gallbladder/Kidney good herbs to help detox that), they found a 36mm tissue mass not sure what it is, it's a category 4 out of 6, of course they want to do mammogram / ultrasound with biopsy to get more info, they decided not going down that path. Apart from off 12 bad foods and 90 essentials and 3-4 shots of pdm rainforest. They are taking selenium, hope, collagens, and about another 10 other ygy products. What do you advise to reduce this tissue mass (whatever it could be) naturally ? why do Doctors say you need a break from magnesium?


eye floaters cause and cure ?


I was taught to not have my clients take Immune Boosting Vitamins and Antioxidants because it will strengthen the attack on their body. Do you agree or disagree & why. Thank you.


Dr. Glidden how can I get rid of blemeishes and dark spots on my face?


Hi Dr Glidden, Millie from S/E WI here...Fri night I was able to start the Colocynthis 200c for my sciatic pain that was through my left groin and hip. Just as you said, it would be 48 hrs and I'd know if it was going to be effective. It's been a blessing! I'm slowly getting more movement and able to do more each day. I am sooo thankful for your wisdom and help As well as the many hours and effort you've put into the info videos! What would your suggestion be for me going forward?


Anonymous from NY, a co-worker sitting close to me started using a levoit air purifier yesterday due to allergies.. It may be a smart device and I am not sure of the quality of the air being circulated by it - perhaps nano particles? . I had insomnia last night, do you think there is a connection? Should I request a change of desk to a more distant location, if this will help. Thank you so much in advance and for all you do.


In terms of the osteo fx, why would my calcium numbers continue to high? Is there a direct correlation? Also, I didn't realize the BTT 2.5 tablets are no longer available. I learned that the 2.0 has been revamped. And lastly, what can be done for alopecia? One last question...I started tp use the cocktail - do you have to use the fruit with it? And bowel movements have been very regular. How do you know when the 90 essentials start to kick in? I've been using it for over a week and feel pretty good. Thanks. Are you a fan of this hydrogen water bottle craze.


Good Evening Dr. Glidden! Thank you for everything you do!!! Husband taking your 6 month recommendation now for 4 months heart stents; 90 Essential, Heart Support, Boluoke and Selenium. He is now getting few muscle spasms in leg? He is very active. Should he add extra Osteo, if so, how much?


I twisted my ankle on on Sat. and now have swelling in that ankle. I elevate it and have tried hydro cold / hot one minute immersions. Do you have any additional recommendations. Thanks, I am in Alabama.


Follow up to the urethra question: She says: Feels like: Like a lesion, steady / constant pain, burns, raw, When happens: when doing leg abduction/adduction exercises - leg raises

What makes it feels better: white willow bark, devils claw, cat’s claw tinctures help the pain for a few hours What makes it feel worse: when moving, it’s constant pain now

Looks like a raised lesion - raised piece of mucous membrane - not bleeding - it’s red, the whole vulva is red

I ordered some Ultimate Selenium. How often would you suggest I take it daily?

Dr. FAVORITE ReinDeer conductor, mel from MN what do you suggest one does with things you recommend that are no longer being used like mezereum or Ranuculus etc expires 2028,

p.s. the planta facia foot is nearly at 100 repaired healing from the healthy bone and jount 90 essentials. Magnesium is depleted DAILY so your on empty every morning, i take my natural calm daily!!! best price is costco.

In terms of the osteo fx, why would my calcium numbers continue to high? Is there a direct correlation? Also, I didn't realize the BTT 2.5 tablets are no longer available. I learned that the 2.0 has been revamped. And lastly, what can be done for alopecia?

One last question...I started tp use the cocktail - do you have to use the fruit with it? And bowel movements have been very regular. How do you know when the 90 essentials start to kick in? I've been using it for over a week and feel pretty good. Thanks.


Are you a fan of this hydrogen water bottle craze? Youngevity does not sell the BTT 2.5 tablets anymore...FYI. Alopecia?


5/23/24 Live Chat Q&A


5/14/24 Live Chat Q&A