5/23/24 Live Chat Q&A


I have been using the Body Brain and Heart Pak for two months along with one bottle of Gluco Gel Plus per month. After the first few days I took the Gluco Gel Plus the pain I had in my left knee went away. I have continued to take 2 bottles a month but now I am starting to have some slight pain coming back in my knee. I was thinking about switching to the regular Gluco Gel because of the MSM, CMO, and Collagen. What would you recommend? I would also like to lose weight. Would you add more Plant Derived Minerals in the liquid format to what is in the BTT2.5 powder that I’m taking?


Good morning Dr. Glidden, great to be here! 1. Why does one day of the full moon parasite cleanse need to be done on the full moon?

What does the full moon have to do with cleansing parasites? . Last week you indicated that those of us living in states where the Comprehensive

Stool Analysis is not offered, would be able to order the test to be sent to you so that you could mail it to us. You instructed us to email bob@drglidden.com, for the details. I have sent 2 emails on 5/16/24 and yesterday, to this address and have received no response whatsoever.


Good Morning, it's Lil. Quick question. You said that if you have cancer in your family you can take Carsinosin 1M. I found Carsinosinum 1M. Is that the same thing?

Hi Doc, Susan here, I recently had my lipid profile done and my total cholesterol was 403, LDL over 300 HDL 73, Tri. 63 I had a NMR and my LDL-P was greater than 2500 all other particle numbers were in normal range. I have been on 90 essentials for about a year now and off the 12 bad foods. I basically eat a animal based diet with no starchy veggies. I am not over weight, BMI is 20.1 and I am in my 60's . Any suggestions? Thank you for all you do.


I have noted that the amount of water I want to drink is higher than normal. Since there are diabetics in my family I am concerned if I am going that direction. I trust you more than my MD I am using the vitamins you recommend.


Hi, Doc...Brenda from NW Illinois. I want to send a 2 thumbs up your way. 2 weeks ago I asked about dry skin, you suggested the use of Natrum Muriaticum for a week, I am noticing a difference...less need for the use of oils and tallow. This is the 2nd win for me as you also suggested a migraine regiment that has been working well....THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!


- QQQ: (Dirk from Belgium) Due to open heart surgery, I am taking a beta-blocker (1 x Bisoprolol 1.25mg). My blood pressure is 120/80 and my pulse is 80. I would like to see my pulse rate around 65. Is there a remedy for this? NOTE: I have been taking the Healthy Start Pak for 5 weeks now and have a super good carnivorous diet.


Hi Dr. G! I recently provided an intake form and joined a previous program as a first-time caller asking about non-stop AFIB (21 months) and one of the protocols you suggested had to do with a homeopathic remedy. Would you please provide that remedy name, suggested strength and dosage? Thank you for your immense talent! And not “microbiology” I meant “microbiome”. Pls compare i26 to “Microbiome” as it also has i26.

(Btw This chat feature erases my questions. So I’m typing again.) I am inquiring about Stevia and sucralose, and whatever other sweeteners they use in youngevity. I thought Stevia is under suspicion and also that sucralose is aspartame and bad for the kidneys… Please elaborate. And help understand.

And this is my health class and I hope I can stay with this and you for a while. And that it is ok w you. My mom helps me with the questions beforehand and otherwise I wouldn’t know what to ask. Pls help me understand especially about meat thing in relation to the 12 bad foods. And I did NOT locate the video you mentioned last week about sugar. But I did watch the one on diabetes and metabolic issues. Million thanks.

1. I am looking forward to view your webinar on how to get off of your insurance. I heard it is not finished. Is that true? Also, I have just started taking the Quanta water, and I am excited! Is there a webinar on that?

Brenda from NW Illinois...me again....any recs for gluten free beer??? I have not found a good one.


Good morning Doc; Paul fm Fredericksburg here... A NON-health related observation: Whenever you have something posted with you in the screen, the various effects (e.g., fireworks) tend to be hindered. Thank you for your ministry in wholistic care!


5/28/24 Live Chat Q&A


5/21/24 Live Chat Q&A