5/28/24 Live Chat Q&A


Is there such a thing as caffeine withdrawal? Can I also take Carcinosin 1M even if I don't have cancer in the family to somehow lower the risk of future cancer?


Hello Dr Glidden, we have a customer who has Rheumatoid Arthritis osteoporosis and left bundle branch block, which is a conduction abnormality in the heart. What would you recommend for this lady please?


Is it a good idea to do eye injections when diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy.


Would like to know what I could do for almost complete vitiligo all over my body.


1. (Air Purifiers) Do you have any thoughts on air purifiers? 2. (Chemicals and additives in city water) I don't have my Berkey water with me all the time, so I occassionally run into time where I need to drink unpurified water (chlorine, fluoride, etc.). I know to avoid these, but is there anything I could/should do after having no option for a few weeks (been on trips out of state). Fluoricum Acidum or others, for example, or is that for more extreme exposures? 3. (How to handle questions about Carroll results) I've got coworkers, family, and others that don't understand my Fruit/Sugar and potato intolerances, as well as the avoidance of the 12 bad foods. When I tell them I avoid them, they infamously ask why, and I don't have a great answer for them, but when I do, it turns them off entirely to this system. What do you tell laymen who ask you about why you avoid certain foods (12 bad foods and intolerances, etc.)? I don't care if I look a healthy guy, but a conspircy nut doesn't attract people to you, which I want to maximize. Thanks doc. Have a great night, sir.


Dr G, If you are in the hospital and are told that you are going to get a CT scan, do you have the right to request a different test instead? If so, how do you determine which type of imaging test will provide the desired results, and would the hospital deny care if you refuse? P.S Are the Bach flower remedy combinations homeopathic? If so, when would you use these over other remedies, such as singular homeopathic remedies?


what do you suggest for prenatal support? anything in addition to the basics? Would you consider doing a corollary to the 12 Bad Foods and do The 12 Good Foods? It is getting harder and harder to know what to eat.


Hello doc, I’m not sure if I have psoriasis or eczema. I don’t eat dairy nor meat. I have around my scalp line and eye lid. It appears during the warmer months, red, itchy, elevated. I’m a 47yo male in northern Cali and would like to hear your recommendations. Thank you in advance for your advice! By the way Doc I’m new to this and on my free trial, I plan on ordering the healthy starter pack along with the additional recommendations you have. Thank you again!

Hello Favorite ND! Mel in MN, your book is back on bezo scums page aka Amazon! english, when did you say you may get it updated? will wait to get another one when its been updated. do love the first one! been sharing it with others to read and wake their comatose MD kool-aid brains up lol


Dr Glidden the two new pellits are not working anxiety so bad today Day 2.Loretta


Good evening Dr. Glidden…. Margie from Fayetteville NC, Even though I have stopped the TT and switched over to the Vital Nutrients, I still am having issues with burning at the tip when I pee and sometimes (randomly) cloudy & other times clear but burns every time…. I am still taking all other 90EN. What can I do?


Hi - does it mean anything if the cardiologist says you have a leaky valve in the heart and is there anything you can do about it?


Hey doc. We have the GI cleanse but don't know how to take it. Can you please give us the proper directions. Also what does the healthy brain pack contain? and how do we use it properly?


Hi Dr Glidden, thanks for all you do. Roman from Australia. My wife ws taking Sulphur 200C for an itchy skin. Itch reduced a lot. However she developed a very dry skin - all over. Stopped taking Sulphur. Any ideas on this. She is avoiding the 12 bad foods and is taking the Youngevity minerals


Went to a dentist and somehow she gave a bridge and my saliva gland got damage On the left side Is damaged can’t swallow pills Have to eat very slowly MDs think I had a stroke Sucking on lemon candy and trying to stay hydrated Need Help Want to repair the gum I think I have a stone in my check. What would help I think I have a stone in my saliva gland


homeopathic for stomach bug. came on really fast out of nowhere with a red sore throat. then chills, muscle aches and skin sensitivity - bad cramps in stomach and diarrah


only thing helped so far in choline 4 tablets from Standard Process. wanted to stay in bed ALL day - no vomiting but a bit dizzy and weak being up throat a bit better- with mercurious virus . now main symtoms are gut : lots of gassy diareah fever of 99-100 most of the day


What's your opinion regarding "histamine intolerance"? Is it a thing? Many foods that I react negatively to have high numbers for histamine. Thanks for all you do!


do you know how much radiation occurs at the TSA body scan? I occasionally have swollen legs and feet An ultrasound of the legs found no issues. ....swolen feet and ankles...afraid i will eventually have cankles and possibly resemble a democrat. yikes btw...my toes and soles of feet went numb , all at once, 7 years ago, and have stayed that way (stable) all this time. When I curl my toes and feet....My feet feel crinkley like a crinkely dog toy. Do you think these nerves can be re-habilitated? I am 68 and otherwise awesome


Hello Dr G ... I appreciate all the info on your website. i would like to gift a membership to your website to several people. Would you consider doing Gift Memberships. Example 30 day, 60 day excetera. .... Thanks ... Fort Lauderdale


Hi Dr. Glidden! Marisha from Oregon here. I have a comment and a question: Comment: Dentistry is the same is MDs. They will ruin your teeth and not tell you how to actually have healthy teeth and gums. Under their care, your teeth degenerate, gums recede and there is progressive bone loss around teeth and eventual tooth loss. What they have to offer is gum surgeries, vaneers, implants, etc. Plus they fill cavities that can actually heal and tell you that your teeth can't heal themselves, which is not true. So it's no different than what MD's do. According to Dr. Ellie Phillips (you can find her on youtube), flossing and dental cleanings DAMAGE your teeth and gums. I'd love to hear what you think about that perspective.

Here's my question. (not related to my comment): What causes headaches associated with menstrual cycles and what can I do about them? Thank you for all you have done to educate and help people with health.


Hi Dr Glidden, Millie from S/E WI here. What would you say to a sleep tech that wants to have her 6 yr old son's tonsils out because he had sleep apnea and can't breat6at night.????

...breathe at night.

What do you recommend for jock itch? Itchy from Canada (where we now have electricity and the wheel).


5/30/24 Live Chat Q&A


5/23/24 Live Chat Q&A