5/30/24 Live Chat Q&A


Hi dr Glidden how you doing. I did a physical at my workplace and part of the physical is also a blood test. When I got the result and a few thing came out abnormal here is the the abnormal things that came out Lymphs (Absolute) 3.3 ALT (SGPT) 48WBC abnormal 11-30 and I don’t understand much about this results.


Hi Dr. G, Sarah Hooper from Houston, TX here. Very thankful for you and your team! My 1.5 year old daughter has cradle cap…is it really just an oily buildup? Or is it a bacterial thing? Also, my friends 6 MO baby is very sick in a Malaysian Hospital. It started when they moved to Napal. Symptoms in order: Very Bad Eczema all over, dry diapers, vomiting, Very high white blood cell count, strong IV Antibiotics, her skin is pealing all over even worse than before, Oral Thrush, White Blood Cell Count is still increasing. Dr. said maybe it’s sepsis.

Good morning, doc, SuzyQ here, 1. I appreciate you Doc. for getting up the C-Pap Protocol.However, the Homeopathy you had me order in March 2024, Carboneum Oxygensatum in 3 strengths, isn't what is listed in the C--Pap Protocol. I ordered these and now it seems they are the wrong ones? Which am I to use? I need to understand. If these are wrong, what do I do with them? I have asked Bob, my Coach. He says to ask you. What do I do? 2. Also, my 55th Class Reunion is occurring soon! I want to present your points to them for your Subscription Service as over 40 Classmates have passed! and maybe we could discuss some ideas about how I could promote your information to the class. Can you help me to present and sell your Subscription Service? A brief presentation? Thanks so much for any help you could give me!

My right side of ribs hurt and I have a tendency to lean forward in my posture.


Hi Doc! Peanuts & Peanut Butter. Is it a food you feel is safe to eat in either limited amounts or eaten daily? Thank you for all of the information you share! How much exercise do you recommend for a healthy person on a weekly basis? Do you recommend resistance training?


I have some confusion on dosing. You recommend on most of the products 1 bottle/100 lbs/month. At 140 lbs I assume I need 1 and 1/2 bottle/month and my dose would be 1 and 1/2 times the label dose. With your blender recipe you recommend 2 scoops TT, 2 scoops osteo etc. Can you please explain what a 140 lb dose would be? I am on the arthritis health recovery protocol. Thank you!


Wondering why the tangy tangerine only has 4% of potassium?


It's Grant from Iowa. What is the best way to obtain a Carroll Food test? Also, when is the best time to take the Ultimate Microbiome? I have been taking 2 scoops first thing in the morning with the other 90. Lastly, my seasonal allergies have hit me exceptionally hard this year. Specifically in my sinuses, resulting in pain around the eyes and swollen lymph nodes in the neck. I am seeing a chiropractor/applied kiniesiologiest, and am also taking the ultimate microbiome in the morning and am alernating between the flora fx and nightly essence before bed.


My husband struggles with severe ADHD. He is also very sensitive to medication. The doctor put him on Adderall and he had horrible side affects, we then tried Wellbutrin and the side affects were less but not tolerable. I have started him on the Youngevity minerals this week and would like to know what else you might recommend for him. I am trying to introduce products carefully because his system is so sensitive. So far he is doing just for on the minerals. However, he really needs help with memory and focus, he is 60 years old.


Hi Doctor This is my first time on the chat. I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, a 3 mm aneurysm rt posterior compunction artery and thyroid nodules. Should I follow the protocol foe osteoporosis or something else? Thanks Dee Communicating not compunction.


Are the pill form health packets as good as the liquid form?? Do they work as well?


Doc do I need to continue with my liver gallbladder support if my alt are now in the normal range? What would you suggest for maintenance? I’ve been doing the starter pak/plant derived since dec 2023 and will continue forever. Thanks Doc for everything and is always good hearing your live shows!

By the way I don’t have a gallbladder and also taking the ultimate digestive enzymes


Also, did I hear you say flossing and dental cleaning is not good for our teeth?


Customer with lymphedema right leg started after he had surgery for prostate cancer and had nine length nose removed. His leg is completely swollen and foot pain in the solve the foot ankle and calf gets work when he has to work tingles and burns and makes his leg very restless. Already takes the 90 plus Selenium, Oceans Gold, Ultimate Enzymes and i26 perhaps not to body weight however. Weighs 215 lbs, 69 years old, 5’9”. Thank you for your help.


Hey Doc! Ken B. here. It's been a little better than 2 weeks since I did a 72 hour fast. Would you recommend a minimal amount of time between fasts? I had such good results from the first one, that I'm anxious to do another. Thanks for all your help!


Ivan. Hi dr Glidden I rewrote the blood test results Lymphs (Absolute) Normal rage from .07 to 3.1 my result is 3.3. ALT (SGPT) normal range is from 0 to 44 my result is 48. WBC normal range is 4500 to 11000 microliter my results is 1100. My is 11 to 30 L


Hello David in Florida. I am wondering if a product called “Masterpiece” is something you have an opinion for. Dr Robert Young, ND, has formulated and avidly studied this. I want to be rid of autism symptoms and my friends too. And is this the product you had on your website where the physician got raided by FDA recently? Or if not, what was that product and its creator…? 2. And what are the things that could go wrong with my mom if she co tiniest to keep a bad tooth and not get it extracted ? I want to inform her and give her strong information that will move her. Bc right now she won’t spend the money for an extractions saying it is not affordable and she plans to wait indefinitely Pls help me to help her understand thank you What about sourdough bread made from buckwheat? Will that be ok according to the 12 bad foods ? Million thanks, (David your steadfast student in FL.lLOL)

Millie from S/E WI here...I'm a bit confused...Is it okay to take the high ORAC Tangy Tangerine tabs (2am and 2pm) rather than the Beyond Tangy Tangerine 2.5? ...versus just as an add on?


Hi Doc, I need the Elerberry Extract for your CPAP formula. I'm on the Fullscript site and they do not seem to ship to CANADA. Do I need this particular brand? Other brands of Elderberry are sold here in Canada. Richard

Aloha Dr. G, Larry is still coughing and wanting to make an appointment with you today is it possible? Thank you Wanee


6/4/24 Live Chat Q&A


5/28/24 Live Chat Q&A